Possible future change in Playoff round

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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by TradeStar28 » Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:18 am

We can all try to compare high-stakes fantasy football to golf, auto racing, poker, etc etc etc.

It would be nice to just have fantasy football as its own entity and only rectify any changes to the game itself.

Soon, we are gonna hear on these boards how someone once went on a fishing charter boat trip out of Cabo San Lucas and the pool fish was a Sword fish but it was pregnant at the time it was landed with 58484 eggs and that shouldnt have counted towards the pool prize which some how is related to point scoring and championship rounds in fantasy football. :D
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D-Day Heroes
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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by D-Day Heroes » Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:40 am

[QUOTE]Originally posted by FISHER:

Soon, we are gonna hear on these boards how someone once went on a fishing charter boat trip out of Cabo San Lucas and the pool fish was a Sword fish but it was pregnant at the time it was landed with 58484 eggs and that shouldnt have counted towards the pool prize which some how is related to point scoring and championship rounds in fantasy football. :

Damn, Fisher man, you just stole my next point, lol.
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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by Dabigu » Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:57 am

very rarely do I post on the boards, I do alot of reading and alot of laughing at the posts, but here is something I have some input on, some will agree and some will disagree, why give any advantage to anyone making the playoffs. I think I am in a very tough league, Chicago 3, and the Tomlinson team or the McNabb team are not winning and I do not think they are even in the running, I think I drew some very strong teams, where a few in the top 10 were laughing at their competition after the draft. We are all not on the same playing field. We have 23 totally different leagues. As far as I can see all 14 of the teams in my league have participated all the way thru and not missed a FAAB, were other leagues 2, maybe as many as 5 teams have given up. Why should those teams have an advantage over mine if we both make the playoffs. I know the league I was in was the luck of the draw in Chicago, but why give an advantage to someone who is only compteting again 9 other teams and gets a better choice at FA's. Just curious what others think?
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Ted's Cracked Head
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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:47 am


Billy made a similar statement earlier on and I totally agree.

If I am reading between the lines correctly, I think that Greg even touched on this part of the discussion too. but I think you do want to give the playoff teams a fresh start if you can without giving so much love towards the league they competed in this year.
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King of Queens
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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by King of Queens » Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:49 am

Originally posted by Dabigu:
but why give an advantage to someone who is only compteting again 9 other teams and gets a better choice at FA's. I'm back. Thank you for all the e-mails and PMs concerning my whereabouts.

Dabigu makes an excellent point here. Under the current system, ridiculous free agent drops that can easily affect the overall contest (such as DeAngelo Williams ) are either missed or allowed. Why should teams be allowed to get free agents of this caliber AND get an edge in the playoffs?

I say one or the other, but not both.

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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by 3INTBOY » Mon Nov 20, 2006 1:53 pm

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
Actually GG ... 3INT is actually proposing adding a 6.5x so teams haven't earned 2X their weekly avg, but somehow they earned 6.5X????? lou - i graduated high school. your logic doesn't work on me. [/QUOTE]It's not logic, it's math.
But hey they don't teach that in Home Ec. class GG..

I have no idea where you get 6.5x's, it's not any multiple of your weekly average, its half the points you earned.

The idea is to reward the regular season and post season.

I gave the abridged version. But the bottom line after all the math was done is you would have a closer grouping of the teams at the end, and it would avoid a team that lagged during the regular season, or made it in because of the H2H that was far outscored having one huge week during the Championship round and stealing the Championship.

It's aggressive, but that's because it's different. I have two leagues doing it on my site right now. I'll share the results for a small sample...


[ November 20, 2006, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: 3INTBOY/BFDFANTASY.com ]

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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by TURBOUGH » Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:16 pm

Does anyone agree that we should all start at 0 just like any other sports does (excluding Nascar)? It doesn't make any sense to reward someone for what they did in the regular season. The bonus is being in the playoffs. If your x amount of points behind and the top teams have 2-3 of your top players your kind of SOL on catching up. Everyone should be starting at 0. Our league championships start at 0 so why not the other? Please give me a good reason.


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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by BubbasHouse » Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:25 pm

Turb -

Multiple trains of thought on types of leagues:

1) Two very distict FF seasons - a regular season and a playoff season with payoffs for both seasons. Start fresh in each season
2) One FF season with no playoff system and rewards cumulative at EOY
3) A "blended" season - one with rewards for a good regular season (payoffs) and then some playoff "bonus" points with playoff payoffs for playoff point total.

NFFC is format #3. I like format #2 & #3 and I'm not really interested in format #1.

I think most understand that good and bad things can happen in a three week stint that will make or break the playoff participants. I'm in the camp that would prefer to see the first 13 weeks count for more than just qualifying and 25% of the final playoff point total. 40%-50% (2x-3x) is more equitable IMO. It comes down to this - if I'm team #32 - the smaller the percentage the better - If I'm team #1 - the bigger the better.

Most of us understand that team #1 SHOULD get the advantage but since there's only one #1 we don't want to make that too big.

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Possible future change in Playoff round

Post by TURBOUGH » Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:46 am

Thats a good explanation but in your league championship games, both teams still start at 0. That isn't part of the regular season. If we are going to give advantages to teams scoring more then why not do it in the league championship game? Also, records aren't getting any recognition for the shootout.

If anyone made the post season and was among the bottom of the qualifers, I think most would agree that its exremely difficult to leap frog the other 50-60+ teams in front of you. I just think it would be much more interesting if everyone started at 0.

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