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Turkey Day Game Predictions

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:55 am
by particra
Originally posted by mattjb:
Detroit haven't tried to stretch the field virtually all game. no wonder they are jumping all these inside slants. One of the worst coaching jobs I've ever seen by Detroit.

Turkey Day Game Predictions

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:24 am
by BillyWaz
Matthew Stafford goes bananas last week, and this week he probably won't even throw a TD. I think it is clear he isn't in the same class as Rodgers.

Last week Detroit scores SEVEN I start Jason Hanson....real happy about that. :rolleyes:

When someone goes off, you can almost bank on the next week that they won't do crap. That is the kind of season this has been.

Turkey Day Game Predictions

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:28 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Based on the predictions, looks like there will be LOTS of scoring!

Here are mine....

Detroit 27 Green Bay 23
Dallas 31 Miami 21
Baltimore 16 San Francisco 13

OVER UNDER......2 1/2.....(I'll go OVER)...

the number of times they show or mention the Leon Lett illegal touch of the football in the snow. Wow was my prediction off for the Packers-Lions.

In the end, the Lions are STILL the Lions......losers.

Turkey Day Game Predictions

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:32 am
by particra
Stafford proved himself today to be a fraud. He's afraid to throw the ball more than 4 yards downfield.

Schwarz also embarrassed himself today. Detroit isn't a threat to anyone.

Turkey Day Game Predictions

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:40 am
by Money
Originally posted by Hells Satans:
Stafford proved himself today to be a fraud. He's afraid to throw the ball more than 4 yards downfield.

Schwarz also embarrassed himself today. Detroit isn't a threat to anyone. The Lions continue to embarrass themselves with their behavior. I don't get it, they finally become legit and have taken on a strange attitude. I guess the coach cultivates it.

That said I still like the guy (Schwartz) and hope that they can take a more admirable approach and make the playoffs. Sue has to get himself under control.

Also tired of the announcers announcing his suspension to the NFL. The speculation one time is fine, bit over and over and over and.........

Turkey Day Game Predictions

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:32 pm
by particra
I've never seen playcalling so idiotic as what I've seen today. With the exception of GB, each of the teams that played today should fire their offensive coordinators.