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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:39 pm
by Route Collectors
Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
quote:Originally posted by FI$HER:
quote:Originally posted by Raiders:
quote:Originally posted by FI$HER:


How can Greg ever rule against another owner who experiences the same type of fiasco?? A precedent was set today that could lead to problems down the road.

[/QUOTE]In 2004 Gekko wanted to drop Dom Davis and wasn't allowed to. If your statement is correct then a precedent was set in 2004. It was upheld again here. In each case the right thing was done....agree or not?

Blue has gone about this the wrong way. Why put yourself in his company? This is a good contest. Has one championship been disputed or tainted in the 1st 3 years - NO.

Every year someone makes a mountain out of a mole hill. We wait all year to participate in this event...why do it harm now?

Every year we've had issues...and every year countless owners (including you) are singing Greg and Toms praises for always being fair and top notch.

We've barely planted this tree. Let's not chop it down over every little issue.

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:41 pm
by TexasHeat
I have learned so much about so many in this thread... and it saddens me.

Greg, you absolutely did the correct thing.

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:43 pm
by rkulaski
Blue Foot,

I don't care about your competitiveness or your personality or your long-winded thoughts on the matter. We're ALL competitive and we all have strong personalities and we all want to win the championship and 100K.

The BOTTOMLINE is obvious and one which you continue to ignore/neglect when you post. It's all about 2 things: COMMON SENSE and LEAGUE INTEGRITY. OF COURSE Steve Smith would be returned to Rich, and why? Because of the NFFC rules already in place. So stop wetting your pants all day about this issue, you whiney pansy.
Enjoy the NFFC competition and environment and have faith that the rules in place will prevent any collusion or cheating from occurring. THE END.

It's idiots like you that make the world way too interesting sometimes.

To Rich (the guy who ACCIDENTALLY dropped S.Smith): good luck to you and your team the rest of the way with Steve Smith, which is how it should and will be.

-Rich Kulaski, Chicago League 5

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:01 pm
by TradeStar28
Blue Foot caught on video after seeing that S Smith was dropped...

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:05 pm
by Quahogs
Originally posted by FI$HER:
Blue Foot caught on video after seeing that S Smith was dropped... hee haw !! :D oh no, that was AFTER he saw S.Smith was picked up, dusted off, and placed back on his opponents roster !


FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:09 pm
by Greenlight30
I can't read all this jumble....but Steve Smith is going back on his original team correct?

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:14 pm
by gomizzouman

Yes, Steve Smith is returned to his rightful owner.

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:23 pm
by BillyWaz
Whew... back from a LONG day at Busch gardens with the family, and when I left we were on page 13!

As for Bluefoot, your accusations of collusion are LUDICROUS! If he was guilty of that, then WHY would he immediately contact Greg about the error? Put that in your hat and smoke it Mr. Wizard!

Bottom line with all the accusations you have made today, that Greg and Tom give "better" picks to their favorites, and evidently about a poker game, it shows what kind of person you are.

One more thing, I would bet my yearly salary (which isn't much mind you) that if this EXACT same situation happened to you, your view on this would change VERY quickly.

Sorry if I am a bit "brash", but people who question the integrity of this contest in any way, shape, or form have NO BUSINESS being a part of it IMO.

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:42 pm
by sportsbettingman
Originally posted by rkulaski:
Blue Foot,

I don't care about your competitiveness or your personality or your long-winded thoughts on the matter. We're ALL competitive and we all have strong personalities and we all want to win the championship and 100K.

The BOTTOMLINE is obvious and one which you continue to ignore/neglect when you post. It's all about 2 things: COMMON SENSE and LEAGUE INTEGRITY. OF COURSE Steve Smith would be returned to Rich, and why? Because of the NFFC rules already in place. So stop wetting your pants all day about this issue, you whiney pansy.
Enjoy the NFFC competition and environment and have faith that the rules in place will prevent any collusion or cheating from occurring. THE END.

It's idiots like you that make the world way too interesting sometimes.

To Rich (the guy who ACCIDENTALLY dropped S.Smith): good luck to you and your team the rest of the way with Steve Smith, which is how it should and will be.

-Rich Kulaski, Chicago League 5 Tough Guy!

Member #5632

How's that? I see less than 1800 registered to NFFC message boards???

Another glitch?


FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:00 pm
by sportsbettingman
Tequila kicking in... :D

I'd like to offer week by week DeS vs. DeA wagers!

With odds!

Of couse I'm talking about fantasy points scored...DeShaun Foster (DeS) vs. DeAngelo Williams (DeA)

Nice new names!
