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The quietest day for the NFFC

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:42 am
by slam
I second that emotion.......

Auctions are the fairest way to draft

The quietest day for the NFFC

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:43 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Diesel:
Today is the quietest day of the year for the NFFC. That other event is taking place today. The one with batters and pitchers and HGH and all that ( )

People are waking up, like it's Christmas morning, with anticipation. I can't help but be a little

But I still see a few of the Diehards popping their heads in here today...At least I know I'm not the only football nut...

This is like the day where the boss leaves the office. HELLO? Is anybody there? ;) See Marc, I'M BAAAAAAACK!!!

Good post on our Christmas Day for NFBC members!!! :D Baseball couldn't have gone any better this year for us as we sold out the main event for the fourth straight year and our auction leagues and satellite leagues set record numbers again!!! Just an amazing season, but obviously a lot of work this off-season.

All of the rosters are entered, so it's time to put my focus back on football. Stay tuned on these Message Boards because we hope to finalize our schedules in the next week on a few new projects. Should be fun.

Anyway, I'll be checking these boards each day going forward, so let's get the chatter going as the NFL Draft approaches. I'll be there in Manhattan and hope to hook up with King of Queens and others on that Saturday. Should be a blast if you want to join us at the ESPN Zone afterwards. Thanks man and let's get these boards cooking again. Believe it or not, we're only five months away from Draft Day!!! ;)

The quietest day for the NFFC

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:37 pm
by Diesel
Everything is right in the world other fantasy sport's draft is over and everyone can concentrate on the fantasy sport of champions. I'm not yet one of the said champions, but it sounds nice... ~

The quietest day for the NFFC

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:06 am
by Sound Advice
Originally posted by Diesel:
...That other fantasy sport's draft...If NFFC draft can be compared to Christmas day, the baseball draft would equate to Valentine's day.

The quietest day for the NFFC

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:44 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Sound Advice:
quote:Originally posted by Diesel:
...That other fantasy sport's draft...If NFFC draft can be compared to Christmas day, the baseball draft would equate to Valentine's day. [/QUOTE]All I know is that it sure felt like Christmas Day to 390 die-hard baseball fans on Saturday in Las Vegas, New York, Chicago and Orlando!! :D And in baseball, drafts last about two hours longer, so it was a LOOOOOOOOONG Christmas Day!! :D

But I'm ready for the NFFC's Christmas Day, so let's get it going. Tom will start working on our first football magazine on Monday and I trust we'll have some early rankings very soon. Then we'll have our first NFFC Champions League draft, and our KP Experts League draft and our first NFFC Auction League. The fun is right around the corner. :D

The quietest day for the NFFC

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 2:56 pm
by Purple Helmets
Originally posted by BillyWaz:
After doing a few satellites for that "other sport", I admit that I too am a little jealous, and would love to have been a part of the fun.

That being said, when is that auction for the Krause magazine and the first NFFC satellite scheduled??? ;) I decided to jump into the NFBC this year and with the draft now over, I couldn't be any happier with that decision. It's nice to have a high stakes main event draft for baseball or football every six months, and hopefully basketball will continue to grow as well.

Nice to meet old NFFC friends during the NFBC event as well. Yes, life is good...VERY good...

The quietest day for the NFFC

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:02 pm
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by Purple Helmets:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
After doing a few satellites for that "other sport", I admit that I too am a little jealous, and would love to have been a part of the fun.

That being said, when is that auction for the Krause magazine and the first NFFC satellite scheduled??? ;) It's nice to have a high stakes main event draft for baseball or football every six months, and hopefully basketball will continue to grow as well.
[/QUOTE]I enjoyed the baseball satellites, but I can GUARANTEE that I will NEVER, EVER, get involved in fantasy basketball!! :D

The quietest day for the NFFC

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:58 pm
by sportsbettingman
It's destiny that you jump in head over heels, Billy!

Baseball has so much more control, science and time to adjust.

Right up your alley!

I'd bet even without a free'll be in the NFBC main in 2009.

Football still takes over my entire life once the season begins...but baseball has its own allure that gives you 6 plus months of DAILY enjoyment.
