Route C
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Post by Route C » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:14 pm

Cocktails and Dreams wrote:
Route C wrote:Chad
I don't know you... but according to my good friend BWazz you are a really nice guy. The problem for me is I just don't get that impression on the MB. Actually I find it difficult to even consider some of your thoughts because of the way you present them.
Consider this:
1) This thread is about changing a policy literally minutes before we hit peak draft season. That's what the off season is for. You couldn't possibly just now be realizing that this policy doesn't suit you.
2) Rather than present an idea and then respect the comments of others you argue opinions that don't line up with your presentation reminding us what a pain in the ass this is for you...bad form!
3) Then you go to the place nobody should go to on this MB...you talk about how they do it "across the street" then give the old "I'm trying to decide where to spend my $$$" plug. Dude I'm sorry but that's a very juvenile form of bullying IMO. You did the same thing last year over FAAB deadlines.
If it was my contest I'd tell you this protocol has been in place since last year and if you feel need to play somewhere else then do so.

I could actually be flexible on this subject if it were presented better and if it was done at the right time of the year. I'm just being honest with you here man. If Billy says you're a good dude then you probably are but you need to prove that in print as well as in person. Good luck this year.

Yeah you are correct, you don't know me. And you also didn't take the time to understand things properly. Not a very wise combination.

1. I have brought it up well before now and was told it would be considered and addressed. It wasn't. So you are badly mistaken there.
2. Looking to see when all the deadlines are on a message board post and having to do that again and again, rather than a uniform time the are auto ran is a pain in the ass. I didn't say anyone's opinion was a pain in the ass so you need to comprehend things a bit better as you are badly mistaken on what I called a pain in the ass.
3. Talking about how other companies do things should never be done? I don't agree with you in any way shape or form. If something is done better or worse somewhere else then I think it should be discussed. Perhaps you miss the posts where I point out what the NFFC does the best? Like the live drafts etc. This is a matter of opinion but I don't agree with you. If Greg and Tom prefer no rules are ever discussed in this manner, I will be happy to abide by that. As for Free agent rules you speak of, you damn right I would cut back at any company that would require two full fledged waiver periods per week. You call it bullying, I call it obvious facts of the matter. If you don't understand why I would cut back if there is twice as much work, I can't help you. But in the end it obviously didn't matter as they went with proper free agency as I saw it.
4. I thought I explained this, but I don't have Nelson as a partner this year. I don't have superhuman ability to be where he was drafting last year in addition to where I was drafting. So you damn right my spending has to come down this year as I don't have the ability to do as many drafts. So I am most certainly going to pick and choose based on the set of rules etc that I like the best. That isn't bullying, that is the truth. If I did have the availability, I would play them all as much as possible like always. There are all good companies and have interesting things about them. But I am shrinking spending drastically, not by choice, but out of necessity. So unless you take time to understand things, I would not call me a bullier. I doubt Greg and Tom would consider me one either. I can guarantee you I will be cutting back somewhere. And not ever liking KDS because it has to be done too early may indeed be a big deciding factor. Maybe the bigger leagues will be closer and I focus more on those here. Either way I need to get it figured out soon to give companies ample time to replace me in events I cannot do, so hopefully there is a quick conclusion.

I suggest taking the time to understand first or you look like what you just accused me of. Or at least be correct about something in the post at least. Going on the attack and firing blanks the entire post doesn't work too well. But I don't know you. I am sure you are great.

Good luck to you as well this year.
Fair enough. Agree to disagree.

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Post by kjduke » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:20 pm

I prefer to know my draft slot and who I'm competing against earlier rather than later, mainly because it gives me something more to think.

I don't worry about injuries because I don't think you can focus on a single player anyway. If there's an injury to a targeted player you move on to plan B, which you need to have in place anyway because the guy picking ahead of you doesn't always cooperate with your plan A.

Cocktails and Dreams
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Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:34 pm

kjduke wrote:I prefer to know my draft slot and who I'm competing against earlier rather than later, mainly because it gives me something more to think.

I don't worry about injuries because I don't think you can focus on a single player anyway. If there's an injury to a targeted player you move on to plan B, which you need to have in place anyway because the guy picking ahead of you doesn't always cooperate with your plan A.
Me too, just not if there is KDS. KDS and wanting picks early are not a good blend. Too many guys fly up and down draft boards the last week this day and age. Can turn a certain place in draft from a sweet spot to a dry spot. When playing for large money this should not be the case. Part of the strategy of KDS is getting to pick from where you want. When it ends up making it so you pick where you don't want because it has to be set too early, it makes me hate it. I love doing it at the table. Everyone walks in, everyone has the same information, everyone has the same chance. There is no luck in hoping nothing happens the last week to mess up where you want to draft from. I don't see why people want to add in other variables into a game of skill.

King of Queens
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Post by King of Queens » Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:59 pm

Among industry main events, I believe these are the choices:

Choice A: get your randomly selected pick 2 months in advance. You get two months to toss around ideas on how to use that pick, knowing full-well that situations will almost certainly change before draft day

Choice B: get your KDS-influenced pick a week in advance. You get one week to toss around ideas on how to use that pick, knowing full-well that situations might change before draft day

Not sure I understand the issue here.

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Post by BLACKHAND » Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:04 pm

Cocktails and Dreams wrote:
kjduke wrote:I prefer to know my draft slot and who I'm competing against earlier rather than later, mainly because it gives me something more to think.

I don't worry about injuries because I don't think you can focus on a single player anyway. If there's an injury to a targeted player you move on to plan B, which you need to have in place anyway because the guy picking ahead of you doesn't always cooperate with your plan A.
Me too, just not if there is KDS. KDS and wanting picks early are not a good blend. Too many guys fly up and down draft boards the last week this day and age. Can turn a certain place in draft from a sweet spot to a dry spot. When playing for large money this should not be the case. Part of the strategy of KDS is getting to pick from where you want. When it ends up making it so you pick where you don't want because it has to be set too early, it makes me hate it. I love doing it at the table. Everyone walks in, everyone has the same information, everyone has the same chance. There is no luck in hoping nothing happens the last week to mess up where you want to draft from. I don't see why people want to add in other variables into a game of skill.
1- am i right that most starters do not play the 4th preseason game

2-the theory of wanting to set your kds to plan yor draft strategy is great if you get your top 2-4 picks you wanted. but i myself have gotten my 10-14th choice at times , so planning for a certain draft spot goes out the window and plan A , B, and C is not working anymore and you must regroup.

3- in the words of ' ONE OF MY BOYZ " ( MR. GEKKO ) skill or luck. you need both in this game of ours.

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Post by Sandman62 » Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:53 pm

But Frank, at least if KDS runs a week before drafts, if you get your 10-14th choice, you at least have a ful week to mock and review ADPs to adjust your strategy.

And Chad, while I understand and respect your decision on where to play the bulk of your leagues being influenced by when KDS runs, telling the owners and the entire MB community about it DOES come across as bullying. No one is saying it shouldn't affect your decision (the way you keep telling us that having it a week before shouldn't matter to us, as if we're just too stupid to figure that out, when in reality, we just disagree)... But FEELING that way and essentially threatening to take your money elsewhere aren't the same, IMO (and apparently some others).

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Post by BLACKHAND » Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:21 pm

[quote="Sandman62"]But Frank, at least if KDS runs a week before drafts, if you get your 10-14th choice, you at least have a ful week to mock and review ADPs to adjust your strategy.

that is what i meant , i prob didn't make it clear...my badd.

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Post by greenwichsttavern » Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:29 pm

very well put Sandman. I see that people are starting to come around on this topic finally and even though they are told their not thinking logically if they dont want draft spots a day before the draft, at least the minority has become the majority.

Coyote Streakers
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Post by Coyote Streakers » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:34 pm

I personally like getting draft slots at the table but I realize that's not feasible for all leagues, I would however recommend it for the individual leagues or larger leagues done in Vegas. I agree with Chad in that whats the point of KDS if its selected weeks before hand? The last week or two before Vegas is when you see the most movement on draft boards. In my opinion it is much harder to lay out a plan many weeks ahead of your draft because you really dont know how the board will fall until it gets real close to Vegas time and players are pretty much locked into where they go. I know logistically KDS for mains probably cant happen real close but I think they should. Also how do you mock for drafts weeks ahead when so many things change up until draft day? If they point of KDS is to preference your most desirable spot dont you want to have a great idea of where your players your targeting are going? Anyways good discussion but I am definitely in the camp of wanting KDS pushed back as close as you logistically can for a game operator.

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Post by Sandman62 » Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:05 am

I'm pretty sure KDS doesn't run "weekS" before drafts, but rather, ONE week? Yes, some things can change within that week, but I'd hardly call that "many". That being the case, I think the majority of players ADPs don't move much, if at all, that last week. IMO, the current one week system is fine.

What I'd still like to see added though would be date filters on the ADP lists. That way, we could look at only the past week, and maybe past month, to see a movement trend.

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