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An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:54 am
by Monkeyville
Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Man, the Primetime is going to far surpass the Classic now in total entries and I think we're going to easily top 300 teams and reach our goals. The calls are pouring in now for the Primetime event and I'd be surprised if most of those owners didn't sign up in the last week or so. Again, it's sad to talk to so many fantasy owners who have trekked to Las Vegas during each of the last nine years and listen to them as they tell us how disappointed they are in the other contest and our whole industry in general. How could this happen, they say? I have no answer other than to hope they stay in the HSFF space and trust someone new.

We have a lot of folks knocked down but not out. It's good to see Larry Gold back in and I think we might have a Z-Man sighting soon!! :D We're also glad to welcome the team of Christopher Hart and Tobin Biolchini as they will be joining us at the Bellagio on Saturday, Sept. 10th at 10 am for our Primetime Main Event. They also have been long-time WCOFF members who will now replace that Saturday draft with a new Saturday morning draft. Welcome aboard guys and thanks for sticking in the space throughout this mess.

More announcements to come soon. We're just finalizing draft dates for a lot of folks. Thanks all and this will be a fun, fun season for all of us. If Z-Man enters, will he
1- Sell his book on site? :eek:
2- Follow his Draft Plan :confused:

I'm just busting balls from an earlier draft on the WCOFF site a year or two ago. :D

Good to see these names signing up, should be a blast!

An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:32 am
by Fro
The memories of playing in the wcoff all those years will always be good ones. But in the end, our relationship was not working out. So it better for everyone that we get divorced.

And one good thing about getting divorced is you get to play the field again.

Excited to join the league this year guys.

An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:37 am
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by Fro:
The memories of playing in the wcoff all those years will always be good ones. But in the end, our relationship was not working out. So it better for everyone that we get divorced.

And one good thing about getting divorced is you get to play the field again.

Excited to join the league this year guys. Great to have you joining the NFFC, Chris. I think you'll like what we have to offer.

As I told you yesterday on the phone I've played WCOFF in the past and there's no question it was the pinnacle event in the fantasy industry. It's a damn shame what happened but the good news is I think you'll find that our event is a first-class one with a great game that great players love to play.

An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:08 am
by Jersey Dawg
I keep looking for an official notice about the 2011 WCOFF season being cancelled, yet there is nothing. The site still looks live. In fact, someone cleaned up the home page. The list of "in season" events is down to only the main event and the high roller event. Pretty amazing. People will continue to sign up and people will show up too....


An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:23 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Monkeyville:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Man, the Primetime is going to far surpass the Classic now in total entries and I think we're going to easily top 300 teams and reach our goals. The calls are pouring in now for the Primetime event and I'd be surprised if most of those owners didn't sign up in the last week or so. Again, it's sad to talk to so many fantasy owners who have trekked to Las Vegas during each of the last nine years and listen to them as they tell us how disappointed they are in the other contest and our whole industry in general. How could this happen, they say? I have no answer other than to hope they stay in the HSFF space and trust someone new.

We have a lot of folks knocked down but not out. It's good to see Larry Gold back in and I think we might have a Z-Man sighting soon!! :D We're also glad to welcome the team of Christopher Hart and Tobin Biolchini as they will be joining us at the Bellagio on Saturday, Sept. 10th at 10 am for our Primetime Main Event. They also have been long-time WCOFF members who will now replace that Saturday draft with a new Saturday morning draft. Welcome aboard guys and thanks for sticking in the space throughout this mess.

More announcements to come soon. We're just finalizing draft dates for a lot of folks. Thanks all and this will be a fun, fun season for all of us. If Z-Man enters, will he
1- Sell his book on site? :eek:
2- Follow his Draft Plan :confused:

I'm just busting balls from an earlier draft on the WCOFF site a year or two ago. :D

Good to see these names signing up, should be a blast!
[/QUOTE]As Z-Man posted on the other site, he's having a little z-man this year!!! :D As they said in the Incredibles "YOU'VE BEEN BUSY!!" :D This will be the first time in a decade Rob hasn't drafted in Las Vegas as he just moved to California and is getting settled in with a new home and family. He has a lot on his plate. Hopefully we can still keep him in the HSFF space with a Primetime Online team. We should know soon.

He's among the best and I'm sure he will stick to his game plan. He sold his book in 2005 at our FSTA Trade Conference and the NFFC and I got to know him and his dad then. Great people. Rob played in the NFFC a couple of years and was glad when we added the 12-Team format!!! :D That 14-teamer can kick anyone's butt.

But you're right: Good to see a lot of familiar names and great, great players joining the NFFC. Enjoy the competition all.

An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:26 am
by Greg Ambrosius
Originally posted by Fro:
The memories of playing in the wcoff all those years will always be good ones. But in the end, our relationship was not working out. So it better for everyone that we get divorced.

And one good thing about getting divorced is you get to play the field again.

Excited to join the league this year guys. Fro, glad to have you in the NFFC during your bachelor years!! :D Good luck picking from the field and beating them all to the prettiest lady, which is the $100,000 grand prize.

You are so right: For some players this feels like a divorce. A bad divorce. Some are even still holding on for a reconciliation and the other partner keeps providing false hope. But it's time to move on and there are a lot of second marriages that turn out great and last for decades. I'm positive that's going to be the case here for a lot of you. Thanks again and welcome to the NFFC family.

An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:42 am
by Jersey Dawg
It looks like the wcoff plans to hold the drafts. The home page is cleaned up and they updated to prize structure. Now offering $100K based on 240 teams.... Oh boy.

An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:48 am
by mkrucek
Originally posted by Jersey Dawg:
It looks like the wcoff plans to hold the drafts. The home page is cleaned up and they updated to prize structure. Now offering $100K based on 240 teams.... Oh boy. Yes, that is Dustin's plan.

An Open Forum For WCOFF Players

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:02 am
by DoubleG
Originally posted by Jersey Dawg:
It looks like the wcoff plans to hold the drafts. The home page is cleaned up and they updated to prize structure. Now offering $100K based on 240 teams.... Oh boy. i wonder how many of those 240 will be "roll over" teams...thus contributing no new money to the equation.

I have a feeling there will be multiple people standing outside the wcoff draft facility informing newbie owners that WCOFF hasn't paid their 2010 winners yet, ie, they just played u for da sucker...