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Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:54 am
by renman
While I am open to discussing ways to mess with the NFFC to keep more teams in it (I did like King of Queens proposal) it seems like these changes are often focused on dealing with the absent owners who bail on a league.

Just another example of how that issue is a serious issue.

So why don't we discuss ways to deal with the actual issue? There are things we can do to improve on (maybe not totally solve) that problem. Why don't we ever discuss it? When a discussion does start it seems to get shouted down. Yet here we are discussing format changes that are specifically designed to keep teams from quitting.

We can discuss both can we not?

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:15 am
by alanr824
I finished tied for 1st H2H in my Classic league, but 4th in points... and I did not make the playoffs, yet I finished tied for 4th H2H and 4th in points in my auction league and I MADE the playoffs!! Goes to show, sometimes you get lucky with regards to the playoff / no playoff system and sometimes you don't. I would keep all of the rules the same for 14 team leagues and change it up for 12 team leagues. My opinion for whatever its worth,

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:24 am
by bald is beautiful
Originally posted by KJ Duke:
Baseball goes 26 weeks, if you happen to be leading after the first 16 weeks you don't get jack. Hey, hey hey! You don't get Jack anytime!

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:42 am
Originally posted by thegambler:
quote:Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
quote:Originally posted by Money:
It addresses the so called "Chum Chum" club perception. There are many who believe that only a select number of players opinions matter to the NFFC. These concerns are usually posted by the newest members.

The fact that this comes up each year suggests that there is something to the perception.Joe, I think it also suggests people aren't very familiar with our history. I don't want to speak for Greg but one reason why I typically don't respond to the "Chum Chum Club" comments is because nothing could be further from the truth. Greg and I have made a number of changes over the years to the event and many of those changes have come from suggestions made by a large segment of our participants, not just a select few. The fact we're sending out surveys to our first-time players and to all of our players (you guys will see that one soon) is another example of how we want to hear from everyone, not simply a select few.

It is unfortunate if people believe the silly "Chum Chum Club" actually exists. Perhaps Greg and I need to work harder to dispel that belief since it has no connection to reality in our eyes. But trust me when I say all opinions are always welcome. Greg and I may not agree with all of them but we want to hear what everyone thinks about all we have to offer, whether you're a charter member or playing in the NFFC for the first time this year.
[/QUOTE]i'm sorry but i don't really believe that post totally. i have been trying to stay away from the boards but this one has brought me back for a quickie.

playoffs has been brought up several times this year and has been torn down by several members on the nffc family "vets" and chum chum members. just take a look back at some of the older threads. now it was brought up again by one of the so called chum chum members and was welcomed with open arms.

things like that leave a bad taste in a new owner/players mouth.

i like the fact that greg has addressed mine and other new players thoughts on this topic but for me it is too little too late.

have a good season all....good luck in the playoffs
[/QUOTE]first of all leave out the name calling ( chum chum club ) as a bad thing. these people have been around since day one and should be shown the respect and loyalty of their opinion. just as if we came to wcoff a few years back and tried to change their ways by pushing hard and to single out a few of their vets. that would be wrong. i understand the teams that just started here are used to playing a certain way but on the other hand so are we. i hope that most of you ( if not all of you ) come back to the NFFC next year. play both hsff events. as far as im concerned i would be very surprised if the survey was not 70/30 to keep this the way it is. if not then greg and tom will take a new look at this. they have a hard choice to make if it is close. i just dont think it will be but thats my opinion.

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:44 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by Bald is Beautiful:
quote:Originally posted by KJ Duke:
Baseball goes 26 weeks, if you happen to be leading after the first 16 weeks you don't get jack. Hey, hey hey! You don't get Jack anytime! [/QUOTE]Addressing KJ's post....

First, congratulations on your baseball season (truly great!). That being said, I am going to go out on a limb and say that you and Lindy were NOT the two best teams JUST counting the last 10 weeks of the season.

My point is that football RESETS, and it is really like 2 different seasons. You obviously want to get hot the last 3 weeks (provided you are in the hunt), but that is the need the FULL BODY OF WORK from 13 weeks to get there. Just like you wouldn't want to dominate like you did for 18 weeks in baseball, and then have a lousy 8 weeks and get nothing, right?

You gotta pay teams a DECENT AMOUNT for their work BEFORE the playoffs reset.

I think the NFFC is smart enough NOT to go to a H2H format for the playoff round, because this creates even MORE luck in this game which already has plenty.

Add a couple more teams in the mix if the goal is to keep more involved, but keep the total points race over a 2 or 3 week period. The auction and Super formats competing total points in weeks 14-16 with...

1) record
2) points
3) points
4) points

is pretty ideal in my book, and would keep PLENTY of people involved. If you can't get best record or be the next 3 in points......sorry, you simply weren't good enough to have a shot at more money, IMO.

[ December 06, 2011, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:18 pm
by Glenneration X
Originally posted by ForLoveOfTheGame:
Glenneration X: I’ve agreed with a lot of your posts but lets be honest man, if you have that many injuries on a team it just isn’t going to be your year unless you drafted insanely well / lucky in the later rounds. If we’re going to try and keep teams involved who have that many injuries well then we’re going to have to send almost everyone to the playoffs. I’ve got a team that went like this:
1 Round) Andre Johnson 2) Darren McFadden 4) Jahvid Best 5) Mario Manningham 7) Danny Amendola and I’m going to finish just barely out of 2nd, about 20 - 30 points back. I’m not going to go to the playoffs but I wasn’t one of the best teams. It sucks but injuries are a part of the game (mostly unlucky part but you should KNOW the risk you’re taking with some guys, like McFadden and Best for example from my team). I just don’t see any way to let everyone with tons of injuries to stay involved, I mean can’t at least 3 or so teams from every league say they were killed by injuries?
ForLoveOf.....though I used one of my teams that have suffered injuries as an example to support my argument for the benefits of an expanded playoff format, protection against injuries was not the point I was trying to make nor was my personal story the reason for my thought process.

I'll relay another recent personal experience coming from a different persective. This time the NFFC format would have aided my cause. One of my FFPC Main Event teams won top points in its league. Although it scored 162 and 201 points during the playoff weeks, I had to settle for 3rd place playoff money because my opponent in week one of the playoffs scored 165. Utilizing the NFFC format, I would have been league champ and several grand richer.

However, there's another story in the FFPC of a team who started 1-6 and 9th in points after 7 weeks. That player though seemingly out of it continued to make free agent moves, some of his injured players returned, his slow starters came on, and he was able to turn around his season and made the playoffs. In the playoffs, his hot streak continued and he won the league. Now some may say this is what's wrong with an expanded playoff, that the best team didn't win. However, what constitutes the best team? He definately wasn't the best team the first seven weeks. Still, could there have been a better team the last six weeks? What makes the first seven weeks more important than the last six? Why shouldn't a team have the opportunity to work his team through slow starts and injury and build his team to be the best come playoff time? Isn't that an even more difficult skill than having drafted a great team and been lucky enough to never have too much of a cold patch or injuries? Shouldn't that ability have an opportunity at reward as well?

Even more importantly, doesn't that opportunity keep more slow starting teams fighting longer, keep the season alive and more fun for those teams longer, and make the investment of joining a contest more worth it whether you make the playoffs or not?

I honestly don't have a problem with the NFFC's format. I'm fine with having different formats for different contests since I play them all. There are also aspects to the NFFC's playoffs that I feel are the best around. The NFFC's 13-week season and the 3-week total points battle in the playoffs is far superior to the 11-week season and single week H2H formats offered elsewhere. I just think more should be involved in it each year. I think the more that are involved or even have a "chance" to be involved will get more satisfaction with their seasons and be more apt to return. This isn't about the players who will be here every year no matter what like myself, this is about those that have to think about it and convince themselves to return.

I'd also like to quickly address Joe and Gambler on the Chum Chum Club. I'm not really sure why a portion of this thread had to degenerate to a condemnation of the Club and Greg & Tom's supposed catering to it. I'm as guilty as anyone for having a bit of fun in the thread dedicated to the Chum Chum Club. However that's mostly due to my enjoyment at posting pictures and my long time love for movies in the Godfather genre. Godfathers I & II, Goodfellas, Scarface, Casino, etc. I mean seriously, does it get any better than that? :D

Still, I think the perception you two have is mistaken. I haven't been an NFFC participant that much longer than the two of you. I've only been here one year longer than you Joe and only two years longer than you Gambler. I haven't personally seen any indication that Greg and Tom only cater to the whims of veterans when making their decisions. In fact, I can personally state that in my first year, I was treated with more respect and my concerns addressed to such an extent that it became and remains the overriding factor in my ongoing loyalty to this contest. I received great customer service when I was a rookie two years ago just giving high stakes a try and I continue to receive great customer service today as a more established player.

As far as the Chum Chum Club itself, I don't believe there to be the underlying perception of this veteran clique that you two refer least there never was in my viewpoint. Even as someone who frequented the boards frequently , I never even saw the term Chum-Chum my first year. The first time I read it was towards the end of last year when Snake and Billy were in the midst of one of their message board battles....and I had no clue what the hell Snake was referring to. Since then I hadn't heard it referenced again until the recent thread on the topic....and now I finally know who is in the Club! And if those mentioned in the thread are the members, they're the least of our problems. Billy, Frank, KOQ, have anything but an elitist attitude as far as I'm concerned. Each has shown me nothing but good will and comaradarie since I've been a part of these contests. I've never seen them show anyone else anything but as well. Do they get their opinions across? Yes, because they're passionate about this game and thrive to make it better and are outspoken about their opinions. Joe, Gambler, you're no different. Good guys also, but passionate and outspoken. I'm no different. Many others are the same. There's nothing wrong with it, in fact it's a good thing.

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:57 pm
by Old School
Originally posted by RedRyder:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by RedRyder:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:

I don't think this will be that tough a call for me and Tom. So a decision has been made? Awesome, hope my survey opinions counted. Oh, wait, I wasn't asked to take a survey. :(
[/QUOTE]No need for the sad face Jules. Survey to all NFFC members will go out this week. It includes 20 basic questions about the event, the live drafts, demographic info. A survey asking for input on the format will go out most likely after the season is complete. I don't have my mind made up exactly the route I'm going, but I certainly know how much we need to tweak and how much we don't need to bulldoze. :D Hope that helps.

Thanks for wanting to take a survey. It's coming your way via email this week.
[/QUOTE]Point being, and obviously it is your business to run how you see fit, but I would have like to see a survey go out to ALL NFFCers first, then broken down into Year One players, 12 team players, etc.

I am glad after banging the drum for four years you have finally sent out a survey

See Gambler, they don't always listen to the Chum Chum Club ;)
[/QUOTE]Jules is ALWAYS the voice of reason She's a great fantasy pro that never acted like she is....

By the way, does the survey go out with an application to the "Chum-Chum" club? If so, i will list my 2 personal references as Tim Tebow and Sandman

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:56 pm
by weber7777

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:28 pm
by ForLoveOfTheGame
I DON’T want to expand to more teams playing for the money but your proposal is BY FAR the best idea in my opinion. There is no reason to add more luck factor with more head to head teams, 1 HTH team and 3 points teams, at least that makes sense to me.

Looks like we’re playing heads up for a few online titles… I hope you get 2nd in the overall standings if you know what I mean hehe! ;) Good luck

It makes more sense now that you DON’T use a team filled with injuries as an example, I just don’t think its realistic to have major injuries to high picks and win, sorry if you disagree.

Your part here: “I'll relay another recent personal experience coming from a different persective. This time the NFFC format would have aided my cause. One of my FFPC Main Event teams won top points in its league. Although it scored 162 and 201 points during the playoff weeks, I had to settle for 3rd place playoff money because my opponent in week one of the playoffs scored 165. Utilizing the NFFC format, I would have been league champ and several grand richer.”

Is exactly why I spend 99% of my money at the NFFC, not FFPC. That’s just too much luck for me, one bad week and it costs you THOUSANDS? No thanks. Your team had the most points then scored 162 and 201 so it ended with the most points I presume? Sounds like first place and should have the first place money to me and that didn’t happen, I’m not ok with that. Like you said, what’s wrong with different formats? This format is great I don’t see any reason to change it just so some ok teams can play for money they didn’t earn. Why can’t FFPC be four teams make the playoffs, one bad week and you’re done league? NFFC be the don’t have to worry about one bad week bs?

As for the second example of the team who didn’t quit, where did he finish in total points through 13 weeks? I doubt 1st. You can just keep trying to better your average and team for the consolation bracket but that just isn’t enough I guess? I mean I did multiple adds / drops this week for even my 10th place teams. One league I went all out even though I was DONE to beat a team who was in first place in record WHO FINISHED 12TH IN TOTAL POINTS. If I had been a deadbeat owner and not done that the 12th place team would have made it. WOW. Has a 12th place team ever been so close? Under your proposal he would play for the league money! That’s not ok, if you don’t understand that then I can’t explain it!!! That’s how much LUCK head to head can be, there is absolutely no reason to add more head to head teams to anything… unless they wanted to make a runner up bracket for the teams in 3rd place through whatever 5, 6, etc.

You said: “What makes the first seven weeks more important than the last six? Why shouldn't a team have the opportunity to work his team through slow starts and injury and build his team to be the best come playoff time?”

You can have a slow start here and make the playoffs, you act like its impossible but I’ve done it on a team or two every year. I don’t see anything that makes the first 7 weeks more important than the last 6 here. You just want the team with the slow start to have an even better chance to make the playoffs right? Because there’s nothing in the rules that says if you’re 1 and 5 after 6 weeks that you can’t make the playoffs or something like that. On my Primetime 1 team I lost BOTH weeks of all play, then went 3 and 3 the next 6 weeks with not a single score over 157 to sit at 3 – 5. By then I got my team together and went off for the next 5 weeks to finish 8 – 5 (not first in record) but made it through points. See, you can start very slow and make it! Don’t act like you can’t here!

You talk about this being about keeping players here, I can’t speak for anyone else but if you change to some lucky format like other sites I won’t be spending a dollar here but that’s just me. I have seen a few other people say something similar though. Have you stopped to think a decent amount of people here might just play here because they love how it’s set up? Never know, changing that could end up losing NFFC players. I play here because I like playing for skill, not luck, I hope it gets to stay that way.

Leave the NFFC AS IS

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:19 am
by Sandman62
Originally posted by ForLoveOfTheGame:
You [Glenneration] said: “What makes the first seven weeks more important than the last six? Why shouldn't a team have the opportunity to work his team through slow starts and injury and build his team to be the best come playoff time?”

You can have a slow start here and make the playoffs, you act like its impossible but I’ve done it on a team or two every year. I don’t see anything that makes the first 7 weeks more important than the last 6 here. You just want the team with the slow start to have an even better chance to make the playoffs right? Because there’s nothing in the rules that says if you’re 1 and 5 after 6 weeks that you can’t make the playoffs or something like that. On my Primetime 1 team I lost BOTH weeks of all play, then went 3 and 3 the next 6 weeks with not a single score over 157 to sit at 3 – 5. By then I got my team together and went off for the next 5 weeks to finish 8 – 5 (not first in record) but made it through points. See, you can start very slow and make it! Don’t act like you can’t here!I'm not sure you're comparing apples to apples here? Glenn's example wasn't just about starting with a bad RECORD for the first 7 weeks; the team in his example was also 10th in POINTS. In your example, though your record was 3-5 (which is a full 2 games better than 1-6), you also said you didn't have a single score over 157. I may be wrong here, so I'll just ask: what place were you in POINTS at that time? [I'm guessing somewhere between 5-8th?]

[ December 07, 2011, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: Sandman62 ]