League Championship changes?

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League Championship changes?

Post by Diesel » Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:33 am

I fascilitated baseball--NFBC League 4 this year. I am into baseball, but I can't stand 6 months of accumulative Roto, so I take a few months off of fantasy during baseball. I used the money I made for fascilitating the baseball Event as a deposit on next year's DraftChampions...Now I have to work on joining the NFFC Auction 2005 again, and finally the NFFC 2005 main event. I'm doing what I can to make the doughnuts...lol...I was in all3 events last year, and would feel totally lost if I didn't have all 3 again in 2005...

And after fascilitating the baseball event, and Playing in the football events, I can honestly say that the football fascilitators have it a little easier with 14 teams, and 18 picks, as opposed to baseball at 15 teams, 30 picks. But honestly, I was just happy to be at the draft even though I wan't in the event.

[ March 28, 2005, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Diesel ]
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