Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Gordon Gekko II
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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by Gordon Gekko II » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:44 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Of course there is luck to win it all, Mark. I just don't think you can be "consistently lucky" to QUALIFY for the championship round year in and year out. if you "consistently" make the championship round (based on points) year after year, i would say you have a good deal of skill and managed to dodge the very bad luck situations, i.e. having brady last year, having a.gonzo AND daniels/cooley, etc...

[ November 08, 2009, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: Gekko ]

King of Queens
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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by King of Queens » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:47 am

Originally posted by Gekko:
if you "consistently" make the championship round (based on points) year after year, i would say you have a good deal of luck and skillfully managed to dodge the very bad luck situations, i.e. having brady last year, having a.gonzo AND daniels/cooley, etc... Fixed! :D

Gordon Gekko II
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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by Gordon Gekko II » Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:59 am

Originally posted by Renman:
Keep in mind, more often than not in REAL SPORTS the overall champion is the team that "got hot" during the post season when the stakes are highest.

Sure, the Yankees won (some argue purchased) the World Series this year after being the number one seed after the regular season. However, how many "real sports" champions have been crowned over the last 5-10 years that were NOT the #1 regular season seed? I do not know the answer, but I know it happens.


Because the post season is a "new season" and often quite separate from the regular season. who cares what the REAL SPORTS team do? whether a player is on a winning Super Bowl team or not, they are still going home with their million dollar contract in hand.

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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by renman » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:15 am


People here regularly compare fantasy sports to real sports and usually in the context of a complaint. YOU DID IT a couple days ago when you said in the "REAL sports world the regular season champs get a big advantage with home field advantage or bye weeks..."

So to answer your question of "who cares what real sports team do?" You do.

My POINT (which somehow here wasn't addressed) is that when the post season begins, what happened in the regular season has limited meaning and who gets hot and/or performs best in this "second season" takes home the big prize.

Gordon Gekko II
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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by Gordon Gekko II » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:21 am

Originally posted by Renman:

People here regularly compare fantasy sports to real sports and usually in the context of a complaint. YOU DID IT a couple days ago when you said in the "REAL sports world the regular season champs get a big advantage with home field advantage or bye weeks..."

So to answer your question of "who cares what real sports team do?" You do.

My POINT (which somehow here wasn't addressed) is that when the post season begins, what happened in the regular season has limited meaning and who gets hot and/or performs best in this "second season" takes home the big prize. Ren - in this case, even if players on the "best" teams don't win the super bowl, they go home with millions of dollars anyways.

if the "best" fantasy owners don't win the 100K or 2nd or 3rd, they go home with peanuts (as compared to 100K or the actual millions real players get).

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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by renman » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:48 am


Now you are talking about guaranteed contracts in pro sports? Huh?

I thought we were talking about how the post season is a SEPARATE contest that has little to do with what happened in the regular season aside from a good/great regular season is required to GET TO the post season.

You are off on a tangent.

We all understand the luck portion of fantasy football is frustrating. You are not alone in that sentiment. For you it seems to boil over into repeated threads about how fantasy football is a luck BASED contest. In my opinon (and it is an opinion shared by most here) skill is still a bigger contributor to results than luck...

And your historical results are proof of it. Good luck this week. Kick-off time.

ps. I am agonizing about whether to start Garcon, who had a mystery ankle injury, or Julius Jones at flex. I have gone back and forth on it for about an hour now. You are a skilled fantasy player, throw me some feedback!

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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by Sandman62 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:53 am

No amount of skill in the world will put him or any of us on the field at the HOU/IND game or inside Garcon's ankle or his coaches' heads.

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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by Sandman62 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:55 am

I already posted this in the other skill/luck thread, but just in case people are monitoring this one more...

Someone suggested many screens ago that maybe we should let playoff teams enter the playoffs w/ 2 or 3 times their regular season average instead of just one. To me, this makes the most sense. As it is now, you get to bring your 13-week reg. season average into the playoffs. Then you play 3 more games for the big money. That puts 3/4 of the importance on the playoffs and only rewards you 1/4 of your stellar regular season.

Someone else mentioned something along the lines of "we should be happy to be in the playoffs at all and have gotten some of our money back". Shouldn't this apply MORE to the lower scoring teams who got in by record? Shouldn't THEY be the ones to be thankful to have a "lottery ticket" when they were in the middle of their league in points?

By bringing in 3x your season average, that would put equal value on the regular season and the playoffs. It would also very likely result in more higher reg. season scoring teams winning the big money. And shouldn't that be the way it is? Doesn't the NFFC want to be able to crown a champion each year w/ more likelihood of honestly being able to say "So and so was one of the BEST teams all year, and is now our champion"?

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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by renman » Sun Nov 08, 2009 5:57 am

For the record, I believe the safer play is Jones as I expect him to grind out a minimum of 10 points today with a solid chance at a TD making it a 15+ type day. Where as Garcon is not as safe, but has the bigger upside in what may become a shoot out in the Colts/Texans game.

I am going the risky route with Garcon knowing he has just been missed on big plays over the last 3 weeks and maybe this week they roll coverage over toward Wayne leaving Garcon with some chances at a big play. I feel that offensive flow often goes in cycles and Wayne, Clark and Collie have seen their share of late and defenses may try to force the Colts a different direction (Garcon).

If I am wrong and Jones was the right play, I at least will have had him on a few other teams.

4 minutes to kickoff gentlemen... enjoy the day.

[ November 08, 2009, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: Renman ]

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Skill/Luck......continuing on for a while?

Post by Sandman62 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:01 am

Renman, I completely agree on all counts. You obviously have "skill". :D

FWIW, we're playing Garcon too, but because Boldin's out, Harvin's on bye, and BJohnson and Camarillo suck! Love Pierre's upside though today!

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