Monday Night Football Tops MLB Playoffs

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Shrink Attack
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Monday Night Football Tops MLB Playoffs

Post by Shrink Attack » Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:33 am

Originally posted by Money:
quote:Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
Wow, now I see what you baseball fans mean. I'm breathless. How am I ever going to recover from the excitement of last night's 1-0 Phillies-Cardinals game? The Cards get one run in the first inning on two hits, and then the Phillies get 3 hits for the entire game! I mean, it was riveting this back and forth pitcher's duel. You talk about being glued to the television. How do baseball fans deal with all the adrenaline rushes? The fast-paced action? I barely had time to record a called strike on my scorecard before the next pitch was thrown. Don't these guys ever slow down? It's a young man's spectator sport, that's for sure. Especially for 3+ hours with no dead space. Shouldn't they be adding more commercials?.

The best part is that we now get a best-of-seven ALCS, NLCS, AND World Series! If we’re lucky, we’ll get 21 more games of this heart pumping action. Pure Nirvana!

Billy is wrong when he says that watching baseball is like picking out socks. It’s way more exciting than that. It’s like watching grass grow. No, wait a minute…it’s like watching paint dry. No, no…hold on…I got it. It’s like watching a toilet flush. Yep, that just about nails it.

I can't watch anymore of these playoffs because I'm gonna have a heart attack from all the non-stop action. Wake me when it’s over. :rolleyes:
Mr. Shrink,

I feel for you not being able to enjoy the classic game last night and yes it was a classic. Just the third 1-0 deciding game in major league history. I believe that there are many more football fans that truly enjoy both games than those that can simply enjoy the one. I could go on and on about the virtue of last nights game but it would fall on deaf ears with your opinion of the game. With that opinion I doubt you could've stood for watching the game in it's entirety. I feel sorry you for not being able to realize the same enjoyment out of the game that so many of us do.

Good luck with your season.
[/QUOTE]First of all, I do respect the fact that you're passionate about the game. There was no disrespect intended regarding that issue. You obviously get tons of enjoyment from it, so nobody could ever criticize that part.

Don't feel for me, though. I'd feel the same way about a turtle race. ;)

Good luck with with the rest of your season as well.
"Deserve" ain't got nothin' to do with it
---Clint Eastwood in The Unforgiven

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