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I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:15 am
by pizzatyme
Originally posted by RedRyder:
uffc, the cause I'm taking up is more of a freedom of speech cause. It has nothing to do with the AFFL situation. It has nothing to do with "putting words in your mouth".

I do not know you or Erok. But what I do know is he should be able to question the NFFC on their Message Board, ESPECIALLY since the NFFC posted on their Message Board that checks were sent out.

I do not want to be accused of putting words in your mouth again , but it seems from your posts that you took/take exception to his question. Which is fine, but if one posts, then it is reasonable to except other posts (some that do not share one's opinion). "...well you got several answers, but didn't like any of them"

Did I say that didn't like any of the answers? Nope, you said I didn't like any of them. How do you know I "didn't like any of them"? As a matter of fact, I loved Greg and Tom's reply.

So, that leaves Erok's reply which I didn't like.

I responded to his reply. That, to me, seems like the 1st Amendment working the way you seem to want it to.

Have a nice day. :D

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:37 pm
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by RedRyder:
quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
You Go Girl! :D I need to stay off these boards and prepare for baseball, huh!?! :D [/QUOTE]Okay, now that we've got this answered, let's get back to forming that Keeper League!! :D The truth of the matter is that we obviously paid everyone since nobody else came on this thread to say they hadn't gotten paid. Whatever clerical error delayed Eric's $500 payment is being worked out through Tom and our accounting department and I promise Eric will get his $500. AFFL's situation is spooking everyone, but trust me we have no problem securing our prize funds and paying folks as soon as possible after the NFFC season, which is what happened this year.
[/QUOTE]Keeper/ Dynasty, Either one, lets do it!!!!!!

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:27 pm
by RedRyder
Originally posted by ultimatefantasyfootballcheatsheets:
quote:Originally posted by RedRyder:
uffc, the cause I'm taking up is more of a freedom of speech cause. It has nothing to do with the AFFL situation. It has nothing to do with "putting words in your mouth".

I do not know you or Erok. But what I do know is he should be able to question the NFFC on their Message Board, ESPECIALLY since the NFFC posted on their Message Board that checks were sent out.

I do not want to be accused of putting words in your mouth again , but it seems from your posts that you took/take exception to his question. Which is fine, but if one posts, then it is reasonable to except other posts (some that do not share one's opinion). "...well you got several answers, but didn't like any of them"

Did I say that didn't like any of the answers? Nope, you said I didn't like any of them. How do you know I "didn't like any of them"? As a matter of fact, I loved Greg and Tom's reply.

So, that leaves Erok's reply which I didn't like.

I responded to his reply. That, to me, seems like the 1st Amendment working the way you seem to want it to.

Have a nice day. :D
[/QUOTE]Exactly why is it OKAY for YOU to exercise YOUR 1st Amendment rights and NOT OKAY EROK?

Nice double standard... :(

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:29 pm
by RedRyder
Originally posted by RI WORKHORSE:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by RedRyder:
quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
You Go Girl! :D I need to stay off these boards and prepare for baseball, huh!?! :D [/QUOTE]Okay, now that we've got this answered, let's get back to forming that Keeper League!! :D The truth of the matter is that we obviously paid everyone since nobody else came on this thread to say they hadn't gotten paid. Whatever clerical error delayed Eric's $500 payment is being worked out through Tom and our accounting department and I promise Eric will get his $500. AFFL's situation is spooking everyone, but trust me we have no problem securing our prize funds and paying folks as soon as possible after the NFFC season, which is what happened this year.
[/QUOTE]Keeper/ Dynasty, Either one, lets do it!!!!!!
[/QUOTE]It's coming...I'll leave uffc to his policing of the MB and start concentrating on the Dynasty League...sorry for getting sidetracked!!!! ;)

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:59 pm
by sportsbettingman
Originally posted by SNAKE: for Red Riding Hood & The Ultimate Cheat, and speaking as the strict pacifist that SNAKE clearly is, can't y'all get along here and simply agree to disagree on this topic?...SNAKE This could be the beginning of a beautiful "SNAKE/Billywaz" type friendship!

;) :D

It's gonna be a long off season for those who don't dip their toes in the NFBC!!!


I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:22 pm
by pizzatyme
Originally posted by RedRyder:
quote:Originally posted by ultimatefantasyfootballcheatsheets:
quote:Originally posted by RedRyder:
uffc, the cause I'm taking up is more of a freedom of speech cause. It has nothing to do with the AFFL situation. It has nothing to do with "putting words in your mouth".

I do not know you or Erok. But what I do know is he should be able to question the NFFC on their Message Board, ESPECIALLY since the NFFC posted on their Message Board that checks were sent out.

I do not want to be accused of putting words in your mouth again , but it seems from your posts that you took/take exception to his question. Which is fine, but if one posts, then it is reasonable to except other posts (some that do not share one's opinion). "...well you got several answers, but didn't like any of them"

Did I say that didn't like any of the answers? Nope, you said I didn't like any of them. How do you know I "didn't like any of them"? As a matter of fact, I loved Greg and Tom's reply.

So, that leaves Erok's reply which I didn't like.

I responded to his reply. That, to me, seems like the 1st Amendment working the way you seem to want it to.

Have a nice day. :D
[/QUOTE]Exactly why is it OKAY for YOU to exercise YOUR 1st Amendment rights and NOT OKAY EROK?

Nice double standard... :(
[/QUOTE]I'll slow down for you...I asked why he posted it on a public MB. I didn't say he couldn't post it. See the difference?

Asking the reason why and stopping his pursuit of his 1st amendment right are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS (see, I can type in ALL CAPS TOO).

As for policing the MB, I asked why, you are the one on here playing Defender of the Constitution.

Thanks so much for the engaging dialogue. ;)

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:24 pm
by pizzatyme
Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE: for Red Riding Hood & The Ultimate Cheat, and speaking as the strict pacifist that SNAKE clearly is, can't y'all get along here and simply agree to disagree on this topic?...SNAKE This could be the beginning of a beautiful "SNAKE/Billywaz" type friendship!

;) :D

It's gonna be a long off season for those who don't dip their toes in the NFBC!!!

[/QUOTE]Lance, I can assure you this will not happen.

I still have not received my prize money!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:27 pm
by pizzatyme
Originally posted by ultimatefantasyfootballcheatsheets:
Either way, why post this in a public forum? If the above question was interpreted as my attempt to sabotage Erok's ability to invoke his 1st Amendment rights, let me clearly state that wasn't my intention.

I simply wanted to know "why".

The end. :D