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SNAKEtakes for 2010 NFL Playoffs

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:42 pm
by Eddiejag
Snake if the Cowboys win this week just out of respect to the Boys it would be nice for the rest of the fantasy pool that you do not address them as the Cowgirls. Thanks much from Cowboy nation.

SNAKEtakes for 2010 NFL Playoffs

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:07 am
by Eddiejag
OK HERE are the winners for this week.

Cowboys ive never picked againest them , ever.
Indy they will win by more than 14
Arizona could win the game.
San Diego Sanchez wont survive.

SNAKEtakes for 2010 NFL Playoffs

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:09 am
by mikeybok
Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by Eddiejag:
Snake if the Cowboys win this week just out of respect to the Boys it would be nice for the rest of the fantasy pool that you do not address them as the Cowgirls. Thanks much from Cowboy nation. ...uhm, not a chance Eddie ...GK [/QUOTE]:D Classic ... not that you were at any risk.

[ January 12, 2010, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Ugly Yellow Tomatoes ]

SNAKEtakes for 2010 NFL Playoffs

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:50 am
by rkulaski
Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
quote:Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
like i said...when 90% of people like one team ( packers )then go the other way. Excellent point, Frank. I knew there was a logical explanation for the ref's non-calls in overtime. [/QUOTE]You must have been watching the game with rose colored glasses, cause the first two scores (or two of three) by the fudge packers were referee helped on borderline calls and non-calls.
[/QUOTE]How about Fitzgerald's mugging of Woodson on one of his TD's? That was CLEAR offensive pass interference. What about the phantom roughing-the-passer call on Cullen Jenkins when he was pushed into Warner? Bad job by the officials overall -- but definitely more calls (or, more specifically, non-calls) that went against Green Bay.

I can guarantee that this crew will NOT be in Miami on February 7th.
[/QUOTE]The facemask on Rodgers the last play of the game was a no call although I guess I can see how the refs missed that. Driver's holding call - didn't think that it was. Jenkins was blocked into Warner as well. Refs made some mistakes on both sides of the ball but the Packers were definitely short changed more so than the Cards.

SNAKEtakes for 2010 NFL Playoffs

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:54 am
by rkulaski
I'll take the:


That should put me to 5-3 going into the championship games.

SNAKEtakes for 2010 NFL Playoffs

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:58 am
SAINTS.. late score to cover
COWBOYS..favre knocked out.tavaris 2int's
JETS...back door cover 24-17