Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by BubbasHouse » Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:58 am

Greg -

Chicago has continued to dwindle in size year over year - and I can't really tell you why. I don't belive it's been the venues/location or intangables (food, party, etc...). Maybe more on the financially conservative gambling front - boats & ponies have had their problems here too. High-stakes FF has just not fired off here - and there's a bundle of FF leagues and players - just not enough willing to throw $2-4K/year at it. It took folks coming from MN/MI/OH/VA/IN/KY just to get enough here in the first place. Chicago as a live site is dead - regardless of your weekend selected.

Focus on building your business out of Las Vegas - it gives you the best opportunity to get your gamblers playing your game.


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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by Getpaddled » Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:10 pm

If Chicago is a go for the 2nd weekend of Sept. I will be cashing in my V-card to do my first live drafts... After 3 years of online drafts through the NFFC, I'm ready for some face to face BS
Greg Dietzler AKA Letter Pusher
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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:58 pm

Originally posted by BubbasHouse:
Greg -

Chicago has continued to dwindle in size year over year - and I can't really tell you why. I don't belive it's been the venues/location or intangables (food, party, etc...). Maybe more on the financially conservative gambling front - boats & ponies have had their problems here too. High-stakes FF has just not fired off here - and there's a bundle of FF leagues and players - just not enough willing to throw $2-4K/year at it. It took folks coming from MN/MI/OH/VA/IN/KY just to get enough here in the first place. Chicago as a live site is dead - regardless of your weekend selected.

Focus on building your business out of Las Vegas - it gives you the best opportunity to get your gamblers playing your game.

Bubba If that's really the sentiment from one of our most loyal Chicago owners, then that weighs heavy in our thoughts. We have everything in place for a return to the same hotel on Sept. 7-8, but Chicago is also lagging in baseball so I do have concerns. I still have hope for Chicago NFFC and I'd hate to shut out all of our Midwest folks from any live event option nearby, but this post is interesting.
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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:59 pm

Originally posted by Getpaddled:
If Chicago is a go for the 2nd weekend of Sept. I will be cashing in my V-card to do my first live drafts... After 3 years of online drafts through the NFFC, I'm ready for some face to face BS Now that's what I like to hear from a Cheesehead!! :D
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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by kentucky » Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:30 am

Greg, as of right now, the only reason I won't be returning to Chicago would be if the NFFC isn't able to sponsor events there. I think there have been great strides made with the Chicago events regarding the location, food, drinks, etc...You've done everything that's been asked of you to make this a great experience for the participants.

I can't begin to explain or understand why Chicago's participation is shrinking. It may simply be what BWazz said earlier, we do our thing in the suburbs and don't get the Chicago feel. I'll be traveling to NYC this year, my first visit to the city, to draft in the NFBC in downtown Manhattan. Is it unfeasable to draft, in downtown Chicago? Is the answer simply the lifestyles of the people that draft in LV and NYC versus the midwesterners that draft in Chicago? Are Chicago drafters more frugal? I don't have the answer, but I'm sure you'll do what is right.
bill cleavenger
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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by pmfarley21 » Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:02 am

Just wanted to add my 2 cents.....as I have said in the past, I have only participated in the auction event the last 2 years in Chicago. That is due to scheduling conflicts, price of entry, and the fact that I just much prefer that format to a draft format. I have never been to Vegas, but my wife and I are contemplating taking a trip out there this year for the NFFC. This would be, however, a one-time deal (or perhaps only every 5 years, or something like that). Having an event in Chicago is what allows me to participate on a year-to-year basis. Without the Chicago event, I could pretty much guarantee that I would not be a regular participant in the NFFC, which is a bit depressing because I have really enjoyed the past few years, seeing how closely I can hang with the big boys of fantasy football. If participation is down, I would personally still prefer a live event in Chicago done on the cheap vs no event at all. Hell, I'll go draft in someone's basement and we can all order Buffalo Wild Wings and I'll be happy. That's all I've got, just wanted to contribute to the discussion and waste time instead of emptying the garbages.

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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by kentucky » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:37 pm

Glad to see Mr. Farley chime in. Don't let him kid you with the "hanging with the big boys" BS. His first year (2010) he won the Chicago Auction, this year (2011) he finished 3rd and was right there going into the final week of the playoffs. He's proven to me he's as good an Auction player as there is in the NFFC.

I understand his sentiments and I'm sure there are a lot of Chicago drafters that feel the same way. We just need to get the signups going, or send out that questionaire to previous Chicago participants, so to hopefully get enough feedback and make some decisions.
bill cleavenger
"BIG BLUE NATION" ... We don't rebuild, we reload!!!

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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by pmfarley21 » Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:01 am

Thank you for the kind words, sir, but I will take luck over skill any day. I pissed away good money on Knowshon Moreno as a starting RB, and I was only saved by a few $4 players in Gronkowski and Sproles.

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Looking For Feedback On Midwest NFFC Venues

Post by kentucky » Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:24 am

Originally posted by pmfarley21:
Thank you for the kind words, sir, but I will take luck over skill any day. I pissed away good money on Knowshon Moreno as a starting RB, and I was only saved by a few $4 players in Gronkowski and Sproles. Most everyone will attest you don't win leagues with the first few picks or the high priced players. It's the late round picks, the lower priced gems, and the FAAB that put you into contention. If you pi$$ed away money on Moreno, it's just another indicator or your skills to overcome adversity and contend. ;)
bill cleavenger
"BIG BLUE NATION" ... We don't rebuild, we reload!!!

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