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What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:44 am
Nice job Gordon. But no I do not randomly draft players or starters.

My thought was that it may be random as to who is being picked ahead of and behind of you. Players are randomly injured. They randomly play bad or good, etc...

What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:44 am
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by Nag':
Just're about to lose more this season than I (or most) have lost or will lose playing fantasy football the next two, three, or four years.

[To all, sorry for the thread highjacking] wrong again. this year i have very little of my own money invested, if you know what i mean. try again (on a different thread). gotcha again!!!

What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:46 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by UFS:
Raise the prize to $200K and you'd get many of them to try. ...but only if we can keep the number of entrants to under 300 :D [/QUOTE]Hey, what do you think I am, a charity house? :D Someone has to pay the bills here!!! If Zaleski donates an extra $100,000, I'll keep it at 350 teams and raise the grand prize to $200,000! But I have trouble getting that guy to buy drinks, so donating $100K isn't likely either! :D

What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:50 am
by Greg Ambrosius
All good points so far everyone. Keep 'em coming. I'm not making any decisions on this today, but the feedback is most informative. I honestly think this is a worthy discussion and I understand the ramifications of doing anything either way for me and the NFFC. You don't just mess with the rules when you're trying to grow to be the biggest and the best game in the industry, but sometimes unique ideas take time before they grow on people.

What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:48 am
by mikeybok
Originally posted by King of Queens:
Greg, I think this is a great idea and one whose time has come. However, it must be implemented in a way where YOU can easily figure out the draft positions once the leagues are picked. The way things are right now, owners have less than 120 hours between league assignment and the actual draft. It's not a huge deal to me that we have only 5 days, but to others it is a problem. The introduction of Draft Slot Bidding would likely delay our draft selections -- it's just a question of how long.
I would be in favor of blind bidding ... People can enter their blind bids anytime before league positions are pulled. It's not like we need to see who's in the league in order to bid ... so this shouldn't delay anything other than three or four hours of number crunching by Greg and Tom (assuming the process is not automated).

What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:51 pm
by Route Collectors

I don't know how any of us can predict how this will affect the NFFC. I love your idea of polling current members. That might be the simplest way to get individual preferences while avoiding the typical MB rabbit trails.

My simple answer for preference is YES to draft slot blind bidding. My reason: I feel I can do a better job drafting from the slots I think are the best from year to year.
Even if this is false perception on my part at least I would get to ascribe some value to it with my FA $$$$.

Either way I'm an NFFC lifer as long as those losers in NY don't quit and ruin our rivalry. :D

[ October 06, 2005, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: Route C ]

What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:34 pm
by ultimatefs
Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
It's not like we need to see who's in the league in order to bid ... so this shouldn't delay anything other than three or four hours of number crunching by Greg and Tom (assuming the process is not automated). For this to work best, owners would have to input bid amounts before being assigned to leagues.

That way no uneccessary MB influence would get in the way.

What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:39 pm
by ultimatefs
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
But I have trouble getting that guy to buy drinks, so donating $100K isn't likely either! :D That's because I'm too busy buying dinner.

What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:42 pm
by Latham
I agree that draft slot bidding is a good idea. You will have some years where there is a clear cut number one pick, or even a clear cut top three. Draft slot bidding will assure everyone a shot to pick where they want, it's in your hands to make it happen. If you have a bad draft position you can only blame yourself.


What Are Your Thoughts On Bidding For Draft Slots?

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:48 pm
by Robert Zarzycki
Why is it that people think bidding for slots is a complicated thing? As Gekko asks, "If it's so difficult then how do people get by during the season when bidding is done each week."

Personally, I love this bidding for slot idea and I do not think it would scare people away at all. It's the same process we go through each week only one additional bidding time frame is added before the draft starts. -z-