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NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:30 pm
by RiFF
Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
quote:Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
Here is my team, Lance, from last night's draft. Honest analysis 2 months before the season:

Kurt Warner - R8 P12
Steve McNair - R11 P3

LT - R1 P3
Fred Taylor - R4 P12
Curtis Martin - R7 P3
Mewelde Moore - R9 P3
Antowain Smith - R12 P12
Quentin Griffin - R17 P3

Anquan Boldin - R2 P12
Reggie Wayne - R3 P3
Antonio Bryant - R6 P12
Troy Williamson - R10 P12
Jabar Gaffney - R14 P12

Jason Witten - R5 P3
Desmond Clark - R16 P12

Shayne Graham - R15 P3
Lawrence Tynes - R18 P12

Pittsburgh Steeler D - R13 P3 Hard for me to split my brain to understand the 14 team "thin'ness" in talent compared to 12...but here we go...

I think if Warner stays upright...he could be awesome.

Your RB's are very old, and have younger players chomping at the bits to take over...they all scare me.

You make up for much of that in WR talent...Boldin/Wayne is super!

Most teams will have a "solid" TE this they almost fall into the DEF/K realm.

Not bad...if Warner stays healthy, and either Martin or Fred revert to will have a team to compete.

Good Luck!

[/QUOTE]??????? Lance, did you see LT at the top of that "old man RB" list?

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:31 pm
by King of Queens
Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
I'm like 20 min south of San Francisco, 30 north of San Jose, 30 min west of Oakland, and 15 min east of coastline beaches!...And an $11 cab ride from Artichoke Joe's

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:39 pm
by King of Queens
Originally posted by Ponch:
but because I'm not in line with popular theory, well.....that really gets the ole' gamma-radiation coursing through my fantasy veins! Mr. Mekko, don't make me wouldn't like me when I'm angry. :mad: Dr. Perez
Belted by gamma rays
Turns into the Ponch
Ain't he unglamorous

The ever lovin' Ponch
Ponch, Ponch

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:41 pm
by sportsbettingman
Originally posted by RiFF:
quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
quote:Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
Here is my team, Lance, from last night's draft. Honest analysis 2 months before the season:

Kurt Warner - R8 P12
Steve McNair - R11 P3

LT - R1 P3
Fred Taylor - R4 P12
Curtis Martin - R7 P3
Mewelde Moore - R9 P3
Antowain Smith - R12 P12
Quentin Griffin - R17 P3

Anquan Boldin - R2 P12
Reggie Wayne - R3 P3
Antonio Bryant - R6 P12
Troy Williamson - R10 P12
Jabar Gaffney - R14 P12

Jason Witten - R5 P3
Desmond Clark - R16 P12

Shayne Graham - R15 P3
Lawrence Tynes - R18 P12

Pittsburgh Steeler D - R13 P3 Hard for me to split my brain to understand the 14 team "thin'ness" in talent compared to 12...but here we go...

I think if Warner stays upright...he could be awesome.

Your RB's are very old, and have younger players chomping at the bits to take over...they all scare me.

You make up for much of that in WR talent...Boldin/Wayne is super!

Most teams will have a "solid" TE this they almost fall into the DEF/K realm.

Not bad...if Warner stays healthy, and either Martin or Fred revert to will have a team to compete.

Good Luck!

[/QUOTE]??????? Lance, did you see LT at the top of that "old man RB" list?
[/QUOTE]WOW!!! Nope...I just thought it was the title for RB...NICE free agent add since I read your team...What an upgrade!!!!!!!

Nice job...what a difference one great player makes.


NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:44 pm
by RiFF
Originally posted by Ponch:
quote:That is the same reason I will very unlikely have one of your early supposed favorites this year on any of my teams. Unless something changes pretty dramatically between now and Sept. the only way, IMO, that Deangelo will justify his draft position is for Foster to pull a Priest. Which, past history being a strong indicator, that might not be an unreasonable assumption. We just differ on opinions about Reuben but I 100% agree with you on Roy. Unless training camp and preseason indicate otherwise he should DOMINATE in Martz's offense. And once immobile Kitna holds the ball too long, one time too many; I think he will only improve with McCowan.Spliff, don't have any problems with someone else telling me they think I'm wrong about a player, a la you, Jules, and Glenn.....but I gotta' say, some flugel-binder telling me I AM wrong, not even because they necessarily believe it, but because I'm not in line with popular theory, well.....that really gets the ole' gamma-radiation coursing through my fantasy veins! Mr. Mekko, don't make me wouldn't like me when I'm angry. :mad: [/QUOTE]I would NEVER discourage an owner from taking a player I thought he had overrated. That obviously gives me a greater chance to get the players I have targeted. ;) ...So, wait a minute, does that mean i don't like Roy and I do like Reuben??? :D :D

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:53 pm
by FatPerez
As my brother-in-law from Santa Rosa once told me- "Land a' plenty a' plenty." You are indeed in a very beautiful, albeit high-priced neck o' the woods Shortswettingman.

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:59 pm
by sportsbettingman
Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
I'm like 20 min south of San Francisco, 30 north of San Jose, 30 min west of Oakland, and 15 min east of coastline beaches!...And an $11 cab ride from Artichoke Joe's [/QUOTE]Hell Yes KOQ...

"Double Tequilla/OJ, please"...gotta calm those pre-game jitters!


NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:46 pm
Gekko,, Im not a "punk". Im a nice guy and I have nothing and would give someone the shirt off my back. I would like to apologize.....I had a rough day in the sun today....That "notice thing" just set me off and i really still don't know what you mean?

Im just done busting your balls.....I like busting balls and having fun and love fantasy football.....But You go over the line on a lot of ****.....It's cool when the ball busting is about fantasy football or If you want to crack on me because im a painter..or my fantasy football shack..what ever....But calling people cock suckers and bring people's friendships into it just isn't cool....And the your on notice thing...It sounded like you where getting tough with me or something....Anyways.....My bad for the out burst....Im going to try to just have fun playing fantasy football again....And enjoy it because it comes and goes so fast....Best of luck.....


NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:08 pm
by lumpy463
That computer needs a faster processor.

Derek "Lumpy" Anderson