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Snake Classic

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:35 am
by williamhare
Snake -
Your math and logic are fine on "the 1/13th rule", but that same weekly deduction should also roll into the Playoff weeks, right? I know
that potentially adds up to over 50 pts (in your example), but why should the Tomlinson
team be free and clear during the $$$ weeks?

Esoteric indeed, but this still should be nailed down.


Snake Classic

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:02 am
by RiFF
My take on the handling of BBDS points:

1st, the amount of points bid would have to be either deducted over a 13 week period or a 16 week period. In Snake's example the 50 points would either be deducted at a rate of 3.85 points per week for 13 weeks (50/13) or at a rate of 3.13 per week for 16 weeks (50/16). I don't believe it would make sense to deduct the 13 week total for 16 weeks because that would total 61.6 points (3.85x16) deducted, not the 50 points originally bid.

2nd, I would favor the 50 points being deducted over the 13 week period vs. the 16 week period for a couple of reasons. The 1st reason is getting into the playoffs reqires a successful H2H record during the 13 week period where each team is playing every other team 1 time. Therefore the total points bid is effecting each game equally that determines which teams get into the playoffs. 2nd, the alternate way to get into the playoffs is through total points scored, therefore deducting the total points bid during the first 13 weeks has the greatest impact on which teams reach the playoffs. Additionally, 2 teams will get a bye in week 14, meaning if the total points bid were deducted over a 16 week period the total amount bid wouldn't be deducted, because of the bye in week 14 for 2 teams. Everyone has the opportunity to bid as many points as they desire for any draft slot; to the extent they bid correctly and they drafted well and were able to overcome the negative points to get into the playoffs, the playoffs start a "new" season and everyone starts on equal footing.

[ June 24, 2007, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: RiFF ]

Snake Classic

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:27 am
by RiFF
Originally posted by SNAKE:
; so if an owner bids 50 points to attain the #1 slot By the way, I can state with utmost confidence, no one will get the #1 slot for 50 points. :D

Snake Classic

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:26 pm
by williamhare
Riff makes enough sense. Just go that way. At least now it has been addressed. My LT scenario
was just a convenient example. He will most
assuredly not play a large role in fantasy '07.
And you know I mean that, beb.

Snake Classic

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:04 am
by Nutty Scrat
Concerning the deductions of points over the season. I think I would lean toward deducting the points over the 13 week regular season rather than over 16 weeks which would include the playoffs. The reasoning is that if you deduct the points over the 16 weeks those people who don't make the playoffs do not benefit in anyway of the points that were deducted through week 14 - 16. Those extra 1,2,5 or whatever points that were available each week for deduction in week 1 - 13 that were used in weeks 13 - 16 could determine whether or not a team wins or loses a game during the regular season. Which may in turn affect a team making or not making the playoffs. Just a thought from the bleachers! LOL Have a good day all!

Snake Classic

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:57 am
by wayne123
My Dear Snake and leader of the chum-chum nation,

OK.....I have my satire limits...let me get straight to the point.

If we are going to place bids on our KDS selections (and I do like that idea), why not bid with our free agency dollars instead of reducing points in scoring? This would allow risk to be taken on an owners ability to obtain free agents during the entire season. I think it would accomplish the same goal while not disrupting the scoring system. What say you, Snake and others?
