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Post by mkrucek » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:30 am

Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
Agreed, 4D. I think this is a case of those of us who look at the reasons he stated for not doing the event, mostly monetary in nature, are wondering about the sincerity of these reasons based on the potential monetary gain we see if he would do the challenge. I believe I used the term narrow-mindedness up above. You can't blame anyone in either league from wanting this to happen as more money for Lenny and Greg could translate into more money for us participants. Personally, I don't give a rat's *ss about him or his reasons as if I wanted to play wcoff'ers I'd join that league but from a pure FF perspective it would be fun. Tamu, you're right except for one thing. Lenny didn't give any reasons for not doing it, just that he had reasons. Another poster gave the reasons in the post that Snake put up. From our standpoint it would be a lot of fun, even as a spectator.

Or did you mean you agreed about us kicking ass?
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Post by LFW » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:37 am

I gotta agree with the including others.

Why just WCOFF? Why not Payday Sports, Fantasy Jungle, FFTOC, CDM, Sports Buff, etc etc?
Main Reason I can come up with is WCOFF still has the biggest single prize so they are considered the Top Dog..rightfully or not.

Before I posted the FFTOC alternative thread I actually thought of Payday sports..but when I seached and went to see their site they already have created their own Challenge for Top 5 finishers in Wcoff,NFFC and their own to compete. So I guess they are interested in proving them selfs vs both NFFC and WCOFF but in their own way.
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Post by TURBOUGH » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:39 am

Originally posted by Nag':
Yeah, Greg does appreciates his clients. But nobody appreciates a jerk with a foul mouth, even as a customer

And you're right, I don't know the facts why you got booted by Lenny but I do know that you go around message boards calling people "idiots" and using phrases like "fuk you". But I guess that doesn't constitute "running your mouth" in your world. In your world, I'm the one guilty of this for calling you out on your disrespectful communication habits. [QB]You are right to an extent. Idiot can be used in a laughing way. Notice that I did edit my comments earlier but that isn't what got me removed.

[ July 19, 2006, 01:40 PM: Message edited by: TURBOUGH ]

Gordon Gekko
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Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:53 am

Originally posted by 4D:
Gordon, I don't equate this with the Olympics. the olympics is about representing your country and competing against the best. the same as the proposed wcoff/nffc challenge.
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Post by mikeybok » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:09 am

Originally posted by 4D:
Attacking someone that gave his opinion on why wcoff wouldn't do it is silly. Look how some of you defend this league against perceived slights. Just for the record ... at lot of this stuff is WCOFFers ripping on ex WCOFFers. As for people giving crap to Nag ... he is one of the more level heads out here. I just don't get why people like to hate him so much. Let me guess Nag ... your crime is your guilty of winning some championship somewhere? :rolleyes:

Nag, Thanks for the info ... by the way ... I would hope you would be included a WCOFF NFFC matchup if we decide to do something on our own.

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Matt Hooper
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Post by Matt Hooper » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:09 am

...why does it have to be your country vs their country?

I gotta say - I've tried to get in to the NFFC for the last 2 years (ask Greg he keeps guilting me ) - and I just haven't had the schedule or wallet to get in...

So, do I consider myself a 'WCOFFer' because I'm only involved in it currently? I suppose I may have in the begining (3-4 years ago) because that was the only high-stakes event I really new about...

But I'm a Fantasy Footballer - and I just want to play the game - any game - and do my best at it - where ever that is...

I'd offer a variation of this challenge that could allow for some appeasement of the WCOFF vs NFFC egos (that everyone seems to have)...

We could do a simple non-sanctioned, WTA (winner take all) with two team captains... One captain from NFFC - One from WCOFF. Each Captain has to pick 5 owners from their own event and 6 from the other - and we just tally up all main event points for the entire fantasy season...

Winner take all...

Two-fold perk - it kinda satisfies rivalries internal to each event - and rivalries between events...

Then - if we show the powers that be of each event that we're having fun and pulling it off without them - they'll likely want to take over something similar in the future.

If not - we keep doing it - or refine it further - and not have to pay management/infrastructure fees to anyone but ourselves...
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Post by Nag' » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:52 am

Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
quote:Originally posted by 4D:
Attacking someone that gave his opinion on why wcoff wouldn't do it is silly. Look how some of you defend this league against perceived slights. Just for the record ... at lot of this stuff is WCOFFers ripping on ex WCOFFers. As for people giving crap to Nag ... he is one of the more level heads out here. I just don't get why people like to hate him so much. Let me guess Nag ... your crime is your guilty of winning some championship somewhere? :rolleyes:

Nag, Thanks for the info ... by the way ... I would hope you would be included a WCOFF NFFC matchup if we decide to do something on our own.

[/QUOTE]Thanks. I appreciate the kind words, honestly.
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Gordon Gekko
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Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:56 am

Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
Just for the record ... at lot of this stuff is WCOFFers ripping on ex WCOFFers. pretty much agree on that one.

Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
As for people giving crap to Nag ... he is one of the more level heads out here. I just don't get why people like to hate him so much. Let me guess Nag agree on that one as well.

WTF - this is turning into a lovefest.
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Post by TURBOUGH » Wed Jul 19, 2006 8:57 am

and I get in trouble for non abbreviations....(wtf) :D

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