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Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:32 pm
by D-Day Heroes
Originally posted by SNAKE:
...did any of the comrades here simply try to watch all the games via The Red Zone with the volume on mute and the stereo blasting your favorite rock and roll?...SNAKE Snake ... All the Time . :mad:

But thats my point, I shouln't have too.

I would love to see some Net Work Genius come up with a way for veiwers to go to their Audio Adjust Screen and select PA ONLY. where it mutes the announcers and lets you just listen to the Public Announce System, just like you were at the Game.

Snake you think you can call your connections and get this Done ? There is a case of your favorite Beer in it for you , if you can. :D

Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:44 pm
by D-Day Heroes
I would love to see some Net Work Genius come up with a way for veiwers to go to their Audio Adjust Screen and select PA ONLY. where it mutes the comentary and lets you just listen to the Public Announce System, just like you were at the Game.

If anyone can figure out how we can get this accomplished, I would buy you Beer for Life.

Seriously Guys, with technology today, you think we could package something like this up and sell it to the Networks, cable and satelite companies ?

Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:54 pm
by Robert Zarzycki
Adding another TV personality who DESPISES fantasy football is WSOP commentator Norman Chad. I believe I learned that in the book COMMITTED: Confessions of a Fantasy Football Junkie.

My goal ever since is to make a WSOP final table. Not for the money. Not for the glory. Not for the chance at a bracelet. Not to get on TV. It would be to STICK IT to Norman by talking ONLY about fantasy football during the wsop interview sessions. heheh

Shame on Berman! ROTFLMAO on the 2 pix!! -z-

Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:07 pm
by sportsbettingman
When I saw him say it live (Berman) sure didn't come off as a disrespect of fantasy football...but more of a respect for actual football and football related news in my opinion.

Don't let this game go to your heads. Gamblers run things...they dwarf fantasy football money big time.


Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:22 am
by dobberlins
Gamblers run things...they dwarf fantasy football money big time.

[/QB]i BET you are wrong :D :D :D

Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:03 am
by sportsbettingman
There's more money bet on a single week of football world wide...than all the high stakes fantasy leagues combined.

For all the tiny leagues...there are just as many tiny bets laid.

You wish to go off guesstimates on FFB, and "reported" guesstimates on NFL'd lose that bet easy.

Gamblers are why the games still have commercials in the 4th quarter of blowouts. :D :D :D


Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:27 am
by jjsegura78
Don't know who's worse Berman or that idiot Steven A. Smith. Just read this article and it made me realize why I change the channel as soon as this clown starts spewing on anything. :mad:

Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:29 am
by jjsegura78
Originally posted by Primo:
I quit watching ESPN the first time that I saw Stephen A. Smith pontificating on the screen. I knew more about sports than him when I was 12. Your right on the money with Smith. I still watch ESPN, but this guy is such a joke!!!

Chris Berman's Snide Remark About Fantasy

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:37 am
by Coltsfan
Yet another reason not to like Steven A Smith.

Does anybody know what the "A" stands for??? :cool:
