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NFL News

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:20 am
by Diesel
So what ideas are floating around about Oakland's QB for 2007? If Oakland wouldn't take anything less than 2 first round picks for Jerry Porter last year, they aren't letting Moss go this year. It will be another unhappy year for Moss and Moss owners unless some team pays dearly for him.

Also, with the addition of J. Garcia in Tampa, will Galloway be a solid WR again?

NFL News

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:34 am
Originally posted by Diesel:
So what ideas are floating around about Oakland's QB for 2007? If Oakland wouldn't take anything less than 2 first round picks for Jerry Porter last year, they aren't letting Moss go this year. It will be another unhappy year for Moss and Moss owners unless some team pays dearly for him.

Also, with the addition of J. Garcia in Tampa, will Galloway be a solid WR again? With Calvin Johnson getting more hype by the minute I thought the lions wouldn't pass him up,Now it looks like the raider's won't pass him up either....Sad to say it could Andrew Walter. the guy that cost me the perfect season in the Nffc Main event. i only lost one game this year by .4 and that was the week westbrook didn't play. Walter Sucks, the raider's better get someone off the wire. I would of kept A.Brooks.

As for galloway,I think he gets better and the whole team gets better by that move...Garcia may be a little fruity but he is a hell of a football player....


[ March 08, 2007, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: RI WORKHORSE ]

NFL News

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:47 am
by TamuScarecrow
If Garcia couldn't find Stallworth, I'm not betting on him finding Galloway. That said, this should bode very well for Alex Smith, the tight end. Without a real pass-catching rb there, he should become the main check-down target. If they draft Calvin Johnson, he could become the guy very quickly with his size.

I still like Moss going to Green Bay for Rodgers as Al has to have a qb. Otherwise, he will pretty much be forced to go with Russell with the first pick and throw him to the lions right out of the box. I agree with you, Johnnie, I don't think Andrew Walter is going to cut it as anything more than a back-up. The other alternative for Al would be to get Calvin Johnson with the first pick and hope to grab Drew Stanton in the second round and take his chances with him.

NFL News

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:06 am
Stallworth was always hurt on and off. And Im not saying galloway's fantasy #'s go way up,Im just saying i think garcia is better then Simms. I think they got a better chance right now to win with garcia.Garcia is a winner, or they say "Gamer". He changes the attitude of the team. tampa might be a playoff team in the NFC now because of him.

What are your thoughts on Brady quinn making it to the dolphins? Do you guys think the vikings are going with Jackson as there qb? I think the diesel does. Where do you see quinn going?


NFL News

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:27 pm
by Diesel
You hit it on the nose Workhorse. I think T. Jax is the Vikes QB this year.

NFL News

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:09 pm
by Route Collectors
Cleveland trades down just far enough to still draft Quinn...the best QB in the draft!

NFL News

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:41 am
Originally posted by SNAKE:
Johnny Junkie...did you state that Aaron Brooks was an upgrade over Andrew Walters?...Aaron Brooks?!?!?!...after watching nearly every NFL game over the past 5 years the only QB in the entire league who Brooks would be an upgrade over is Patrick Ramsey ISHO...The Serpent has warned you many a time about the many pitfalls of addiction Johnny, and this is but the most recent example on your part here JJ...SNAKE Lol, :D

I would 100% take Brooks over walters any day.I would take kordell stewart over andrew walters. :D But on a serious note I would take brooks over about five of the nfl starters right now.....

I think andrew walters shouldn't even be in the league....


NFL News

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:59 am
by TradeStar28
Originally posted by Diesel:
Speaking of old times and places we used to hag out...I used to go to a place called the "Rock and Roll Cafe" in the village. They had copycat bands there every weekend. I used to go there whenever they had a group called the "Soft Parade". They were a "Doors" copycat band. The lead singer is Jim Morrison reincarnated. He is his twin. Good times. Diesel..I used to go to the Rockn Roll Cafe all the time....I would say around the 1995-1998 time frame.....Seen the Soft Parade many times there....the guy would come out looking like Morrision with the fog machine going....pretty funny...Also another cover band was LA Woman, they were pretty solid as well...I used to go see the Rush cover band there alot as well...they were called "Power Windows"....Those were great times...Also I did catch Robby Kreiger there and he is a sick underated guitar player.