Playoff System Protest

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Playoff System Protest

Post by BLACKHAND » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:32 am

Originally posted by thegambler:
sorry but the nffc does not have the "BEST PLAYOFF FORMAT ANYWHERE" not for me at least.

i also have been playing fantasy football for a very long time and a playoff system should be in every league. it gives more teams a chance towards the end of the year. it gives the team that started out slow but now is scoring a chance to make the playoffs with points. 4 team playoff means more teams in the hunt till the end.

i know this has been talked about here forever and i know the vets are very much against a playoff system but i think for future growth the nffc need to adopt a playoff structure. remember guys, this is a business....and businesses are here to make money and grow.

wcoff is dead but they had over 1000+ teams that played there. out of those 1000+ teams i am sure half moved to either here or the ffpc. the goal is to keep the people that came here and try and get some of the guys that took the year off.

yeah i am a first year guy here so i know my opinion doesn't mean much to most of you....but in order to grow you do need to listen to your new people and potential customers. i came over here from wcoff with a few guys and all of them, unfortunately, are going to move over to the ffpc next year just because of the plyoff system or better yet non-playoff system here. everyone is entitled to your own opinion. you say : " in order to grow you need to listen to the new people and potential customers " . what about the longtime players they would lose if the luck factor of a playoff system would come about. the NFFC in my opinion has the best playoff system. hope it never changes cause i like it here. growth also comes thru longtime and loyal people whom get treated good here.

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Playoff System Protest

Post by BLACKHAND » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:34 am

Originally posted by mattjb:
players here want the best teams to win.

the whole premise of this thread is "I have the 4th best team but I want to win 1st place money" LMAO :D :D :D

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Playoff System Protest

Post by thegambler » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:38 am

Originally posted by mattjb:
players here want the best teams to win.

the whole premise of this thread is "I have the 4th best team but I want to win 1st place money" yes i know this is not the nfl...but the best team doesn't always win. that is what makes playoffs fun.

reward the people for their record and points during the regular season (cash prize for most points and best records) and then have a two week playoff with the top seeds getting the difference in avg against their opponents. my guess is that the best team will win most of the time. but of course you will have upsets....

#1 seed avg 155 during regular season #4 seed avg 140 during regular season. so that game the #1 seed starts out with a 15 point advantage.

same thing will go for the #'s 2 and 3 seeds. followed by the same for the finals.

we actually do soemthing similar to this in another elague i am in. and the majority of the time the higher seed wins but of course there are upsets. we draft kickers and def to make our teams look more like regular teams but we dump playoffs :confused:

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Playoff System Protest

Post by thegambler » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:40 am

Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
everyone is entitled to your own opinion. you say : " in order to grow you need to listen to the new people and potential customers " . what about the longtime players they would lose if the luck factor of a playoff system would come about. the NFFC in my opinion has the best playoff system. hope it never changes cause i like it here. growth also comes thru longtime and loyal people whom get treated good here. [/QB]i agree with you always give special treatment to your long time loyal customers, that is just good business and it looks like greg and tom are listening...thats what good owners do.

[ November 15, 2011, 02:41 PM: Message edited by: thegambler ]

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Playoff System Protest

Post by BLACKHAND » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:51 am

gambler..... seems like you enjoy the hsff game. odds are you will be back. :cool:

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Playoff System Protest

Post by renman » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:24 am

I am 7-3 in the classic, second in record in my league and have almost zero chance to cash in my league. I personally like the NFFC playoff format. I like the balance between H2H (that does have a luck component but creates a ton of fun) and total points. Every year we have people who get frustrated with the NFFC because the stakes are so high.

I am not a big fan of watering down the value of the regular season and turning who wins and loses into more of a crap shoot. Look at what MLB has done. They used to have a regular season that filtered out the weaker teams and left the cream of the crop to play for the championships.

Now, with watered down regular seasons, wild cards (talk of more wild cards) you end up with a situation like this year where a team like the Cardinals, who based on the history of baseball, didn't even deserve to be in the playoffs, simply get hot and run over the teams who played best all year.

I understand the ULTIMATE winner of the top prizes in the NFFC is the team who got hot during the playoffs... but that team should be among teams who deserved to be there via regular season excellence.

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Playoff System Protest

Post by thegambler » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:39 am

Originally posted by Renman:
I understand the ULTIMATE winner of the top prizes in the NFFC is the team who got hot during the playoffs... but that team should be among teams who deserved to be there via regular season excellence. you just gave the great example of how the best team doesn't always win. most of the time when it comes down to the 3 week sprint (champioship playoffs) the best regular season team, i bet, rarely wins it all.

Ry's Guys
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Playoff System Protest

Post by Ry's Guys » Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:40 am

I played in the FFPC last year and was not happy when the music stopped playing after just 11 weeks. It was not enough time to let the cream rise to the top. 13 weeks is a much better system. It gives you a chance to gain the most or 2nd most points and get to the playoffs/championship round.

I wouldn't want my season in the balance and have studs like Brees, Rothlisberger, Foster, Mendy, Wallace , A. Johnson, Sproles, Colston, Graham, etc. on my bench!
Seriously how is that a fair way to determine the "best" teams? You need as many weeks as possible with your full team to let the best teams come through.

NFFC does offer playoffs. Finish with the best record and not the most points (or vice versa) and you have a 3 week playoff.

Some of you have said you want a more NFL type of experience. How is an 11 week season more like the NFL?

You have 13 weeks to get the most points, second most points or best W-L record. Those teams are in the playoffs/championship round.
We can't be like the NBA or NHL and put 8 teams from each division into the playoffs. There should be a reward for finishing first. Not a watered down 30-35% of the prize pool. If you are paying 4 spots every winner gets less money.

If you are the best team (most points) through 13 weeks you deserve the money.
As for the comment that there are no playoffs? That's what weeks 14-16 are!

If we want to discuss adding a 4th team to the championship, but no prize money for the regular season, that might be something to throw around. Personally I prefer it the way it is.
Pat Sorge

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Playoff System Protest

Post by TR » Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:28 am

Originally posted by Renman:
I am 7-3 in the classic, second in record in my league and have almost zero chance to cash in my league. I personally like the NFFC playoff format. I like the balance between H2H (that does have a luck component but creates a ton of fun) and total points. Every year we have people who get frustrated with the NFFC because the stakes are so high.

I am not a big fan of watering down the value of the regular season and turning who wins and loses into more of a crap shoot. Look at what MLB has done. They used to have a regular season that filtered out the weaker teams and left the cream of the crop to play for the championships.

Now, with watered down regular seasons, wild cards (talk of more wild cards) you end up with a situation like this year where a team like the Cardinals, who based on the history of baseball, didn't even deserve to be in the playoffs, simply get hot and run over the teams who played best all year.

I understand the ULTIMATE winner of the top prizes in the NFFC is the team who got hot during the playoffs... but that team should be among teams who deserved to be there via regular season excellence. The Cards absolutely deserved to be in playoffs...just as the packers did in NFL

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Playoff System Protest

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:17 pm

Originally posted by Bullgod:

I wouldn't want my season in the balance and have studs like Brees, Rothlisberger, Foster, Mendy, Wallace , A. Johnson, Sproles, Colston, Graham, etc. on my bench!
Seriously how is that a fair way to determine the "best" teams? You need as many weeks as possible with your full team to let the best teams come through.
I agree 100%.

VERY tight race for points in my FFPC league.

I am 5 behind, and lose Roethlisberger and Graham this week.

Guy in front of me loses Brees, Foster, Sproles, Kasay, and Houston D.

Guy 15-20 points back loses Wallace and Colston.

Not the most ideal way to settle who gets in the playoffs for sure, but will certainly be fun! :D

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