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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:46 pm
by ebbjl
This is the only solution to a bad decision by the NFL. I sat at the computer cotemplating picking up a second D because of the weather but I thought there would be no way the NFL would not play the game somewhere else this week. I wanted another player and not a back-up D. My fault, now it is my zero. We all new it was coming and the debate was on yesterday on this board before the free agent bid period had ended. Some of you who are complaining now where part of that debate yesterday. Taking a zero for my Ravens D stinks but I could have picked up a second D and dropped them next week for the next great player. Just some food for thought.

Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:41 pm
by BubbasHouse
Bubba's with GG and many others here -

1) Keep the rules as is and don't have a second round of FA for the week - everyones got a clear chance at what they do for the week - and end it. A second round is for those with no vision. It is what it is..... like Billy says - there will be more....

2) Keeping the serpent from the MB would make everyone a little bit happier - but unfortunately our country is founded on free speech - even for those that should not speak. I'll cry my Bubba tears for the slippery one, but not tears of sorrow. I usually stay free of the MB's because of the worthless churn - but this topic had merit to weigh in on.

Keep a good competition the way it's meant to be - stay with clear consistant rules. Bad things happen (injury, coaches decisions, disasters) - and we deal with them. Quit your fnnnn whining.

- Bubba

Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:10 pm
by drago
I don't give a @#$% because I have only Slaton and it makes it easier to start another RB.

Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:36 am
by D-Day Heroes
.... This is Funny ,,, durring the draft i was contmplating between , Schuab or Longweel , I took Lonwell , brcause i thought to my self , what if there is a hurricane that hits Texas , and they cancel the games. You have to think of everything when drafting

Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:39 am
by Diesel
It seems as if the UNDER won here. 19 was the over/under on this thread.

Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:20 am
by Uncle Rico
As in all things FF related, the Commish must make a decision and we must abide by it.

That said, I do think that the problems this has caused for multiple teams requires an offseason look at the rules of waivers and free agency.

No one can predict a natural disaster, be it a Gulf Coast hurricane, a California earthquake, or a midwest tornado. But unfortunately, they do happen.

I do not think we need a "contingency plan" for these types of scenarios. What we need is a waiver process that works the same way week in and week out that allows for teams to put together a legit starting roster regardless of the cause.

Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:26 am
by Uncle Rico
For all those who are saying things along the lines of "You should have planned for it, deal with it", let me throw out a slightly different scenario.

Let's say it's late in the season, and there is a team in your league that has basically given up. They submit a roster that is full of guys on bye or injured and out. They are playing against someone you REALLY need to lose so that you can make the championship round.

Think you just might shoot an email to Greg complaining that it isn't fair?

Keep in mind that even though this is only week 2, the NFFC is basically a 13 week sprint. Each and every game has deep implications on who does, and who does not finish in the money. In the long run, this game can seriously impact not only the teams dealing with roster issues this week, but YOUR team at the end of the season.