Anthony Gonzalez

Gordon Gekko II
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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by Gordon Gekko II » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:09 am

Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
Ouch ... wow ... such harsh words (and so generalized too).

He was in my top 50 (and I did take him once in the third round). I have him on 3 NFFC teams this year.

I also had (and lost) Brady on an NFFC team last year (BTW ... still won first place in that league despite losing Brady).

I still plan on winning in the NFFC without AG.

You may not respect me as a FF player ... but we have cashed in 50% of our live events and taken first in 33% of our live events over the last 5 years. How are you doing over those same 5 years?

Just curious?

Big Mike mike - people like dennis are just there to fan the flame. let him go before he gets under your skin.

if you are curious about his credentials just go to lifetime standings and look for dennis cassidy :eek:

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Glenneration X
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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by Glenneration X » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:10 am

Originally posted by Sound Advice:
Glenn - He wasn't in my top 50.
That's more valuable than any consensus that I'm aware of.
I wouldn't take him in round 3 if my life depended on it, and I don't know of any respected fantasy player that would.
And if they did, you won't hear them suggesting rules changes because a player they drafted too early on their football squad got nicked.

I honestly heard less whimpering when Brady got hurt last year and was lost for the season.

Rule changes to help people recover from injuries always come from people recovering from injuries.

You're putting your 3rd or 4th round pick on waivers?
That is a bummer, sorry to hear about that.

Russ' gut feeling was correct - People that complain about skill vs luck deem themselves skillful and everyone else lucky. Hello once again Sound,

I respect your passionate response to this argument, though once again I wish you could support your argument with facts rather than bravado and gibberish.

AGon is a consensus top 50 player....easily....and I will support my argument with fact.....

AGon's draft spots in NY....
3-7, 3-3, 4-3, 3-6, 3-13, 4-1, 4,6

3-9, 3-7, 3-11, 3-6

Las Vegas
4-2, 2-13, 4-10, 4-5, 3-12, 3-12

4-3, 4-2, 4-3, 4-9, 4-8

So in 20 of 22 drafts, AGon is chosen in the top 50 and in the two he wasn't, he went 51 & 52.
I guess all 22 of these owners don't make your "respected" list, but I'd assume none of the 22 really care if they do or not.

I'd also tend to say Gekko & BillyWas are pretty respected and they both had AGon on one of their teams.

Now onto your other name-calling arguments (the last bastion of those who argue without fact), I will once again state that this is not "whimpering" as you call its not whimpering for those who posted on other threads questioning the game plan uses of Forte, Chris Johnson, & SJax or those who are now questioning the worth of players they picked on the St. Louis or Carolina offenses or etc. etc. etc. These owners are merely making observations about players they were counting on whose perceived value may be falling.

I happened to have chosen Brady with my first round pick in a league last year and won the league. It is not quite the level of this competition, but for me it proves any injury can be overcome. None of us with AGon are giving up whether he's out for the year or not....but I think its OK to remark on it on a contest's message board if that doesn't bother you too much.

Lastly, I don't believe Gekko was remarking on the rule change due to the injury. If you read his post, he clearly stated that he brought this up originally in a pre-season thread. I also happen to like the rule, but not because of this injury, but because it increases draft manuverability, increases weekly strategy, and help overcome the "luck" argument. If you don't like the rule, that's fine too....

Good luck this year Sound, but do me a favor, when you question one of my posts, please come back with facts, not insults.


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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by chriseibl » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:16 am

Originally posted by Sound Advice:
Glenn - He wasn't in my top 50.
I wouldn't take him in round 3 if my life depended on it, and I don't know of any respected fantasy player that would.
That's really pushing it... he was the 42nd player in the latest adp's i saw.

I confidently had him in the mid 30s with few reservations. He was clearly going to be a big part of a primtime passing offense and had put up numbers every time harrison or clark was out of the lineup. Losing him is huge, especially since one of the benefits of going wr over rb is decreased risk of injury.

There were plenty of reasons for all to consider him with a late 3rd round pick. Sure I regret drafting Gonzalez now but I would have confidently done the same thing if the draft was held 28 hours ago.

I know the point of your post is for people to get over it but there are many respected fantasy players who would disagree with your projection of how gonzalez would have performed otherwise.

D-Day Heroes
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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by D-Day Heroes » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:20 am

We all hold are breath and cross are fingers all day Sunday , hoping no one gets injured , and then on Monday we act like its such a SUPRISE when someone dose .

If you can't deal with the injuries , I heard Yahoo is starting a Fantasy Chess league.

Like someone on this board always says , " This is the Bussiness we have chosen ".

Qoute of the weekend
" I didn't say I would Kill YOU ! ".
Venuus Williams Us. Open
" When you are in any contest you should work as if there were - to the very last minute - a chance to lose it. "
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by mikeybok » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:22 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko II:
mike - people like dennis are just there to fan the flame. let him go before he gets under your skin.

Just trying to help Glenn's argument ... and let him know I feel his pain too. Too early to lose a top player for 1/2 the year (and take a couple zeros the first week!)

My auction team is still iffy for a win this week ... Ag could really hurt us in that one ... as I am thin at WR there. But with that said ... I have never won a league where I didn't have some BIG bust's along the way. You just can't have a bunch of them at the same position IMHO.
Hakuna Matata!

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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by mikeybok » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:28 am

Originally posted by chriseibl:
quote:Originally posted by Sound Advice:
Glenn - He wasn't in my top 50.
I wouldn't take him in round 3 if my life depended on it, and I don't know of any respected fantasy player that would.
That's really pushing it... he was the 42nd player in the latest adp's i saw.

I confidently had him in the mid 30s with few reservations.
[/QUOTE]:D :D Sometime we all type something that comes out a little strong in print ... Hopefully laughing WITH Dennis on this one ... He probably didn't really mean to attack every AG owner out there :eek: :eek: ... too much fun!
Hakuna Matata!

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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by pizzatyme » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:29 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko II:
Going from experience, I wouldn’t put any weight into the people saying “I knew he wouldn’t be any good” or “people were overvaluing him” or “he wasn’t a #1 wr”. It has no bearing on the situation. None. And oh boy, someone doesn’t think he’s one of the top 50 players. If he was #49, then we could continue this discussion, but if he’s #51, he finds this odd?? Hahaha!!!

Life and fantasy football goes on. Of course, all of us Gonzo owners will try to recover from this. This could have happened to any player, however it’s happened to him and judging by his adp, he will be a big loss for some teams. Crap happens, and it’s our job to recover. Good luck fellow gonzo owners.

I can tell you before the season started I liked the flexibility of the “dual flex” option (and I posted as much). Now it’s looking even better. (1qb; 2rb; 2wr; 1te; 2 flex). Allows an owner to incorporate more strategy in their draft/weekly management while still keeping the foundation of the core lineup. Hopefully this is something that the NFFC will consider for all their events (including Draft Champions) moving forward. Mark, you are correct. What I said had zero bearing on this discussion. My only reason for saying it was because I was shocked to see him go so highly in my drafts. It wouldn't have mattered where GonzoII was drafted, his injury is still unfortunate and would be tough to overcome as any injury would.

As for suggesting rules changes that other events have, Greg has stated pretty clearly that he is against copying from other events. And that if we want features like Dual Flex then we should find an event that offers it. Just a heads-up.

GL recovering from this roster hit. And word locally is he will miss more than 6 weeks. If you're targetting a Colts WR, I'd go Garcon unless you can spare space for both he and Collie.

[ September 14, 2009, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Just Russ ]
2008- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic.
2009- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic or Primetime.

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Glenneration X
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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by Glenneration X » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:29 am

Originally posted by D-Day Heroes:
We all hold are breath and cross are fingers all day Sunday , hoping no one gets injured , and then on Monday we act like its such a SUPRISE when someone dose .

If you can't deal with the injuries , I heard Yahoo is starting a Fantasy Chess league.

Like someone on this board always says , " This is the Bussiness we have chosen ".

Qoute of the weekend
" I didn't say I would Kill YOU ! ".
Venuus Williams Us. Open Why is it commenting on an injury is considered whimpering about it or being unable to deal with it?
Believe me....if my whole main event team goes down before game time next week, I'll be able to "deal with it". This stuff is far from my life's priority.
However, it is a hobby I enjoy and invested good time and money in. Excuse me if I'm not doing cartwheels when a player worth a 3rd round pick to me goes down before ever making a catch.

Again, please put your 3rd round pick on waivers this week and tell me how much you like it......I'll even let you keep the week 1 stats.... ;)

Now all is good, I'm moving on, and I still intend to win my league and overall.

Have fun & good luck with those injuries.... :cool: ,

GOD Loves You
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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by GOD Loves You » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:35 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:
quote:Originally posted by Sound Advice:
AGon's draft spots in NY....
3-7, 3-3, 4-3, 3-6, 3-13, 4-1, 4,6

3-9, 3-7, 3-11, 3-6

Las Vegas
4-2, 2-13, 4-10, 4-5, 3-12, 3-12

4-3, 4-2, 4-3, 4-9, 4-8

[/QUOTE]Do the exact same thing with Darren McFadden. Does this make him a top 50 player as well? :confused:

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Anthony Gonzalez

Post by botherk » Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:37 am

Originally posted by D-Day Heroes:

I heard Yahoo is starting a Fantasy Chess league. I feel emasculated enough playing fantasy golf. :eek: :D
By the way, even 3,4,5 rr doesen't help fantasy golf drafts. ;)
Alge? Braylon? Knowshon?
C'mon parents!

Here are some names for football players.
Ouch, Hitcha, Juke, Blitz

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