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Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:34 pm
by ultimatefs
"this volume" always happens week 1, and then drops off 30-40% next week. Would you spend all that extra $$ for just one week? This happens every year to almost every site.

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:35 pm
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by John Zaleski:
The masses have no clue that EVERY time you press a submit button, the server keeps processing the full request, eventhough you might press the stop button on your end. So these clowns keep press-stop-press-stop, etc at the speed of light and cry like babies when they don't get their info. Get a clue. Press submit, and WAIT. It will load and you only exponetionally make it worse by pounding on the system. Get a clue? I waited and waited and waited, then I got timed out. MULTIPLE TIMES!! You are way out of line, trying to turn this on us. We all paid big bucks for this. The website should have been up and running and TESTED BEFORE the season started. This should not be the consumers fault cause we keep hitting submit. We just want something that works. This was CLEARLY not the case today. You are wrong and it was bad form John. Shame on you for turning this on us. :mad:

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:41 pm
by wlfskp
Sorry John but I respectfully disagree I have been on several first day sites and the work fine...Espn, Yahoo, USA STATS to name 3. And I do not pay 1250 for any of those teams. Further, while this excuse was acceptable for baseball (first time) they have had months to prepare for football and to have a repeat which is affecting both games is inexcusable. Greg, as in baseball this service is the only let down involving your very fair and high class contests, could we not do better?

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:43 pm
by Hoosier Hick
John evidently doesnt have 1300 invested in baseball which was bogged down during the only free agent pick up period of the week.

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:53 pm
by ultimatefs
Sorry guys, not turning on any one of you, was talking in generalizations based on 10 years of watching Week 1 on the Net... ESPN, Yahoo, all have much vaster systems. CNNSI crashed all of Week 1 many moons ago.

Stats Inc fantasy does well, but not those numbers. From the baseball comment, I guess that the baseball game is on the same server.

Gecko, isn't there a phone number to call moves in also? If there's not, you have every reason to be mad. If there is, you have no excuse. I'm not 100% sure.

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 2:59 pm
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by John Zaleski:
Gecko, isn't there a phone number to call moves in also? If there's not, you have every reason to be mad. If there is, you have no excuse. I'm not 100% sure. didn't see a phone #. even if there was one, leaving a change would be at my own risk. from the rules...

B. Lineup Submission: All lineups may be submitted on the league web site and must be entered prior to the scheduled kickoff for the game affected.

C. NFFC Phone In: All transactions should be made online via the league website. In the event you cannot access a computer to make your moves, STATS, Inc., one of the largest and most respected providers of statistics and fantasy games, can accept transactions via phone during normal business hours. You will need your login and password to submit transactions via phone. You may leave transactions on voice mail during non-business hours, however, you do so at your own risk and any and all changes which result in an invalid lineup, will be voided.

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 3:02 pm
by King of Queens
Originally posted by DIESEL02:
what I'm more concerned about in the NY AUCTION LEAGUE is TEAM MILLER who already is playing a dead team with Bennett and Boldin....what the f#$% !!! As luck would have it, I'm playing him this week. Very surprising indeed. After a fantastic auction event, I'm disappointed, but I'll take the W...

...I hope!

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 4:06 pm
by ultimatefs
Geck, thanks for the info... Did you set a default lineup just in case?

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 4:38 pm
Gotta say that this is a time where I do agree with Gordon. Should not be any issues of this magnitude especially considering that the draft was a week prior to the season starting thus allowing ample time to have tested. As it was, not until players in the DM announced after the first game that scoring was not being tabulated correctly was anything done. I'm not being a hard ass but that should have been a real simple test to check on. When you drop the type of coin we do in the high stakes events, it isn't much to ask that basic technology issues are addressed prior to the season starting. Baseball gave you the head start thus it seems someone in the IT department fell asleep at the switch. Just my .02

Website Trouble

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:24 pm
by ericttspikes
I realize that there are week one snafu's with some sites, and hope that is the case here. Rtsports had a server crash today, noted the problem online and fixed it immediately. It's almost midnight and no one seems to know what's up and the problem isn't resolved. Bottom line is that this is billed as a first class league and the site isn't on par with "budget" sites that I have other leagues on like rtsports and fanball. If this was my neighborhood nickle and dime league then I might agree that it isn't a big deal, but for this kind of entrance fee the website should be working.