poem for mr nag?

Posts: 14
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poem for mr nag?

Post by mward » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:24 am

GG - Although we've had our differences in the Ultimate League - have to admit you're signature on the board cracks me up(especially in light of what some others are playing for)

Team NEW/Fontana

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poem for mr nag?

Post by Nag' » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:27 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
see how it works? i hope you aren't taking all of this MB talk seriously? it's all in good fun. Me take this seriously? Nah.

Actually, I almost feel like I need to take it easy on you due to the fragility of your psyche. All that studying, all that effort, all that time spent....and then POOF...a season on the verge of being over in week 4. And not just one team - ALL YOUR NFFC TEAMS.

Man, that's a tough pill to swallow, for anyone. But in all seriousness, if you need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry one, I'm here for you. I mean that. I'll be here through the tough times. If you wake up in a cold sweat, one cold, lonely Sunday night screaming "why...WHY...WHY did Drew Bennett and Priest Holmes have to fall to me....WHY???" - don't fear. Just come to these boards - I'll always be here to warm up your day with a helpful word and a friendly smile. You can count on it. Week in and week out.
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Gordon Gekko
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poem for mr nag?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:28 am

Originally posted by Team NEW:
GG - Although we've had our differences in the Ultimate League - have to admit you're signature on the board cracks me up(especially in light of what some others are playing for)

Team NEW/Fontana hey - i didn't know Team NEW = Fontana. my apologies. i would have been a little more respectful.
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poem for mr nag?

Post by mward » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:32 am

Thanks, although Team NEW ain't that great this year - have to do all my trash talking in the UL . . .even at 2 and 2.

Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
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poem for mr nag?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:33 am

Originally posted by Nag':
Actually, I almost feel like I need to take it easy on you due to the fragility of your psyche. All that studying, all that effort, all that time spent....and then POOF...a season on the verge of being over in week 4. And not just one team - ALL YOUR NFFC TEAMS. on the contrary, this year my time was split between baseball and football. less time spent on football has let me down to this point with my main event team. this year i had to utilize a "fantasy service" for the first time.

as far as all my teams being on the verge of being over, you must not know my teams nor the rules of the leagues. sorry.
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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poem for mr nag?

Post by mward » Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:42 am

Nag - As much as I like trash talking with GG, he has the ultimate comeback . .

"Won it All"

Can't be debated and no other arguments come close.

Posts: 1169
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poem for mr nag?

Post by Nag' » Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:01 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
at the worst i'll be known as One and Done. Riddle me this, gordie boy:

You are ONE HALF of One and Done.

And now that you're ONE.....you are DONE!

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poem for mr nag?

Post by Nag' » Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:20 am

Originally posted by Team NEW:
Nag - As much as I like trash talking with GG, he has the ultimate comeback . .

"Won it All"

Can't be debated and no other arguments come close. If that's all he's got left then he is welcome to use that comeback to his hearts content. I mean, what else is he going to say - "I got lucky last year, but this year I know I suck and my teams suck?" Obviously he won't say that.....[although it's the truth ]

[ October 04, 2005, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Nag' ]
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Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2004 6:00 pm

poem for mr nag?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:33 am

Originally posted by Nag':
If that's all he's got left then he is welcome to use that comeback to his hearts content. I mean, what else is he going to say - "I got lucky last year, but this year I know I suck and my teams suck?" Obviously he won't say that.....[although it's the truth ] nag..."if that's all i got"????

what have you got? a one-time 12 team league winner? in 4 tries???? wow! good job!

forgot to field a playing QB in your active roster last year in the NFFC? you are amazing. what an owner!!!

2-2 this year. bbuuhahaha!!!

you will have to work your entire lifetime to even come close to my accomplishments. face it, you will ALWAYS be 2nd string compared to me. :D

don't let the door hit you on the way out. muuuhahahaha!!!!

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