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Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:14 am
by ultimatefs
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
We're glad to welcome another industry guy to the NFFC as John Zaleski of Ultimate Fantasy Sports has signed up for the NFFC's main event and the Auction League in Las Vegas. John and I go WAAAAAYYYY back in this industry and it's good to have him on board and promoting the NFFC to his strong customer base. UFS has lifetime leagues, so you're looking at a die-hard fantasy football audience to promote to. Anyway, John is a veteran of Auction Leagues and thus becomes our 12th signup for that league in Las Vegas, leaving two spots open. He's also set for the NFFC, thus becoming our fourth signup of the day. Best of luck in both events, John, and thanks again for trusting in us. Greg, we go back so far, I'll name my teams the Zieglers! Look forward to all the events!

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:40 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Joseph Jefferson of Denver, Colorado admits that he's one of the fence sitters who has been watching the boards lately and deciding whether to join the NFFC or not. But there's a reason for that. He signed up for the Fantasy Four that was cancelled last year, competed in The Draft last year (had fun, but it didn't return this year) and was signed up for the FFTOC that was cancelled last week. He's gun shy, naturally. But we just had a good conversation on the phone and I think he realizes that we're here to stay. In fact, he's rooting for better pot odds, but I'm hoping we rain on that parade!!! Anyway, Joseph has signed up for the NFFC at the Flamingo in Las Vegas and has added the Auction League as well, hopeful that we can fill another league there. Thanks for trusting in us Joseph and I promise we won't let you down.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:54 am
by Greg Ambrosius
I don't want to make a grandstanding announcement without having the actual signup in front of me, but Dave Cushard (Dyv) has informed me that the rock star Meat Loaf will be financing an NFFC team in Las Vegas. Meat competed in the National Fantasy Baseball Championship draft and in our Auction League in Las Vegas this March and he is having a great time, even though his teams are struggling. He wants another shot at the big prize in football, but he's currently shooting a movie on location and is pretty sure he won't be able to physically draft his team in Las Vegas, although he's working on it. If he can't make it, another Leaderboard Sports member will draft for him, but Meat will run it through the year. So we'll officially announce Meat Loaf's team at a later date, but he will be with us in spirit! ;) Oh, and his money is good even if he's not there in person! :D

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:58 am
by JerseyPaul
Let's hope Meat can draft, if you know what I mean.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:03 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Let's keep the signups going tonight, which would make my stay here worthwhile. We're glad to welcome our 45th NFBC member to the gridiron contest as Eddie Gillis of Rhode Island is returning to the New York Hilton to compete in the NFFC's main event. Eddie will likely do the Auction League as well as he's currently leading the NFBC AL Auction League and is coming into the Big Apple for more than one draft. We're glad to welcome Eddie back to our event/contest and thank him for trusting in us once again. Best of luck Eddie in the big draft and in the Auction League when you decide to do that (a little arm twisting is necessary tonight on the phone).

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 2:28 pm
by Greg Ambrosius
Okay, Eddie Gillis is officially in for the NFFC and the Auction League. Thanks for supporting the NFFC again Eddie and I hope you have as much success in football as you're currently having in baseball.

Eddie has recruited another member for the Auction League in New York as Johnny Frisella of Exeter, Rhode Island will compete on Friday, Sept. 3rd for the $4,000 league prize. Welcome aboard Johnny and best of luck in the hunt for that league prize.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:41 pm
by ultimatefs
Guys, If you're on the fence worried about whether this will happen or not, don't fret. Greg and I have known each other since about 1989 when he first started their magazine.

There is simply not a person more trustworthy in this business.

I've been part of WCOFF the last 2 years and they do a superb job, but 5 years from now, you will be glad you were in on the ground floor of this event. I know I am.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 5:19 am
by Tom Kessenich
The NY auction event has added a new member as Scott Simonetti of Centerech, NY officially signed up today. Welcome aboard Scott and good luck in the auction event in the Big Apple.

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:06 am
by BillyWaz
Keep those auction in NYC coming! Let's fill that baby up!

Who's Coming To The NFFC?

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:14 am
by Greg Ambrosius
It's time to welcome another NFFC signup to the main event as Andrew Wintner of New York, New York is claiming home field advantage for the big event at the New York Hilton. Andrew and co-manager Andrew Knobloch are ready to rock 'n roll at the New York Hilton on Saturday, Sept. 4th. Thanks for checking in again today, Andrew, and best of luck in the hunt for the league and grand prize.

[ August 20, 2004, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]