July 16th BBDS league

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July 16th BBDS league

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:02 am

Originally posted by King of Queens:
Here's the problem with having multiple bye week players -- yes, even in a points league:

* Your starting lineup is made up of 6 RBs/WRs (unless you have Gates and Heap or something like that)

* Your bench consists of various players who can be used in a bye week. These are your 7th, 8th, 9th etc best players at RB, WR and occasionally TE

* If one of your top 6 players have their bye, you are likely to use your 7th best player

* If two of your top 6 players have their bye in the same week, you are likely to use your 7th and 8th best players

* If three of your top 6 players have their bye in the same week, you are likely to use your 7th, 8th and 9th best players

* Yes, it is true that the 8th or 9th best player always has a chance to outperform the 7th best player. However, in all likelihood, your best bye-week lineup (i.e. the one that will score you the most POINTS) consists of using 5 of your Top 6 players, plus your 7th player

Hope I'm not revealing too much strategy here... Understood KOQ, but when you are talking about Robert Ferguson and Cedrick Wilson does it really matter??? ;)

Honestly, I would rather just play them in one week together, so I wouldn't have to decide which ONE to start! :eek: My luck the "other" guy would go off.

I personally don't think it is that much of an issue (in a head to head, I would be giving up a week, but in a points league it isn't a big deal due to the reasons you stated), but Gekko has made a "mountain out of a mole hill" because he is pissed about his QB situation and he thinks I was one of the main reasons behind it.

Cest la vie!

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July 16th BBDS league

Post by mkrucek » Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:14 am

Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
Since we are offering up our teams to the non-league mates...here's one for you to dump on...

QB Drew Bledsoe (I believe he will improve on last year...but even if he repeats...I'll take it.)

RB Jamal Lewis (I waited on RB...and was happy he fell. He may have Mike Anderson breathing down his back, but Grape Ape will rebound!)

RB Deuce McAllister (Another one I'm happy fell. Hope he recovers from his knee problem, and takes more carries than the rook...as well as the goaline duty.)

WR Torry Holt (My personal #1 WR. If he could do what he did last year in 14 games and with a backup caliber QB...he should improve a bit in 2006...most consistent player in football.)

WR Terrell Owens (Too much potential to pass on. His contract is incentive based...and the fun one-two punch with Drew.)

WR Muhsin Muhammad (The CHI passing game can improve...He's the clear #1 target...and Grossman is better than that rook last year was.)

TE Kellen Winslow Jr. (I'm very high on him...and I guarantee by week 4...most of you will be too.)

DEF Baltimore Ravens (Should be better this year...healthy again...and an improved OFF will keep them fresh.)

FLEX...one of these...

Cedric Benson (Big contract should play his way into the field.)

Kevan Barlow (I live in the Bay Area...and it's still up in the air who will get more carries...Gore may be covering up an injury.)

Priest Holmes (I'm a gambler...I'm watching news about him like a hawk. Total risk...but may be worth it.)

Maurice Morris (Madden Curse says he'll get his chance in 2006!!!)

Santonio Holmes (Cedric Wilson SUCKS...he'll be #2 in PIT before week 6.)

Mike Williams (If this baby would grow up...he could pay off.)

Ronald Curry (I read he's making a comeback...and feel he's easily the #3 in OAK)

Marshall Faulk (His selection was my person retirement gift to him for all the great years he's given teams of mine!...and I was pretty drunk from like round 7 on...no excuse, though...I'll be imbibing during the Main event as well!)

Vince Young (I hear they are trying to force feed him the job over Volek (I think Volek is better, myself)...but doubt that will happen in 2006...this was a drunk mans pick.)

Have at it boys!

~Lance SBM, great runningbacks...if you were picking several years ago. Wasn't Emmitt Smith available?
You'll be fine long as your pretty face holds out, then it's gonna get pretty cold out...

Gordon Gekko
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July 16th BBDS league

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:22 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Understood KOQ the 2004 NFFC winner AND the NFFC overall pts leader are telling you that you mucked up. take it for what it's worth.

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
but when you are talking about Robert Ferguson and Cedrick Wilson does it really matter??? ;) you're right, they are both zeros.

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Gekko has made a "mountain out of a mole hill" because he is pissed about his QB situation and he thinks I was one of the main reasons behind it.
i'm fine with my qb situation. could i have done better...of course. don't worry billy i have the chat logs and will look through when i get some time. the offending parties will be brought to justice...one way or another. enjoy
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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July 16th BBDS league

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:01 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Understood KOQ the 2004 NFFC winner AND the NFFC overall pts leader are telling you that you mucked up. take it for what it's worth.
[/QUOTE]Last year in the magazine league my first 2 picks (C.Portis and K.Jones) were off the same week (Week 3) and both my TE's (Gonzalez & Wiggins) had the same bye week. That was in a head to head/points league.

Oh by the way....

I won that league! :D

I just don't think you pass on a player you feel is going to do well 15 other weeks just because of one week.

Your entitled to your opinion though.

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July 16th BBDS league

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:13 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Gekko has made a "mountain out of a mole hill" because he is pissed about his QB situation and he thinks I was one of the main reasons behind it.
i'm fine with my qb situation. could i have done better...of course. don't worry billy i have the chat logs and will look through when i get some time. the offending parties will be brought to justice...one way or another. enjoy [/QB][/quote]

SO that is the excuse.... CONSPIRACY THEORY???

While your at it, find out who killed JFK and find out where Jimmy Hoffa is buried!

Maybe you should go to NYC and hang out with Jersey Paul, as apparently he thought everyone ganged up on him too! :rolleyes:

Out of all the people to do this, you definitely weren't one I thought would. You talk more smack than anyone, and yet when things don't go your way, you want to blow the whistle? :confused:

IN round 6 one owner made a comment about who you were going to take, and another owner, said "he won't get to him". Would that not be trying to screw you?

Bottom line Gekko, is I took my backup QB in round 9 (15th overall), and there were TWO other people who already had their backups. Then in round 10, you could have got one, yet you let FIVE more slide by. ONE more went in front of you in round 11, when you finally decided to take the 22ND QB off the board.

Personally, I think you could have done ALOT worse!

Green was most likely your target, and it just happened to be around the time that RC was posting.

You wait for 21 QB's to go off the board ... you get screwed! Put the blame on everyone else, but you had plenty of opportunity, and like you said "you were gambling".

Again, had one person taken your starter instead of their backup, and you really would have been done.

Lesson learned.

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July 16th BBDS league

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:21 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
Waz - you took your QB2 too early...GG - you took your QB2 too late...SNAKE Trent Green was too much value to pass up, and the WR I wanted went 3 picks before me, and the rest didn't look all that great (maybe that owner who tool the WR was trying to screw me? :rolleyes: )

Again, TWO people took their backups BEFORE Gekko in the 9th round, yet he thinks I conspired against him.

If he wanted Green bad enough, he should have taken him in Round 9 (again, it was a great value pick)!

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