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Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:42 am
by NateRavitz
I haven't heard anything new on Darrell Jackson, but I'm dubious on his prospects early in the season. LT was fine back when Drew Brees sucked and when Doug Flutie was at QB, so he'll be fine with Rivers. The Bennett trade is a non-story to me. I don't expect LJ to get hurt, and if he does, Bennett doesn't have the skill package to be the next superstar KC runninig back, though he would certainly be worth owning.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:44 am
what do you make of the rhodes/addai batle for the colts. also the lewis/anderson battle in balt.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:44 am
by NateRavitz
I think Chris Brown will be the Tennessee starter, and I don't think there's any doubt about that unless this whole "Brown wants to be traded" thing gains legs.

I don't love Brown, but he's the only guy in that backfield I'd take a shot on. LenDale "getting fat right before the most important workouts of my career" White is overrated.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:45 am
by NateRavitz
I think Rhodes and Addai will share the load, with each taking on certain roles. As for Baltimore, I think Jamal Lewis will be the starter until it's apparent to everyone that he's done, and then Anderson will get the ball. Kind of like what happened last year with Lewis and Taylor.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:46 am
I know its early but any possibility in DeAngelo Williams getting a sufficient amount of playing time?

If C. Martin is out, do you see Blaylock getting a shot or sticking with Houston as they did last season?

Top fantasy rookie TE?

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:49 am
by NateRavitz
I'm not totally sure that Palmer was a middle round QB last year. Eli Manning is probably the better comparison. Either way, I think the guy with the best shot of being that, um, guy, is Billy Volek.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:52 am
i think eric moulds has a nice year coming up for him. what is your thoughts.

Nate Ravitz Chats Here Today

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 7:53 am
by NateRavitz
I'm in the minority, but I'll hang my hat on this one: It's an absolute stone-cold lock that DeAngelo Williams will be the starting RB for the Panthers by the time the fantasy playoffs role around, and probably much sooner than that. People like to talk about Foster being a top 10 back if healthy, but really he's a top 20 back if healthy, which he probably won't be. His handful of big games came against some really bad teams.

I'm a Jets fan, and I have no idea what the pecking order is at RB. My guess is they'd go to Houston but use Blaylock a lot, too.

Vernon Davis is so much more talented than the other rookie TEs that I have to go with him, but I don't think even he can be a top 10 guy with Alex Smith throwing the ball.