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Live Chat With Greg: Wednesday At 3 PM ET

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:35 am
by Diesel
Greg, who do you like out of these Nomads? Sims-Walker, Braylon Edwards, Santana Moss or Devery Henderson?

Live Chat With Greg: Wednesday At 3 PM ET

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:36 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Diesel:
Greg, who do you like out of these Nomads? Reggie Bush, Ronnie Brown, Ricky Williams, or Willis McGahee? Obviously it depends on where they land during free agency but I think Reggie Bush still has the most upside in the right offense. He just needs to stay healthy, but in a PPR league he's the one I'd target here. I think Ronnie Brown would be next, but I'm not sure he can produce the type of fantasy numbers Bush can and he's no less of an injury risk than Brown.

Ricky is down the list and McGahee will likely return to Baltimore. The Ravens still need a backup for Ray Rice and this team is the best fit for McGahee. I just see him coming back and doing what he did in the past, which isn't enough for me.

Live Chat With Greg: Wednesday At 3 PM ET

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:38 am
by Diesel
Greg, who do you like out of these Nomads? Kerry Collins, Carson Palmer, Donovan Mcnabb, Vince Young or Matt Hasselbeck?

Live Chat With Greg: Wednesday At 3 PM ET

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:10 am
by liquidhippo

What's your 2011 forecast for the following Packers?

# of Receptions, Receiving Yards, and Games Played for:

Donald Driver
James Jones
Greg Jennings
Jordy Nelson

Carries, Rushing Yards, and Games Played for:

Ryan Grant
James Starks

[ July 20, 2011, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Liquid Hippo ]

Live Chat With Greg: Wednesday At 3 PM ET

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:23 am
by Diesel
Originally posted by Liquid Hippo:

What's your 2011 forecast for the following Packers?

# of Receptions, Receiving Yards, and Games Played for:

Donald Driver
James Jones
Greg Jennings
Jordy Nelson

Carries, Rushing Yards, and Games Played for:

Ryan Grant
James Starks Hippo, I'll fill in for Greg until he comes back soon.

Jennings-83 receptions
Driver-60 receptions
Nelson-60 receptions
Jones-not a packer as of next week.
Don't forget Finley-65 receptions

Grant starts the season and gets hurt or gives way to a fresh Starks, who takes over a month into the season.

Live Chat With Greg: Wednesday At 3 PM ET

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:48 am
by RiFF
Originally posted by Diesel:
quote:Originally posted by Liquid Hippo:
Hippo, I'll fill in for Greg until he comes back soon.

Jennings-83 receptions
[/QUOTE]Ain't happening, especially if Finley stays relatively healthy....and highly improbable if he doesn't. To date, Jenning's high water mark is 80 receptions, and I don't see him surpassing that this year.
Imo, he's probably the most over rated player consistently going in round 2. You can get similar production from WR's going 2-3 rounds later. He'll need to get another 12-13 TD's this year to remotely warrant his adp.....again, ain't happening.
Figure around 68-70 receptions with a healthy Finley.

Live Chat With Greg: Wednesday At 3 PM ET

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:57 am
by David U. Kennedy
Hey Tom or Greg! Its my feeling that QB is a very deep position this year. That said what are your feelings about Stafford, Freeman, Kolb (as a cardinal), Ryan, and finally Bradford (stud when they sign a WR like maybe S Rice)?

Live Chat With Greg: Wednesday At 3 PM ET

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:58 am
by telestar
I'm going to say that I would estimate the projected receptions/yards in GB at...
Jennings 75/1300
Finley 70/950
Nelson 65/850
Jones 50/600
Driver 50/600