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2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:00 am
by Quahogs
I say don't change a thing. The draft is a big deal one time a year "convention" for football diehards. A spacious high scale (to me at least) venue IN NYC does the event justice.

The 3 hour gap was the perfect amount of time to post draft chew fat, have a leisurely meal, and change gears/reboot for the next draft.

It was a VERY enjoyable day - Great job Tom and the NYC crew !


2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:52 am
by Tom Kessenich
Hey guys, keep the comments coming. Greg and I will look everything over after the leagues are all set up and we get a chance to exhale a bit. But we definitely encourage as much feedback as possible.

I did want to address a couple of things before I head off to take a nap.

1. New York - I highly doubt we'll be moving out of New York City at any time in the future unless we cannot find a hotel that will be able to accommodate us. Fortunately, the Sheraton has an excellent setup. It worked great for the NFBC and was perfect for the NFFC/NBC event as well. If we can continue to work out a deal with them I will be strongly recommending we stay there for the near future. It's a great location, a terrific hotel and has everything we need from an operational standpoint.

2. Hearing the picks - we get this comment every year after both our baseball and football events. Unfortunately, this is part of the deal. We will not at any time wall off our leagues. I can promise you that - well Greg would officially make the promise but I'm 99.99999999999999% certain he agrees with me on this point. Walking into a room and seeing all of the leagues drafting at once is a major part of the excitement of the event and walling leagues off would remove that critical element so there's no way I would ever endorse that approach. If there are ways to work inside the room to keep each draft as separate as possible within this format we'll definitely work to do that. But we won't be putting a wall up between leagues or anything like that.

3. The time between the two events - We'll definitely talk about this. I'll need to hear from the other three cities how things went from an operational standpoint. In New York, we could have had the second draft an hour earlier. But I do know a lot of people went out to get something to eat and having that extra time was an advantage. But this was our first year with the doubleheader so we'll definitely see if we need to shorten the time period between events or if operationally we will need those 3 hours.

4. The time between the Friday events in NY. I agree we should have spaced that out better and I apologize for that. We should start things at Noon on Friday instead of 1 p.m. That's definitely something we should look into changing for next year's event.

Keep the comments coming.

2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:31 am
by slam
Thanks for the phone option. It was great to play in both NFFC and the NBC even though I could not make it from England for the live events.
Both phone ins went off without a hitch!
See ya next year in Vegas baby!

2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:48 am
by Raiders

Agree on #2 it would also look like crap with walls in between, I only said it, as a way to stop hearing other drafts make there picks. But leave as is. To me walking around the room and saying Hi to everyone I've met in the past plus wanted to meet would make that almost impossible. So yes who cares about hearing other Leagues make there picks.

On #1 it's why I live in NJ, so any time I get to say move it to AC, I will. :D But will I not come to NYC once a year to do two drafts every year. Hells NO.

Again you did a Great Job, and I can't thank you enough. It would have been nice to go out after for drinks, but when I saw you at noon, I know that wasn't going to happen. ;) Next year.

I hold the 14 teamer that will finish 308, do I get anything for that?

By the way Tom I wanted that shirt, but when Bob said He wanted it I wasn't going to argue with Him.

But just like last year I had a ton of FUN!


2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:50 am
by Max Factor
If you have someone in your league draft your "sleeper" because hears it called out from a different league, consider yourself lucky because you are in a draft with a "boob".

And if you think he really drafted that player because he heard his name called out, you are a bigger "boob".

Keep the room open without dividers separating leagues.

2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:51 am
by Raiders
Originally posted by Max Factor:
If you have someone in your league draft your "sleeper" because hears it called out from a different league, consider yourself lucky because you are in a draft with a "boob".

And if you think he really drafted that player because he heard his name called out, you are a bigger "boob".

Keep the room open without dividers separating leagues. Couldn't agree more.

2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:56 am
by Shrink Attack
Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
Paul - It was a pleasure meeting you. Next year, we'll have to get that "couch session". Same here, Mark. Getting to meet you and the rest of the guys made the trip to Vegas more than worth it.

As for the couch session, I'd better brush up on the most recent research literature before I try to tackle your your psyche! ;)

2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:00 am
by sportsbettingman
A few thoughts come to mind as I read through this thread...

1) Maybe pumping low volume music in the room would blend the call outs away. (If the hard of hearing can handle it)

2) Thank Goodness for the Fisher Party! The NBC/NFFC powers that be need to sponsor that bad boy...if they don't already.

3) Shut down Florida.


[ September 01, 2008, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: sportsbettingman ]

2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:06 am
by King of Queens
Originally posted by BillyWaz:
While Vegas was an EXTREMELY good time, I feel like someone has beat me with a sack of nickels over and over again.If you had stayed up on Thursday night instead of going to bed, it would feel like someone was hitting you with a stack of hundred dollar bills :D

2008 Main Event Day experience.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:10 am
by King of Queens
Originally posted by KJ Duke:
Gek, KOQ, Waz and the rest of the east coast crew, hope to see all of you in Vegas next again next year. NY can't possibly be this much fun, can it? Had a nice time and it was great to meet you. I especially enjoyed our conversation at Margaritaville after the draft. Can't wait to see how it all turns out...