What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by Quahogs » Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:32 am

I think it's a smart move for the NFFC. The goal is to keep the losing teams coming back. 75% or so will play and not win a cent. A good % of those will have had a bad draft. They will most likely blame their poor team on their draft position which is out of their control. Their rationale would be why bother ponying up again, I'll probably get stuck with another bad slot. Put the onus on the individual. After yet another bad season that owner can then blame THEMSELVES for choosing a bad slot and then focus next season on allocating $ on what they're sure of is a premo pick position. I'm sort of talking from experience ;)


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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by ultimatefs » Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:36 am

Two things...

One, Greg needs to do a survey on all of us.

1) Number of years played.
2) Number of leagues per year.

I really doubt many first time fantasy players are here.

Secondly, just a thought, but like I said before, if you PR this feature to death, you could make it the STANDARD of the industry. (yes, I'll take free teams for lifetime for this).

How many WCOFF members would switch? 12-teams leagues are about 100 times more likely to have draft slot issues.

Raise the prize to $200K and you'd get many of them to try.
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King of Queens
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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by King of Queens » Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:54 am

Originally posted by UFS:
Raise the prize to $200K and you'd get many of them to try. ...but only if we can keep the number of entrants to under 300 :D

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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by TamuScarecrow » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:15 am

We did this in GEKKO II this year and I would say it was a great success. It would teach the new guys how to use the FA system before the season ever got started and would give people like Nag and Snake more to whine about on the MB's. They could tell us how they ended up with the #12 spot because some klutz outbid them for the #1 spot or they could just tell all of us how they dreamed about the #12 spot all along.

I think it's a great idea, Greg. Only question is how would you break the tie between Nag and Snake when they both bid $999 on the #1 spot? :D
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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by DOOMSDAY » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:24 am

I am not a big fan of this proposition and as a former fantasy commish for many years, I know that no matter what, owners will find something to gripe about and claim to be unfair. Even though this thought was presented by Gordon, our defending champion, who as such shouldn't really have many complaints, this just seems to be something for people to bitch and moan about.

I do not see how this could in anyway be seen as a positive. It's not compicated at all, just doesn't really seem to have much merit. What is so wrong with random positioning? You can't always control everything. Do you bid on what card you want to be dealt at the balckjack table? No, it's random. Luck of the draw.

What happens if there are ties? Suppose 5 owners all say the hell with it I want LT2 at any cost and all bid their entire 1000 FA dollars. Then what is to determine the tie-breaker? Guess what... another random drawing. Now how is that going to be percieved as fair.

This is not a keep-it-simple response. I think the NFFC has already done a great job in formatting the rules and scoring here. I just don't see how this could improve upon anything. Everything else about this game and even the sport itself is random, so why not the drafting order?

Gordon Gekko
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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:31 am

Originally posted by DOOMSDAY:
I do not see how this could in anyway be seen as a positive. maybe that's why your name is doomsday

Originally posted by DOOMSDAY:
Everything else about this game and even the sport itself is random, so why not the drafting order? do you randomly select who you draft? do you randomly select who you start each week? geez, i feel bad for some of you out there.
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Gordon Gekko
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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:33 am

Originally posted by Quahogs:
Put the onus on the individual. After yet another bad season that owner can then blame THEMSELVES for choosing a bad slot and then focus next season on allocating $ on what they're sure of is a premo pick position.
Q well said hog.
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King of Queens
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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by King of Queens » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:36 am

Originally posted by DOOMSDAY:
What happens if there are ties? Suppose 5 owners all say the hell with it I want LT2 at any cost and all bid their entire 1000 FA dollars. Then what is to determine the tie-breaker? Guess what... another random drawing. Now how is that going to be percieved as fair.This is a good point. I guess you will always have unhappy people, no matter how many times a week they see their therapists.

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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by Nag' » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:41 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Nag':
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
see what you started nag - it must be sandbag gekko week ..or year. [/QUOTE]na, it can't be year. i've already made more money in fantasy baseball this year, than you'll make playing fantasy football the next two, three, or four years.
[/QUOTE]Just remember....you're about to lose more this season than I (or most) have lost or will lose playing fantasy football the next two, three, or four years.

[To all, sorry for the thread highjacking]
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Gordon Gekko
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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:43 am

Originally posted by King of Queens:
This is a good point. I guess you will always have unhappy people, no matter how many times a week they see their therapists. ties (will be a small %) with blind bidding on draft slots are broken randomly.

ties with free agent bidding are broken by simplying awarding the player to the team with the worst league record.

advantage blind bidding
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