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2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:32 am
by ultimatefs
There can be no "black and white" rule because whatever that is determined to be, will ONLY open up another can of worms on where to draw that fine line, and thus MAKE THE PROBLEM EVEN WORSE.

There are some items a commish HAS to rule on and this is one of them.

As someone that has had to make these decisions for 23 years now, I give the "writers" from Iola ;) a very high grade on the decisions they have made so far.

Not only in hindsight, but for the guts to make tough decisions right away KNOWING that you're NOT going to bat 1.000.

I'm with Ted. Next.

2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:34 am
by Tom Kessenich
"Writers from Iola."


2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:38 am
by ultimatefs
Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
"Writers from Iola."

Nice. I've been taking writing lessons. Thanks. ;)

2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:38 am
by renman

I agree with you. Again, this is me making an effort to bring up a topic that mattered this year. We could easily go back and look at the thread again because I cannot remember who it was that the most vocal about this issue, even going as far as to apologize to Greg regarding how passionate he was about it.

He had a "black and white" fix for this issue. I cannot remember what it was. I think it was something like "any player who was drafted higher then say the 6th round and released in only one league, cannot be picked up by another team." Something like that.

Since you guys are so interested in the "next topic", please bring one up. I will be waiting with great enthusiasm...

2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:03 am
by wayne123

I think that bringing up these topics has a benefit for the entire league. I don't mind...if a topic bores me...I just skip the related posts. Regarding D. Williams, let us imagine for a moment that D. Williams had a huge second half of the season. I think this may have swayed popular opinion regarding this mannor. But, stopping the action would have remained problematic. At some point, the commish has to become an arbitor. Hopefully, he uses a small panel or asks for input from some other people before making such a decision. But, regardless the decision has to be made within a week and without a crystal ball. So, while I respect your patience and dedication by revisiting this issue, I agree that it may be time to move on (which I see you have already done).

2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:20 am
by renman
Originally posted by Blue_Foot:

I think that bringing up these topics has a benefit for the entire league. I don't mind...if a topic bores me...I just skip the related posts. Regarding D. Williams, let us imagine for a moment that D. Williams had a huge second half of the season. I think this may have swayed popular opinion regarding this mannor. But, stopping the action would have remained problematic. At some point, the commish has to become an arbitor. Hopefully, he uses a small panel or asks for input from some other people before making such a decision. But, regardless the decision has to be made within a week and without a crystal ball. So, while I respect your patience and dedication by revisiting this issue, I agree that it may be time to move on (which I see you have already done). Blue,

Again, I PERSONALLY do not have strong feelings about this specific rule issue. I just remember it being heated in the middle of the season. I remember it ending with "we can revisit this in the offseason." We are in the "lets talk about NFFC issues here during the offseason" thread right?

Say Williams averaged 25 for me in the post season and I won 100K because of it thanks to this move. Would it then be an issue? If this topic comes up every year, why not discuss it? Would it hurt something to discuss it? Am I missing something?

If someone has a different or better topic, feel free to bring one up. I don't see any.

[ January 04, 2007, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: renman ]

2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:28 am
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by UFS:
quote:Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
"Writers from Iola."

Nice. I've been taking writing lessons. Thanks. ;)
[/QUOTE]I got a kick out of it.

2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:46 am
by GOD Loves You
I have a question, does the NFFC have any type of brochures or literature that would help promote the draft down here?? I know word of mouth and the mags are great, but it would be nice if there was something I could use to promote the draft in Tampa for next season.

Thought maybe I could go around to the sports bars and with the owners permission, place some advertisements in the establishments to generate even more interest. There's quite a few folks around here who play, but are totally unaware of the NFFC. If it weren't for me being a Hansen(no, not the group ) fan, I wouldn't have heard about the NFFC. I read about it and the other contest in the Guru's magazine.

It would be nice to fill more than 2.5 leagues for football, as this is what the NFBC had down here last year(I think).

Just want to make sure the Tampa location is the best it can be by having a substantial amount of participants.

2007 NFFC Plans

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:46 am
by TamuScarecrow
Team qbs vs. individual qbs. I played in a local league for many years where we used team qb instead of individual and it carried the same strategy process without the injury factor. Example: Steve McNair goes down in the second series of the game in Week 15. Kyle Boller comes in and puts up monster numbers. Players in the NFFC who started McNair made the right strategy choice as the passing matchup was excellent but got penalized because of the injury. With team qb, you keep the strategy in the selection and get the points for all qbs for the team that you start but take away the injury factor.

In the past, people have tried dragging in the argument if you are going to have team qb why don't you have team rb and team wr and team everything else, but qb is THE unique position as the trigger man for the offense. How many football games have you seen without a qb? I can only think of one in my lifetime and that was Tom Matte of the Colts back in the 60's when Unitas and Cuozzo went down. And as my good buddy, Diesel, would attest, it's no fun when you have to go a week without a qb. :D