New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by Dr. FI$HER » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:04 am

Originally posted by RiFF:
quote:Originally posted by Coltsfan:
The bottom line is that everyone got the exact pick that the should have as a result of having kds. Therefore nobody lost anything - it's exactly the way it was supposed to be.

Wayne I completely agree that NFFC did the correct thing once the blunder was discovered. But to suggest "nobody lost anything", I believe is a total misrepresentation. I have consistently set my KDS to the early slots and late slots and ALL the satellites I've participated in I've had either an early slot or a late slot. So, when I got slot 9 in the first go through I was totally unprepared and spent 2 or 3 hours on Sunday looking back through the satellites I had done and further studying the likely players that would be available there. I then spent another couple hours prior to the SSDC28 draft last evening and was finally satisfied that I was prepared to draft from slot 9. Then I scan the message boards after the completion of the SSDC28 draft and find out draft spots may be changing. After a couple more hours I find that I'm not in fact drafting from slot 9 but slot 12 which is a slot I was already 100% comfortable with. So, I don't feel I've lost nothing, I feel I lost and WASTED about 5 hours because of this blunder.
Again, I believe the right thing was done once discovered but when dealing with people's emotions and hard earned dollars a better system of safeguards and quality control probably should have been in place to have prevented this sort of occurrence. And I'm sure it goes without saying that Greg and Tom feel as bad, if not worse, about this than any participant; for what that's worth.

Very well put. I lost about 16 hours of valuable time and several hours of sleep last night also moving from the 9 to 12 spot but after seeing the math, I believe it was the right thing and that KDS works well (for most) :mad: . Just an unfortunate situation how it went down. Do I wish I had those 16 hours back and had not done my flow charts....of course.

But FI$HER will not only survive, we will thrive as usual.

[ August 28, 2007, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: Dr. FI$HER ]

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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by mikeybok » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:05 am

Originally posted by 4D:
Not quite, UYT. It wasn't YOU handing out the wallet, it was the man saying here, this is yours. Then saying sorry, I was wrong and this one is really yours. So it wasn't done by someone, it was done by the people in charge. And yes, Mike got the "wallet" he was supposed to get and they said it was their mistake and all that, but it doesn't mean people have to like what happened. Especially something that was so easy to prevent. Point taken ... if Mike had said he wasn't happy regarding the fact that stuff wasn't doublechecked ... I would have agreed with him. I have also complained about that before. He is complaining that he went from Gore to McGahee #4 to #14. When it's exactly what he wanted. He is also complaining about the communication ... not because there wasn't any or it was slow ... but because he doesn't like the exact ORDER of it (obviously not exactly the order he would have done it in ... when Tom and Greg were just using every means to spread the word as soon as possible)???? Thats whining in my book.

Big Mike
Hakuna Matata!

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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by RiFF » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:07 am

Originally posted by RI WORKHORSE:
[]We all lost study time.....

Who Cares,

I have been in the NFFC for 4 years now, And Trust Greg and TK. This even makes me trust them more. Alot of people don't look at the other side of things. Like big Mikes post above. What if you were the guy who should of had the 5 pick and you got somone elses pick. And Greg never said nothing.......

The wallet has been returned to the right owner :D [/quote]

I care...about wasted time. And it has absolutely nothing to do with trust. If I didn't trust the NFFC, I obviously wouldn't be here. And as I said TWICE in my post, once the blunder was discovered it was handled correctly. Lose the wallet analogy, it really isn't applicable.

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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by RiFF » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:12 am

Originally posted by Dr. FI$HER:
quote:Originally posted by RiFF:
quote:Originally posted by Coltsfan:
The bottom line is that everyone got the exact pick that the should have as a result of having kds. Therefore nobody lost anything - it's exactly the way it was supposed to be.

Wayne I completely agree that NFFC did the correct thing once the blunder was discovered. But to suggest "nobody lost anything", I believe is a total misrepresentation. I have consistently set my KDS to the early slots and late slots and ALL the satellites I've participated in I've had either an early slot or a late slot. So, when I got slot 9 in the first go through I was totally unprepared and spent 2 or 3 hours on Sunday looking back through the satellites I had done and further studying the likely players that would be available there. I then spent another couple hours prior to the SSDC28 draft last evening and was finally satisfied that I was prepared to draft from slot 9. Then I scan the message boards after the completion of the SSDC28 draft and find out draft spots may be changing. After a couple more hours I find that I'm not in fact drafting from slot 9 but slot 12 which is a slot I was already 100% comfortable with. So, I don't feel I've lost nothing, I feel I lost and WASTED about 5 hours because of this blunder.
Again, I believe the right thing was done once discovered but when dealing with people's emotions and hard earned dollars a better system of safeguards and quality control probably should have been in place to have prevented this sort of occurrence. And I'm sure it goes without saying that Greg and Tom feel as bad, if not worse, about this than any participant; for what that's worth.

Very well put. I lost about 16 hours of valuable time and several hours of sleep last night also moving from the 9 to 12 spot but after seeing the math, I believe it was the right thing and that KDS works well (for most) :mad: . Just an unfortunate situation how it went down. Do I wish I had those 16 hours back and had not done my flow charts....of course.

But FI$HER will not only survive, we will thrive as usual.
[/QUOTE]I'm 100% with you Doc. Its over, I'm moving on and looking forward to this weekend's activities. My only point was it is very unfair to characterize this as nobody losing anything. I'm sure many participants, in addition to us were in a similar circumstance. Good luck, although you seem to indicate you won't need ;)

GOD Loves You
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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by GOD Loves You » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:14 am

No one truly has a clue as to who's going to be available to them at each pick. To complain about moving a few spots due to some lost study time makes me laugh. Once everybody steps into the room to draft, all the ADP crap is thrown out the window.

I can understand the frustration with receiving a pick and then having to receive another, but to complain about the so-called lost study time doesn't hold much water to me. YOU HAVE NO IDEA what's going to happen in any draft, from any slot unless you are picking 1st.

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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by RiFF » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:20 am

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
No one truly has a clue as to who's going to be available to them at each pick. To complain about moving a few spots due to some lost study time makes me laugh. Once everybody steps into the room to draft, all the ADP crap is thrown out the window.

I can understand the frustration with receiving a pick and then having to receive another, but to complain about the so-called lost study time doesn't hold much water to me. YOU HAVE NO IDEA what's going to happen in any draft, from any slot unless you are picking 1st. You're certainly entitled to your opinion. But if you honestly believe drafting from a slot 3 or 4 spaces away doesn't impact the players that in all liklihood will be available to you, then we can agree to disagree.

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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by Dr. FI$HER » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:22 am


Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
No one truly has a clue as to who's going to be available to them at each pick. To complain about moving a few spots due to some lost study time makes me laugh. Once everybody steps into the room to draft, all the ADP crap is thrown out the window.

I can understand the frustration with receiving a pick and then having to receive another, but to complain about the so-called lost study time doesn't hold much water to me. YOU HAVE NO IDEA what's going to happen in any draft, from any slot unless you are picking 1st. "

I can predict with certainty 2-4 players which I would take and be available with my first 4-5 picks at any draft spot 1-14.

If you would like to see my flow chart after the draft, cmon over to the Wynn and hang with the big boys.

Good luck!

[ August 28, 2007, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Dr. FI$HER ]

GOD Loves You
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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by GOD Loves You » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:28 am

Riff, I know from drafting in the main the past 2 years that anything can happen. For instance the biggest Manning fan could be sitting at the 9 spot and think, I'm taking Manning #9 if so and so isn't there, only to see him go #5 overall. I agree a few spots changes things, especially near the back end, but after the first few rounds, guys will be all over the place. I'll be honest, I haven't even done a single mock this season due to the unpredictability we will experience in a few days. BTW, nothing wrong with disagreements if it's done properly.

GOD Loves You
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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by GOD Loves You » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:35 am

Doc, I understand what you are saying. Although, if you can predict from any spot, did you really need the 16 hours??

I'll be honest, I've spent most of my time prepping from the backend. I've already done a few draft from there and had #14 as my 3rd preference, so I fully expected to be near the end. My plan was to go WRX3....and what do you know, I get the #1 pick. Happy, yes, overly excited, no. You can imagine how I have to alter my strategy now. From my research, I feel I'm going to be "reaching" with most of my picks due to the long wait in between.

BTW, it's going to be easier for me if I drive over to your house after you get back from Vegas since I'm not leaving the state. Maybe I could get a free diagnosis about a few of my ailments??

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New Draft Order - From What # to What #?

Post by Dr. FI$HER » Tue Aug 28, 2007 11:41 am


16 hours is what it took me to do my flow charts and

BTW, I dont do rectal exams! :D

[ August 28, 2007, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: Dr. FI$HER ]

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