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OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 8:48 am
by Glenneration X
I've never personally met Dave, but I have spoken to him on the phone more than once, E-mailed & PM'd with him, and participated in a draft that he was also a part of. He seems like real good people to me.

I participated in his contests at the FFPC last year and found the contests innovative, entertaining, and trustworthy. I will again take part in his contests this year and look forward to it, just as I look forward to my upcoming NFFC contests.

As far as the FFPC message board, there is no doubt it is the most aggessive board I've run across, bar none. There are times I've found the level of criticism for other sites to have crossed the line of good taste. However, I believe Alex described how that atmosphere developed pretty well in response to Billy on their boards last week.

In this current climate, with contests defaulting on their customers on an annual basis, players are going to have questions. Unfortunately, they need to asked. This includes cases where overzealous boasts or incorrect posts give reason for them to be asked.
I am now personally satisfied with the answers, but don't blame anyone for the questions as long as the questions have a basis for being asked and are not just rumor or conjecture.

I empathize with Dave. Right now I'm chasing $500-600 of value in promised prizes from the FFOC and am frustrated, annoyed, & disillusioned. Now imagine if it was $20,000.


OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:15 am
by Glenneration X
Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
quote:Originally posted by Glenneration X:

I still don't believe this is yours or Fanball's issueThis never has been a Fanball or NFFC issue, Glenn, no matter how badly some tried to make it out to be. That's what we've been telling people all along. Hopefully, whatever issues may remain with the FFOC are handled by those who were directly involved with that event. As Greg and I have said for quite some time it's no good for anyone in the industry when prize winners are not paid.
[/QUOTE]I know Tom....I trust you and Greg.


OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:08 pm
by TamuScarecrow
I agree with Rob that the appropriate legal action needs to be taken against FFOC if they can't meet their financial obligations.

I also feel this thread needs to go away as it is counter-productive and very aggravating for me to continue to see new threads for this topic pop up. Those who continue to feed it need to take care of their business on the FANBALL website or on the phone with the appropriate parties. From the monikers I've seen on this thread, no one can say they can't take care of their "FFOC issues" on the phone and/or away from the NFFC boards.

OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:43 pm
by Raiders
Originally posted by Leroy's Aces:
quote:Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
quote:Originally posted by Leroy's Aces:
I own the FFPC. We run Terminator, which I think you played in 2009, so make sure not to join it again this year.

And it takes no balls to call someone a clown on an internet message board, because there are no ramifications. Perhaps we can discuss your issues with me in person. We'll see if you call me a clown to my face then. Here's some honest feedback, Dave.

I seriously considered playing in the FFPC this year. But I monitored the MB over there and the posts were so negative and there was so much bashing of other contests that I've decided to stay away in 2010. Of course that's my opinion, and others might differ on this interpretation. I know that you may think that's unfair since you provide a forum for such posts, but truthfully it really turned me off.

Now you come onto this MB and place what some may consider an inflammatory post to a respected NFFC veteran. This post is at best negative and at worst threatening. I wish you wouldn't do that on this particular MB so that things remain civil here and don't turn overly negative like I feel they have on FFPC MB.

I will look again at the FFPC next year to see if I'm ready to play in it, because I do think you guys are interested in your customer's best interests.

That is unless you tell me to be sure not to play in it like you just told Big Mike.
[/QUOTE]Thanks for the honest feedback. We all have to make decisions about what contest we are or are not going to play this year, and that is certainly your choice. I have decisions to make myself in the coming months, but they are getting clearer every day.

But for Mike to come on and judge me like that when he knows nothing about what I know or my situation is not something I will tolerate without response.

If you were me and:

- Were directly told Fanball owns FFOC by a high-ranking Fanball employee last year, would you have believed him? (Greg has subsequently said this person was "boasting" and it was not accurate.) Couple that statement directly to me by the Fanball employee with Stan Mithios post asserting Fanball ownership (that was deleted), and what would YOU have believed?

- Are currently owed over $20,000 as part-owner of Jeff Gill's AFFL's teams, as I am, would you have reacted publicly and negatively about potential late and non-payment by FFOC, and subsequently the company making the payouts, Fanball?

- Had picked up a $700 dinner tab out of your own pocket last year in Chicago as I did, which included Ugly Yellow Tomatoes at the table, and then get called a clown by him on the NFFC boards, would you have not said anything?

I do not control what FFPC players say about NFFC, Fanball, FFOC or WCOFF. We do not believe in censorship, nor in deleting their posts. Since I have been told by Greg that the statement by that person was simply boasting, I have not commented on Fanball being part-owner of FFOC any further.
[/QUOTE]That's what gets me.
1. Ryan Houston told me Fanball owns FFOC.
Now Ryan was just "boasting". Why, FFOC was a poor run Contest, why Brag about that Contest. When you work for Libery Media a Huge Company?
2. Stan was asked a question, he answer it.
Yes Fanball owns 25% of FFOC.
Nothing was ever said that Stan was just "boasting", that FFOC had a Huge Backer.
He just deleted it and now the site is down.

So I'm not making any thing up, or just "Guessing".

First hand and from a Owner in Stan.

I've been throw under the bus, talk bad about behind my back. As well as other BS stuff.

But I knew what I was told and it was posted.
I'm trust worthy and have nothing to gain. I don't work for FFPC nor am I being paid by FFPC. Nor am I playing in any Contest this year including FFPC. I'm not starting up a HSFF Contest nor do I plan on it.

I'm just pissed that Contests are walking away with Players monies. For a second how would you feel if you won 1M or 100,000 or 20,000 and didn't get all of the money won?

That's what I'm fighting for.

Just the Facts!


OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:54 pm
by Raiders
Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
I agree with Rob that the appropriate legal action needs to be taken against FFOC if they can't meet their financial obligations.

I also feel this thread needs to go away as it is counter-productive and very aggravating for me to continue to see new threads for this topic pop up. Those who continue to feed it need to take care of their business on the FANBALL website or on the phone with the appropriate parties. From the monikers I've seen on this thread, no one can say they can't take care of their "FFOC issues" on the phone and/or away from the NFFC boards. Who started this Topic up? Tom.
Who onws FFOC? Do you care? Why don't you care?

I stop posting for awhile, look back in this Topic what Greg posted and see why I'm posting again. If you would like I'll even point it out for you?


OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:17 pm
by mikeybok
Originally posted by Leroy's Aces:

- Had picked up a $700 dinner tab out of your own pocket last year in Chicago as I did, which included Ugly Yellow Tomatoes at the table, and then get called a clown by him on the NFFC boards, would you have not said anything?
First ... A group of us did go to dinner that night. If you remember ... I was not hungry and did NOT order a meal. I do not drink ... so I ordered a soda. And to repay you for the soda ... I got in the only contest I entered outside of the NFFC last year. This also gave us the opportunity to partner with a buddy from NY. I know I said thank you a couple of times for the soda that night ... but thanks again for the soda.

I also want to thank you for sending out our winnings in a fast prompt way just like the NFFC does. I do appreciate your promptness. I'm not sure I'm as comfortable with how you treat your customers :rolleyes: .

I don't know "ALL the details" behind what your postings not on this message board. All I (and most others) can do is see what you post here comment on that. If you don't want comments ... post this stuff somewhere where others can't comment (I don't recall this being a thread for you only).

In my opinion ... to go on a another vendors (competitors) site and post what you posted ... while only posting some of the facts and calling out the other vendor on only the word of someone your accusing of maybe stiffing you ... is well ... very clownish ... for lack of a better word. You seem like a class act in person ... you should act that way in cyberspace IMO.

I have no problem with you barring me from your contest. That's your business. I already let one partner know we have been barred from your contest. I'll will let my NY buddy know also. If you think a soda (or 1000 sodas) will keep me from speaking my mind ... you are wrong. :D

I have absolutely ZERO intent on fighting you ... EVER. But if you think you can intimidate me so I will be afraid to call you a clown to your face ... :D ... you really don't know me at all.

Really .... Intimidation?


[ May 30, 2010, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Ugly Yellow Tomatoes ]

OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 1:20 pm
by weber7777
Originally posted by Leroy's Aces:
quote:Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
quote:Originally posted by Leroy's Aces:
I own the FFPC. We run Terminator, which I think you played in 2009, so make sure not to join it again this year.

And it takes no balls to call someone a clown on an internet message board, because there are no ramifications. Perhaps we can discuss your issues with me in person. We'll see if you call me a clown to my face then. Here's some honest feedback, Dave.

I seriously considered playing in the FFPC this year. But I monitored the MB over there and the posts were so negative and there was so much bashing of other contests that I've decided to stay away in 2010. Of course that's my opinion, and others might differ on this interpretation. I know that you may think that's unfair since you provide a forum for such posts, but truthfully it really turned me off.

Now you come onto this MB and place what some may consider an inflammatory post to a respected NFFC veteran. This post is at best negative and at worst threatening. I wish you wouldn't do that on this particular MB so that things remain civil here and don't turn overly negative like I feel they have on FFPC MB.

I will look again at the FFPC next year to see if I'm ready to play in it, because I do think you guys are interested in your customer's best interests.

That is unless you tell me to be sure not to play in it like you just told Big Mike.
[/QUOTE]Thanks for the honest feedback. We all have to make decisions about what contest we are or are not going to play this year, and that is certainly your choice. I have decisions to make myself in the coming months, but they are getting clearer every day.

But for Mike to come on and judge me like that when he knows nothing about what I know or my situation is not something I will tolerate without response.

If you were me and:

- Were directly told Fanball owns FFOC by a high-ranking Fanball employee last year, would you have believed him? (Greg has subsequently said this person was "boasting" and it was not accurate.) Couple that statement directly to me by the Fanball employee with Stan Mithios post asserting Fanball ownership (that was deleted), and what would YOU have believed?

- Are currently owed over $20,000 as part-owner of Jeff Gill's AFFL's teams, as I am, would you have reacted publicly and negatively about potential late and non-payment by FFOC, and subsequently the company making the payouts, Fanball?

- Had picked up a $700 dinner tab out of your own pocket last year in Chicago as I did, which included Ugly Yellow Tomatoes at the table, and then get called a clown by him on the NFFC boards, would you have not said anything?

I do not control what FFPC players say about NFFC, Fanball, FFOC or WCOFF. We do not believe in censorship, nor in deleting their posts. Since I have been told by Greg that the statement by that person was simply boasting, I have not commented on Fanball being part-owner of FFOC any further.
[/QUOTE]All i know is that if i were an owner of the FFPC and one of my co-owners was throwing out physical threats on the message boards on ANY message board.. wow, not the way to bring in customers or to legitimize an event.. Leroy, that is just not being a smart business man.. you have to separate your personal feelings from business.. especially when your actions effect those you partners with.. i'd love to hear what your partners have to say about your posts... WOW...

OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 2:08 pm
by Old School
Stick to the topic here.

This is not an NFFC issue at all I agree.

As an FFOC player who's sitting here waiting to be compensated for 11 free teams though, it's frustrating.

I really don't get a warm and fuzzy feeling reading a prepared statement by some FFOC mouthpiece. Lawyers get paid to lie or deceive at times. Waiting for payment I feel like Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin...doubt it will happen.

I, for one, would love hear Ryan Houston come on here and tell us that Fanball does not own or never owned at anytime a financial interest in the FFOC. He has posted here before. I contacted Fanball directly with no response so far.

I'd love to put all this behind me and concentrate on playing in the great NFFC contests. I believe Tom and Greg's word and if they're friends with Ryan, I will believe him too.

OT: Official Statement From FFOC Ending Its Event

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:13 pm
by Leroy's Aces
Well, to all whom I have offended, I apologize. I won't be posting or playing here anymore and have no other comments to offer. I wish all NFFC players best of luck this year and going forward. Good luck to you Greg and Tom. You are good guys, and Fanball is lucky to have you.