OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Leroy's Aces
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by Leroy's Aces » Sat May 29, 2010 10:11 am

Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
quote:Originally posted by Leroy's Aces:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
I can't speak on any of the rest because obviously Tom and I don't have any of those answers. I wish we could help, but those are FFOC questions.

We posted this press release because we were implicated by other industry players in FFOC's ownership. The NFFC has never had anything to do with the FFOC and as stated Fanball was just the back-end provider the last two years.

Nobody likes any unpaid prizes, cash or otherwise. I feel bad for anyone caught in that situation. I guarantee that's not going to happen here. Greg, I will refrain from posting details, but you very well know we had a very good reason as to why we thought that Fanball had an ownership interest in the FFOC. So don't paint this picture insinuating that we thought that and posted it for our own gain. We posted it because we believed it
to be true as we believed what we were told by a high ranking Fanball employee last year. I am sick of the insinuation that we are trying to tear down other contests. We are not. Good luck to you this year.
[/QUOTE]lol ... so let me get this straight ... you posted a bunch of rumors because your only repeating a bunch of rumors someone else posted or said (some call that slander). And these rumors could still cause damage to someone else's business and lively hood.

And now your upset because Greg is involved in posting damage control (he never named names BTW ... unlike you implied you did). And your pi$$ed at him because you think he didn't correctly identify and conveyed the proper intent of your slanderous statements towards his contest.

Seriously ... How about ... "I'm sorry for posting a bunch of rumors that may put you out of business Greg".

Someone please post the contest events this clown is associated with so I NEVER EVER mistakenly enter any of them. I know Greg is too classy to do it ... but someone on this message board must know who this narcissist is and what contests he is associated with.

[/QUOTE]I own the FFPC. We run Terminator, which I think you played in 2009, so make sure not to join it again this year.

And it takes no balls to call someone a clown on an internet message board, because there are no ramifications. Perhaps we can discuss your issues with me in person. We'll see if you call me a clown to my face then.
'08 NFFC Primetime Champ

Ted's Cracked Head
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Sat May 29, 2010 12:11 pm


I did agree that the FFOC should pay its debt. I did agree that if Fanball had an interest, it would affect my play moving forward if the players were not made whole and lies were told but I am completely satisfied that Fanball had no ownership interest in the FFOC and all is good for me on that front. I am glad that has been put to bed as I am as loyal as they come but I will not tolerate deception on any level.

Yes, I suggested that the FFOC be given a chance to respond within their self-imposed 30 day limit but only if they keep the lines of communication open. If I was owed monies I would be a tad jittery and ready to pounce if they showed any sign that they again were misleading me, so I understand the flurry of activity but this is a time to state facts. The fact that a website is down for a day or two is alarming but I would try to contact them before I assumed they were running from their obligations, even if their recent history suggests the possibility they are doing just that. I would try and get the facts first and if I received no response, then I would go to the press/social networking sites and hire an attorney.

I would ask Jack Haan to represent me even if the cost for doing so was more than I was owed. I would seek retribution/prosecution on every level legally possible to hold them accountable. The industry needs to see these folks pay for their mistakes. In this case, it appears to be a flawed/failed business plan. (the word appears signifies that I am stating an opinion and have no facts to back that up)

Now let's relax and have a great weekend. Let's all take time to honor those who have given their time and lives to see to it that we can be free to share our opinions in an open forum, free of prosecution and persecution.
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

Greg Ambrosius
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat May 29, 2010 12:42 pm

Originally posted by Raiders:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
[qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Raiders:
[qb] [QUOTE]Greg,

I do like Stan by the way. I don't know Len. It seems to me your taking this to personal. How much longer do you want to give FFOC to make things right.

John [/QUOTE]I'm not taking any of this personal John as I have no stake in this sad affair. I just think that part of the problem from the get-go was assumptions that soon became facts in some people's eyes. And that's where some folks are going again. Now I have no proof that they will honor their remaining cash prizes in 30 days, but I sure hope they do and in a month we'll know for sure, one way or the other. What you are posting is a pure opinion, nothing more.
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by Raiders » Sat May 29, 2010 12:54 pm

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Raiders:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
[qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Raiders:
[qb] [QUOTE]Greg,

I do like Stan by the way. I don't know Len. It seems to me your taking this to personal. How much longer do you want to give FFOC to make things right.

John [/QUOTE]I'm not taking any of this personal John as I have no stake in this sad affair. I just think that part of the problem from the get-go was assumptions that soon became facts in some people's eyes. And that's where some folks are going again. Now I have no proof that they will honor their remaining cash prizes in 30 days, but I sure hope they do and in a month we'll know for sure, one way or the other. What you are posting is a pure opinion, nothing more.
[/QUOTE]OK fair enough.

If 136 Teams/Players can please post here when they receive payment from FFOC, that would be Great.



[ May 29, 2010, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Raiders ]

sky t 2 hotty
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by sky t 2 hotty » Sat May 29, 2010 2:44 pm

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:
You're right of course Greg, 30 days haven't come and gone yet. As you know I should be one of those getting paid & I hope that this is just a technical glitch.

I'll admit I was the one who started this new wave of questioning this morning on the FFPC site.

I was taking care of some paperwork items last night and one of the things I wanted to take care of is sending out verification of my address to the address provided on the FFOC site as per their request.
I was surprised to find that when I hit the link to look up the address, all that came up was a blank webpage. When the webpage was still blank this morning, I'll admit I got angry.

The FFOC statement was odd in the first place because the 136 players they promised to take care of only represents a fraction of those who won their leagues and even a smaller fraction of those who won prizes when taking the 2nd place finishers into account. In addition, the $180 they're offering does not take care of the full monetary value of the original prize package promised for winning a league.

With all that taken into account, when I found their website was no longer active & the statement taken down, I figured it was just another slap in the face. Thus my posting.

I hope my current feelings are wrong. Maybe those of us promised $180 will actually be compensated within the 30 day timeframe. Maybe those prize winners who aren't included in the 136 will also be compensated and I and others will get the full value of our overall winnings. However, you can't blame any of us for being a bit skeptical at this point.

I still don't believe this is yours or Fanball's issue, or the FFPC's or WCOFF's for that matter, but it's not like we can post our grievances on the FFOC site anymore.

Glenn Glenn, I have no problem with you posting your complaints about FFOC here or on the other boards. Everyone is frustrated and wants answers and having the FFOC site down now doesn't help anyone, especially when there was information for 136 participants to claim prize money. But once again a question from one participant leads to another person -- John in this case -- claiming that more than $1 million will be unpaid. John has no knowledge of FFOC's discussions with the grand prize winner and is again speculating on public forums with no information at all.

Again, anyone can ask questions and hopefully someone from FFOC will provide answers. They said they would pay 136 cash winners in 30 days and I hope they do. I believe the grand prize winner has been contacted and nothing has changed there. I'm still hopeful all of this will be resolved, but I guess I know as much as John does.

On that thread, Scotty says this:
"FANBALL is still running the Snap Draft game. It seems as if Stan and Fanball were partners in the adventure. I wonder if Stan still recieves money from the Snap Draft games as he said several times it helped to fund the FFOC."

I hate to bust his bubble, but Fanball owns Snap Draft in full and works with Rotoworld.com on much of the promotional aspects of Snap Draft. There were Snap Draft games that had prizes of free entries into FFOC and someone posted those are being honored because Fanball owns Snap Draft and prize money was set aside to honor these prizes. Doing cross promotion makes sense when Fanball is running both back-ends, but that doesn't mean FFOC owns Snap Draft. Sheesh.

If nobody monitors those posts, then they are left out there as truth, when they are far from the truth. But let's hope that Stan and FFOC do what they promised and that's pay the remaining 136 teams who could have claimed cash prizes. And of course we all hope the grand prize winner gets his $700,000 as promised.
[/QUOTE]Someone posted that the free 2010 FFOC Tier game they had won by playing Snap Draft had been honored by giving him a $150 credit into his account. (That was the value of a Tier 2 team).

At first Fanball told numerous people that Poised to Stomp would be responsible for honoring those free games. It seems now, however they are honoring the value of those FFOC tier teams won. If that is the case I think that is GREAT!

I only wondered aloud if Stan was part associated w/Snapdraft because he helped announce it and told myself and others by playing that game it was another way to help fund the cash gave out in the FFOC contest. This was before they started to give tier games as prizes. He told us this because a lot of people were so critical of the fact that the numbers of players playing in FFOC and the cash coming in for that didn't match what was being paid out.

For him to be a part owner or something in Snap Draft really never seemed to make since to me because of the fact that he openly played in the games there. I wouldn't think it would be very ethical for an owner to play in his own contest even if he was some type of minority owner.

Again, if Fanball has changed their position and are making good on SnapDraft games where FFOC tier games were won I think that is GREAT and only good news for players involved.

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Shrink Attack
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by Shrink Attack » Sat May 29, 2010 4:22 pm

Originally posted by Leroy's Aces:
I own the FFPC. We run Terminator, which I think you played in 2009, so make sure not to join it again this year.

And it takes no balls to call someone a clown on an internet message board, because there are no ramifications. Perhaps we can discuss your issues with me in person. We'll see if you call me a clown to my face then. Here's some honest feedback, Dave.

I seriously considered playing in the FFPC this year. But I monitored the MB over there and the posts were so negative and there was so much bashing of other contests that I've decided to stay away in 2010. Of course that's my opinion, and others might differ on this interpretation. I know that you may think that's unfair since you provide a forum for such posts, but truthfully it really turned me off.

Now you come onto this MB and place what some may consider an inflammatory post to a respected NFFC veteran. This post is at best negative and at worst threatening. I wish you wouldn't do that on this particular MB so that things remain civil here and don't turn overly negative like I feel they have on FFPC MB.

I will look again at the FFPC next year to see if I'm ready to play in it, because I do think you guys are interested in your customer's best interests.

That is unless you tell me to be sure not to play in it like you just told Big Mike.
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Greg Ambrosius
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun May 30, 2010 1:59 am

Originally posted by Sky T 2 Hotty:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
[qb] Someone posted that the free 2010 FFOC Tier game they had won by playing Snap Draft had been honored by giving him a $150 credit into his account. (That was the value of a Tier 2 team).

At first Fanball told numerous people that Poised to Stomp would be responsible for honoring those free games. It seems now, however they are honoring the value of those FFOC tier teams won. If that is the case I think that is GREAT!

I only wondered aloud if Stan was part associated w/Snapdraft because he helped announce it and told myself and others by playing that game it was another way to help fund the cash gave out in the FFOC contest. This was before they started to give tier games as prizes. He told us this because a lot of people were so critical of the fact that the numbers of players playing in FFOC and the cash coming in for that didn't match what was being paid out. [/QUOTE]Scotty, there's a big difference between "wondering aloud" and posting on a pubic forum that FFOC was a co-owner of Snap Draft. And there's a big difference when nobody monitoring those boards questions a post like that. It's dangerous. You can't throw untruths like that out there and say you're just "wondering aloud." That's where our industry is today because nobody cares about the facts anymore.

I'm not sure what you're hearing about certain things, but please post facts when they happen and then everyone can learn valuable information from you. Thanks.
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Tom Kessenich
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by Tom Kessenich » Sun May 30, 2010 3:44 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:

I still don't believe this is yours or Fanball's issueThis never has been a Fanball or NFFC issue, Glenn, no matter how badly some tried to make it out to be. That's what we've been telling people all along. Hopefully, whatever issues may remain with the FFOC are handled by those who were directly involved with that event. As Greg and I have said for quite some time it's no good for anyone in the industry when prize winners are not paid.
Tom Kessenich
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Leroy's Aces
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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Post by Leroy's Aces » Sun May 30, 2010 7:17 am

Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
quote:Originally posted by Leroy's Aces:
I own the FFPC. We run Terminator, which I think you played in 2009, so make sure not to join it again this year.

And it takes no balls to call someone a clown on an internet message board, because there are no ramifications. Perhaps we can discuss your issues with me in person. We'll see if you call me a clown to my face then. Here's some honest feedback, Dave.

I seriously considered playing in the FFPC this year. But I monitored the MB over there and the posts were so negative and there was so much bashing of other contests that I've decided to stay away in 2010. Of course that's my opinion, and others might differ on this interpretation. I know that you may think that's unfair since you provide a forum for such posts, but truthfully it really turned me off.

Now you come onto this MB and place what some may consider an inflammatory post to a respected NFFC veteran. This post is at best negative and at worst threatening. I wish you wouldn't do that on this particular MB so that things remain civil here and don't turn overly negative like I feel they have on FFPC MB.

I will look again at the FFPC next year to see if I'm ready to play in it, because I do think you guys are interested in your customer's best interests.

That is unless you tell me to be sure not to play in it like you just told Big Mike.
[/QUOTE]Thanks for the honest feedback. We all have to make decisions about what contest we are or are not going to play this year, and that is certainly your choice. I have decisions to make myself in the coming months, but they are getting clearer every day.

But for Mike to come on and judge me like that when he knows nothing about what I know or my situation is not something I will tolerate without response.

If you were me and:

- Were directly told Fanball owns FFOC by a high-ranking Fanball employee last year, would you have believed him? (Greg has subsequently said this person was "boasting" and it was not accurate.) Couple that statement directly to me by the Fanball employee with Stan Mithios post asserting Fanball ownership (that was deleted), and what would YOU have believed?

- Are currently owed over $20,000 as part-owner of Jeff Gill's AFFL's teams, as I am, would you have reacted publicly and negatively about potential late and non-payment by FFOC, and subsequently the company making the payouts, Fanball?

- Had picked up a $700 dinner tab out of your own pocket last year in Chicago as I did, which included Ugly Yellow Tomatoes at the table, and then get called a clown by him on the NFFC boards, would you have not said anything?

I do not control what FFPC players say about NFFC, Fanball, FFOC or WCOFF. We do not believe in censorship, nor in deleting their posts. Since I have been told by Greg that the statement by that person was simply boasting, I have not commented on Fanball being part-owner of FFOC any further.
'08 NFFC Primetime Champ

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