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NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:53 pm
by Nag'
Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
KOQ - btw, what was originally posted by AMERICA and then erased?...maybe it can be analyzed by SNAKE as a clue to confirm SNAKE's suspicions - please inform...SNAKE It was written EXACTLY like something you would write -- something about peace and harmony blah blah blah -- and then signed SNAKE. The only difference was that it was all in caps.

The edited quote, and then having it pulled down, made it look like you wrote it as AMERICA (instead of SNAKE) by mistake. Then, realizing your mistake, you took it down. That's how it was made to look anyway.
[/QUOTE]Snakie has reached a new low. I knew you had it in you, snakie.

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 2:26 pm
by Quahogs
Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
KOQ - btw, what was originally posted by AMERICA and then erased?...maybe it can be analyzed by SNAKE as a clue to confirm SNAKE's suspicions - please inform...SNAKE It was written EXACTLY like something you would write -- something about peace and harmony blah blah blah -- and then signed SNAKE. The only difference was that it was all in caps.

The edited quote, and then having it pulled down, made it look like you wrote it as AMERICA (instead of SNAKE) by mistake. Then, realizing your mistake, you took it down. That's how it was made to look anyway.

On a final note, if you say you're not AMERICA, I have no reason not to believe you.

My latest suspicion is that AMERICA is really Greg just trying to juice things up on the message boards. You notice how quiet he's been on the entire subject. Coem clean, Greg! You big troublemaker you! :D
[/QUOTE]AMERICA and Snake as 1?? say it aint so !


NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 5:59 pm
by Diesel
Originally posted by SNAKE:
SNAKE has already said what he has to say on this whole USA dude...if ignored though, the bet here is that he simply fades away and disappears into the dark is advised that all here try it...SNAKE Snake, this is nearly the exact same post that America had written and then deleted, earlier today. ????????????

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 6:40 pm
by GOD Loves You
I am guessing Snake would be smart enough to just delete the post, opposed to just deleting the reply within. :rolleyes:

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:29 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by Diesel:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
SNAKE has already said what he has to say on this whole USA dude...if ignored though, the bet here is that he simply fades away and disappears into the dark is advised that all here try it...SNAKE Snake, this is nearly the exact same post that America had written and then deleted, earlier today. ???????????? [/QUOTE]It could be Snake's "alternate persona". (honestly, as if you had it for 10+ years as you said, who is to say that it couldn't come back??)

It is bizarre that virtually the EXACT same thread would be posted by supposedly 2 different people. :confused:

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 1:31 am
by BillyWaz
Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
I am guessing Snake would be smart enough to just delete the post, opposed to just deleting the reply within. :rolleyes: Don't be so sure GLY, as I recall Snake asking over a month ago "how do you delete a post", as he didn't know. :eek:

NFFC Champions League 2 Draft Order

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:19 am
by Diesel
Snake, I don't know if it is or isn't you. In fact, my last post wasn't even hinting at that. I was wondering how you were asking everyone what post was deleted yesterday from America, and then you posted nearly the exact same thing that was deleted (that you said you never saw), about 8 hours later.

You say it's not you, so I have no reason to believe it is you. Let's leave it at that. I wish I had the power to delete this entire phucking thread because it's causing me irritable bowel syndrome.

I am done with this thread. On to fantasy football again.