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Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:41 pm
by moyer1313
Bring your sunscreen.

104 degrees today. :shock:

Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:52 pm
moyer1313 wrote:
Don Draper wrote:this is getting to the point of "fantasy football for dummies". do your damn homework, and you'll be rewarded most of the time.
Kinda like doing 30 or 35 Rounds, rather than 26. :D

Follow Me
+1 to this also, a smaller roster tests the true drafter and reduces the luck imo. You have to choose what sleepers rather than throwing draft hail maryies as the 35 rounders now allow.


Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 3:00 pm
by kjduke
For those of you who draft sucky K's, your poster boy has a new job and week-1 K points are resurrected for some ...


Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 1:26 pm
by ForLoveOfTheGame
I brought this up a year or two ago that it should be team kicker. My home leagues have used it for 5 years. You can't handcuff kickers like other positions and they are often decided right before the season starts. Hell, Connor Barth is the all time leading kicker in TB history and he's gone. To those of you who are so smart and say "DO YOUR RESEARCH!" well who is going to be the Saints K this year? Oh yeah, no one has a clue. And their first game is just days away... :o Ten had 2 kickers, NO had 2 kickers, etc and neither of those kickers on either team is going to be the opening day kicker... make sure you do your research guys!!!!! :roll:

Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 1:51 pm
by Don Draper
If u did your research, it would tell u not to wait on kickers because this is what can and will happen to you. Sorry

Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:39 pm
by RiFF
ForLoveOfTheGame wrote:I brought this up a year or two ago that it should be team kicker. My home leagues have used it for 5 years. You can't handcuff kickers like other positions and they are often decided right before the season starts. Hell, Connor Barth is the all time leading kicker in TB history and he's gone. To those of you who are so smart and say "DO YOUR RESEARCH!" well who is going to be the Saints K this year? Oh yeah, no one has a clue. And their first game is just days away... :o Ten had 2 kickers, NO had 2 kickers, etc and neither of those kickers on either team is going to be the opening day kicker... make sure you do your research guys!!!!! :roll:
There were 7 or 8 teams that were unsettled at the kicker position this preseason. All these situations were well publicized. As you correctly point out 2 of those teams were TB and N.O. Also as you point out the New Orleans situation has yet to be resolved. For those who did their research, they were aware of these situations and drafted accordingly.
If someone chose to ignore kickers early while the solid options were being drafted, or chose not to do the necessary research, and then got "burned" by their choice(s) later on....hopefully their picks made in lieu of solid kickers pan out and help make up any shortfall they have at the kicker position. Everyone has the same opportunity to draft any player, other than those players taken in the first round prior to your pick. If that group of players (including kickers) an owner drafts doesn't work out, they really have no one to blame but themselves. Certainly not the format. There are a number of different strategies that can be employed in putting together a of those includes waiting on kickers....if the strategy doesn't work out, don't blame the format.

Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:25 pm
Alright, forget what I said, Shayne Graham re-signed, I'm cool with kickers, lol.

Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:57 pm
by Don Draper
This is America. Most people (owners) are looking for a handout. Maybe team RB will be next

Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:38 pm
by Coltsfan
Two weeks ago in Kentucky players were still taking Alex Henery and Shayne Graham as their kickers. Heck, there were teams even drafting Prater as their kicker 24 hours after the suspension was announced. I bet in Vegas we will see Prater drafted as the only kicker in some leagues. I like the kicker position in the early leagues just the way it is because it's evident who the safe kickers are and who could be on the bubble. If you wait then you're taking a huge gamble.


Re: Motion to Eliminate Kickers (from at least the Slow Draf

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:56 pm
by eliasond
Here's a bit of an argument against the "do your research" camp. In the NFFC 12-team DC ADP list I just printed out on Aug 27, here's a few kickers on the list:

#2 Prater
#14 Graham
#16 Henery
#18 Feely
#21 Succop

Does this mean the majority of us are idiots? Granted Succop just got signed. But these are not among the last 10-11 starting kickers usually taken, which I would consider the true risky picks. Most of these guys have had solid years recently. Heck, Feely went 30-36 last year with 3 from 50+. That's a pretty good year, and something people who did their research would know. NFL teams bring in multiple kickers every year to compete, sometimes the new guys wins out, most often not. And evidently everyone who drafted Prater didn't do their research. So how about the random owner that drafted Prater as his/her #1, then one of those next 3 as their #2, then a back-end guy as their #3. Are they stupid or is it a bit of bad luck?

I'm starting to lean more and more toward supporting the "team kicker" concept for the DC format. Would those be any less fun or less competitive if we did that?

I'd also like to see Greg or Tom weigh in on this topic, since ultimately they are the dungeon masters.
