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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:34 pm
by rkulaski
Getting back to the actual thread (kind of)...
I heard the Giants might try to get Droughns involved in the running game tomorrow. Any truth to that?

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:42 pm
by Raiders
Originally posted by rkulaski:
Getting back to the actual thread (kind of)...
I heard the Giants might try to get Droughns involved in the running game tomorrow. Any truth to that? All true, why wouldn't they?

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:55 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
quote:Tough Guy!

Member #5632

How's that? I see less than 1800 registered to NFFC message boards???

Another glitch?

~Lance [/QB][/QUOTE]Lance, always stirring the pot. We receive 60+ spam log-ins per day to these message boards and the NFBC message boards, which is the reason we've disabled the photos link. I personally go in and delete each one. Those add into the totals when numbers are given out, but obviously the site keeps the total of only the registered message board users I approve.

Glad I could clear up another controversy on these boards. :D

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:01 am
by Raiders
Originally posted by Z-Men:
Probably out of line here, Blue_Foot, but I think u need to get laid. -z- Funny I was thinking the same thing.
But He seems like the guy that would be pissed if He didn't get a reach around.
Not that theres anything wrong with that. :D

[ September 16, 2007, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: Raiders ]

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:06 am
by Diesel
I'm not stirring the pot, but somebody told me BlueFoot and JerseyPaul are cousins. Is this true?

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:09 am
by Raiders
Originally posted by Diesel:
I'm not stirring the pot, but somebody told me BlueFoot and JerseyPaul are cousins. Is this true? No JerseyPaul is BlueFoots Lawyer. :D

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:20 am
by mkrucek
Greg, my suggestion for the RiffRule is as follows. It will require two additional steps added to the end of the waiver moves.

After the current 3 steps hitting submit takes you to the following page -

Are you REALLY, REALLY sure you want to pick up (player x) for a bid amount of ($) and you REALLY, REALLY want to drop (player y)?


Followed by a final page -



FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:16 am
by Hard heads
That was funny 4D! Maybe just one line, Ya Gotta Be Kidding Me with this move Rich?!?!

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:14 am
by Riverdog
Just read the thread. The poker thing was a joke. I can't remember the exact situation. I think Bluefoot was short stacked and we both called him with mediocre hands because he was so short stacked and we had pretty big stacks. Something normal like that. Its called poker. Yes, I want to knock you out in poker....thats the idea. Bluefoot was ranting the whole time how poker was 100% luck anyway and any hand could hit. Therefore, the people that consistantly win are cheaters. That must have been his conclusion because after he was knocked out he accused us of colluding. We were all upset. He apolagized through e-mail and said he was kidding. Now, I see that his apolagy was a lie. Why bother apolagizing at all ? I am insulted.

Greg, you did the right thing. Some poeple will always be against any decision but I think you did what seems fair and right.

FAAB: D.Ward $995

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:15 am
by fandango
Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Raiders:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
D.Ward just went for $995 in my WCOFF main event league. If you want him, you better up your bid gentlemen. Not as much in mine 874. I bid 650. :mad: [/QUOTE]With Eli Manning back this week (or next), Ward could be well worth the big price tag. He looked like Tiki Barber running/catching. Could be this year's MJD. I already upped my bid by 50% after I saw the WCOFF results. Hopefully that will be enough.
[/QUOTE]you didnt even bid for him liar....

you are lucky your not in my league, you would have no chance (just like NFBC $1250 Auction where you are near the bottom)