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Who in the NFFC has actually played Football?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:43 pm
by Raiders
Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by Just Russ:
I still think I could throw a ball 50-60 yards too. :D ...whenever you're ready, simply put a significant dollar spot at mid-field and SNAKE will put it in the endzone...whenever you're ready, Comrade Russ...SNAKE [/QUOTE]What's so hard to believe? I know girls that can throw 40-45 yards. I'm sure a grow man like Russ could throw a football 50-60 yards.


Who in the NFFC has actually played Football?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:54 pm
by Raiders
Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by Raiders:
quote:Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by Just Russ:
I still think I could throw a ball 50-60 yards too. :D ...whenever you're ready, simply put a significant dollar spot at mid-field and SNAKE will put it in the endzone...whenever you're ready, Comrade Russ...SNAKE [/QUOTE]What's so hard to believe? I know girls that can throw 40-45 yards. I'm sure a grow man like Russ could throw a football 50-60 yards.

[/QUOTE]...of that SNAKE doesn't doubt...the skepticism seems to be on the other end though Raider Johnny...SNAKE
[/QUOTE]Gotcha and agree, I think I indeed know a girl that can throw a football futher than Russ. That's all I was trying to say. :D I'd be down for a little on that bet as well. ;)


Who in the NFFC has actually played Football?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:55 pm
by Raiders
Originally posted by Diesel:
I played 1 year in Lynvet Football in Howard Beach, Queens. I did more laps than anyone because I couldn't bare listening to the coach scream at us, so I was always the one to tell him off. Which made me do 100 pushups and 10 laps. EVERYTIME. After 1 season, I decided to just stick with baseball, which I played most of my youth. All-Star every year, until I broke my ankle. I found a new sport I LOVED in the time when I broke my ankle. GIRLS. That took me out of organized sports for a bit.

I did have a full set of football equipment and my friends and I would play a group of guys from Christ the King High School once a month in an unofficial, yet serious game. We handed their arses to them EVERY TIME.

At 14, my friends, who were all 2-3 years older than me went to try out for a city team called the Ridgedale Brewers. I went with them, tried out and made the team. Only problem was, if I didn't bring in a birth certificate saying I was over 16 years old, I had to play in their "pee-wee" division. When I couldn't supply the valid birth certificate, I went to ONE "pee wee" practice. I felt like I was king of the little I played that league, I would have broken every record known to man...But I didn't even make it through practice before I was doing laps and pushups again for insubordination to the coach. I gave it up.

Then in my early 20's, I played "A" division softball for 5 years (7 Championships!)and Flag Football for 3 years.

Since this is about football, I'll keep to the topic. If anyone hasn't really played Flag Football, it's every bit the same game as real football, without the tackling. There is open handed blocking and all out contact. No holds barred.

My team dominated "B" division flag football, so they sent us to "A" division. For those of you who played in "A" division, it's filled with *1-Guys who just missed their shot at the NFL, or *2-Steroid freaks, *3-Just great athletes or *4-ex-convicts...LMAO

My claim to fame in flag football was that I was thrown out of every other game I played in 3 seasons for fighting. This sport was filled with the biggest cheaters and dirtiest players I've ever been a part of, and when I wake up on a Sunday morning at 6AM to play football, and someone tries to tackle me 5 seconds after the whistle blows...It's on!!! Seriously...Ask my old friend and teammate "Baggler". He was on my team. I kicked more ass over those 3 years than in the rest of my life. I've got some stories that would make a good UFC match...Especially a few of my brawls in the snow.

I finally realized that I was having MUCH more fun playing fantasy football and just sticking with softball, and Marc was a happy man

That was my football career in a nutshell. 'that would make a good UFC match' :D
Marc knows why I point this out. ;)


Who in the NFFC has actually played Football?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:17 am
by pizzatyme
Originally posted by GK:
quote:Originally posted by Just Russ:
I still think I could throw a ball 50-60 yards too. :D ...whenever you're ready, simply put a significant dollar spot at mid-field and SNAKE will put it in the endzone...whenever you're ready, Comrade Russ...SNAKE [/QUOTE]GK, you need to learn to take a joke. I'm just giving you a little ribbing is all. Lighten up man! ;)

Who in the NFFC has actually played Football?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:51 am
by pizzatyme
GK, the tag line is classic!

Who in the NFFC has actually played Football?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:05 am
by King of Queens
Originally posted by Just Russ:
GK, the tag line is classic! Making fun of people who have lost money playing fantasy football? Classic!

Who in the NFFC has actually played Football?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:17 am
by GOD Loves You
Originally posted by Diesel:
I played 1 year in Lynvet Football in Howard Beach, Queens. I did more laps than anyone because I couldn't bare listening to the coach scream at us No UP-DOWNS?

These definitely made the the "sprawls" a lot easier when I switched from basketball to wrestling. :D

When I started wrestling, I bought a t-shirt that said, "It's better to have wrestled and lost than to have played basketball and won", did my ex-basketball teammates hate me wearing it. :cool: