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Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:00 pm
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
I went with Palmer in the FFPC/FBG playoff league I'm in and that proved to be a bad decision. YOU played Palmer over Tebow???

Oh better watch get indoors if there is a thunderstorm this week, Tim/Jesus isn't gonna like one of his biggest supporters benching his ass!
[/QUOTE]It's all good. I started him in the league I care most about.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:37 am
by renman

I agree with you too. Elway threw him out there assuming the season was dead and figured Tebow would struggle and the public opinion would shift toward a need for a new direction at the QB position.

Now he is in a tough spot.

I still question is Tebow can be a consistent winner in this league and believe the only way he could be is if an organization totally committed to him with an offensive system and personnel tailored to his style of play.

That is a big commitment to make that can set and organization back 3 or 4 years if it doesn't work.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:51 am
by Noose
Elway knows how big of a commitment it is and because of that doesn't want to commit... but with the way things are going, he has no choice. He has to draft a back-up QB who can do stuff that Tebow does. It's a brave new world and can't blame Elway for not committing to it, even if the team is winning and defying all odds right now. It's just not realistic to think a team can do this for years in a row, few games yeah.

But Tebow can progress too. Plus he has to have someone who can catch the bloody ball.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:22 am
by Noose
Steve Porter chimes in

Good stuff.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:59 am
by CoMoHusker
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Shrink Attack:
[QB] Is it just me, or does John Elway never look happy when Tebow pulls things out? He gives a fake smile, but there's no excitement, high-fiving, or looking energized in any way.

I think it's hard for Elway to be energized after he watches his QB go 3/15 for 45 yards thru three quarters. That has to be agonizing for him. I agree that Elway thought like the majority that Tebow wouldn't succeed and he would quickly be able to go another direction and bring in the type of QB he wanted.

I think it's clear the Elway isn't too thrilled about the ugly nature of the product on the field for a majority of the games. However, you would think he may be a little more excited at the end when they continue to pull these games out.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:06 am
by Diesel
Maybe if Tebow had Rod Smith, Ed Mcaffrey, Shannon Sharpe and Terrell Davis to help out, it would be a little easier on him. Maybe Elway forgets about little things like that.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:07 am
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by Diesel:
Maybe if Tebow had Rod Smith, Ed Mcaffrey, Shannon Sharpe and Terrell Davis to help out, it would be a little easier on him. Maybe Elway forgets about little things like that. I think if he just had Brandon Lloyd it would be a gigantic help for Tebow. I'm sure the Broncos had no idea they'd be a playoff team when they traded Lloyd but that's a guy they definitely could use right now.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:10 am
by The Franchise
Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
quote:Originally posted by Diesel:
Maybe if Tebow had Rod Smith, Ed Mcaffrey, Shannon Sharpe and Terrell Davis to help out, it would be a little easier on him. Maybe Elway forgets about little things like that. I think if he just had Brandon Lloyd it would be a gigantic help for Tebow. I'm sure the Broncos had no idea they'd be a playoff team when they traded Lloyd but that's a guy they definitely could use right now. [/QUOTE]I agree Diesel. There is not much talent around Tebow right now. Thomas is going to be very good, but he is still learning.

I believe for Tebow's style of play they need 2 positions upgraded next year.

TE and a Sproles/Woodhead type player. He keeps so many plays alive that a big target in the middle of the field would be huge, plus they need a fast/quick 3rd down type of RB. Ball and Johnson are just not fast enough to get up field when he checks down to them.

Tebow said this the other day in an interview that the 4th quarter is more about will and heart than talent. There is a lot of wisdom in that statement.

I know many look at as Tebow has a great defense and there the ones that won the game yesterday. Some will say that it was Prater that was clutch and won them the game and not Tebow. Does anyone think or realize that maybe because Tebow IS their Quarterback that those guys have become a team of a lot of will and heart......... And that is the reason why these guys have become so clutch.

I know if I played with Tebow and he has proven that he can come from behind and win and doesn't ever give up. I'm pretty much going to go the extra mile knowing we still have a chance to win. Right now he has his team, fans, announcers and anyone watching, believing that he is somehow going to get it done. It was crazy just listening to the announcers and Tony Siragusa become speechless with what they were seeing. Once or twice, ok big deal, but now it's just become obvious that this guy is a winner and is just money when the game is on the line.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:12 am
by Tom Kessenich
Originally posted by The Franchise:

I know many look at as Tebow has a great defense and there the ones that won the game yesterday. Some will say that it was Prater that was clutch and won them the game and not Tebow. Does anyone think or realize that maybe because Tebow IS their Quarterback that those guys have become a team of a lot of will and heart......... And that is the reason why these guys have become so clutch.
Same guys were on the team when Orton was the starter and the team couldn't win any games.

Tim Tebow - Let's Talk

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:18 am
by Tom Kessenich
Last Friday I posted that Roethlisberger "Tebow'd" the Browns. Looks like Mike Tomlin agreed. This is from Peter King's column today:

"Hey Ben!'' cackled Tomlin. "You Tebowed 'em!''
