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Earliest quitting team?

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:26 pm
by fflmaster
Originally posted by The Yellow Line is Unofficial:
quote:Originally posted by fflmaster:

I guess everyone here believes COMPLETELY with out fail that the nfl, mlb, nhl and the nba have everything completely wrong. however, college football does it EXACTLY correct.

. No matter which side of the conversation over playoffs you are on, ( for the record I'm not sure which side I'm on) I don't think this analogy makes much sense.

First of all fantasy football doesn't emulate professional football. Professional teams don't score 180 points a week.Professional defenses can actually stop their opponents from scoring neither these are true in fantasy football.

More importantly however professional football baseball basketball and hockey have playoffs for one reason MONEY. Money is generated by the extra games. Sold-out stadiums and arenas and huge amounts of money that the TV rights generate. College football doesn't have a playoff for one reason MONEY. Money that is generated by the balls for 70 universities far exceeds the money that would be generated in a playoff system. So saying that players who favor the current system think that college football gets it right while professional sports get it wrong just that make much sense.
[/QUOTE]I hear what your saying. I do..

Too me you are correct it is all about money. But lets look at why there is more money for the professional leagues if they have a playoff system. Is it only the fact to extend the football season. I don't think so. It is one reason, but I think the tv stations want more teams with the chance to be in the hunt for a championship longer, thus creating more enthusiasm and interest in their home team longer. This leads to more eyes on the tv and thus more money.

For me we can translate this to having more owners keeping thier interest longer. For me the more interest the more people want to play. Then, hopefully, more owners will want to pay (money) and join the league.

Money is also a reason why I am on the playoff side as well. I just think that the more you make a high stakes league similiar to a home league, the more people will think they can win. This should/could make the league bigger and the overall prize larger.

College football does the bowls because they have been very short minded and feel that a playoff system could lower the amount of money the bowls will give them. I understand what they are saying, since if the rose bowl was the opening round of the playoffs would it really pay the same if it was one of the bcs games. I think they would, but I understand why the colleges are afraid. I think one day they will change the system and will be rewarded very nicely for it.

Again, I know we are not changing here at the nffc. It is just my opinion on how we can keep more owners involved in thier league and hopefull have less teams quit before the end of the season. I also think a playoff system keeps many many people from joining and thus keeps the nffc from getting much larger. IMHO.