3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

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Glenneration X
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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by Glenneration X » Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:42 pm

BillyWaz wrote:Since I have been to Vegas since 2007, maybe I qualify as West Coast (a major reach, I know)?

Then again, the "natives" may want someone more local (which I totally understand).

Joining that team......you can give the West the c-ship....just a matter of who would win the individual prizes. ;)
I agree Billy. If Santos, Dunn, & Jules don't object, I think you have to be on that West coast team. (They need all the help they can get).

To be honest, all the teams are shaping up to be real brutal All-Star filled lineups.

Still...... with KOQ now part of the East Coast squad, along with Nelson and Andy, I'd have to imagine the East Coast will likely be taking the top 3 spots. :)

I'll battle the West & Midwest players for 4th. ;)

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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by BigBlueNation » Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:15 pm

It's only February, but for discussion sake, I can be very flexible with the date and time we do this. I'm in favor of a 30 round draft with a 60-75 second clock. The time doesn't matter to me whatsoever since I'm on CT. The east and west coasters should have more sayso than the MW. As for the date, the later the better.
Last edited by BigBlueNation on Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by RiFF » Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:51 pm

Glenneration X wrote:
BillyWaz wrote:

Still...... with KOQ now part of the East Coast squad, along with Nelson and Andy, I'd have to imagine the East Coast will likely be taking the bottom 3 spots. :)

I'll battle the West & Midwest players for 4th. ;)
Glenn, I fixed your typo.....and 4th is probably yours. :lol:

Greg Ambrosius
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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:24 pm

The field is set!! The NFFC 3-City Challenge is READY TO GO!! :D

Nice job all. Billy, you are now a regular in Las Vegas, so you definitely qualify for the West Coast team. And wow, all four teams are STACKED!! This should be fun.

Again, this is a private league, so everyone come up with 26 rounds or 30 rounds and a date in the future for the draft. I'll make any of it work. This is going to be a lot of fun.

Here's the final lineup cards and we can easily do another of these if anyone is interested:

East Coast Team
1. Glenn Lowy
2. Nelson Sousa
3. Andy Saxton
4. Glenn Schroter

Midwest Team
1. Wayne Ellis
2. Bill Cleavenger
3. Scott Atkins
4. Chad Schroeder

West Coast Team
1. Mike Santos
2. Rich Dunn
3. Jules McLean
4. Billy Wasosky

Wow. Let the smack-talk begin (or I mean, continue).... :lol:
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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:25 pm

Anyone want to set the odds on which regional team is the favorite?
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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:57 pm

While I am flattered to be put on "team west coast", if they find a "local" they would rather have, I am totally cool with it.

I just think it is really unfair to put me with this group, as it virtually sews up a west coast win, and I don't want any "protests" because I reside in VA. :-D

King of Queens
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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by King of Queens » Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:56 pm

BillyWaz wrote:While I am flattered to be put on "team west coast", if they find a "local" they would rather have, I am totally cool with it.

I just think it is really unfair to put me with this group, as it virtually sews up a west coast win, and I don't want any "protests" because I reside in VA. :-D
No worries -- unless I am mistaken, Rich Dunn lives in land-locked Arizona. It's already a pseudo-West Coast team as is.

You'll fit right in! 8-)

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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by RiFF » Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:10 pm

BillyWaz wrote:While I am flattered to be put on "team west coast", if they find a "local" they would rather have, I am totally cool with it.

I just think it is really unfair to put me with this group, as it virtually sews up a west coast win, and I don't want any "protests" because I reside in VA. :-D
Welcome Billy!! Hey, you're a LV regular with a "pioneering spirit"....sounds West to me.

The funny thing is your comments aren't intended as smack talk...just a succinct summary of the way it is. Which is unfortunate for Mr Excel & Company...the East...hey, give them some credit, they did get 4 to sign up. :mrgreen:

It will be a fun league....too see which West team member get 1st, which gets 2nd and which gets 3rd. It'll be a close race between all 4 :D

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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by Coltsfan » Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:31 pm

This lineup will make the billywaz dc look like a walk in the park. :o

It should be fun guys. I have a couple of suggestions.

1: 30 rounds

2: Perhaps sometime in July. We are all so busy with drafts in mid to late august.

3. I say that each team gets a spot 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, snf 10-12. We can decide within the team who gets each of the spots or if we can't decide then we kds the four spots within each team. Once that is determined then whoever is in the first grouping each does a kds of 1,2 or 3 and that is repeated for all of the groupings. This way the picks are spread out. I hope this makes sense.


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Re: 3-City Draft Champions Leagues In 2014

Post by Glenneration X » Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:37 pm

Greg Ambrosius wrote:Anyone want to set the odds on which regional team is the favorite?
Well, I am in Vegas. So naturally I checked the Sportsbook to see how they're laying odds on this contest. And while they wouldn't take action on the regional bets as they didn't know how to calculate the payoff on the infinity to one odds set for the West and Midwest teams, they did let me know the odds on the individual players.

KOQ: 4-1
Franchise: 4-1
76erfan: 4-1
GlennX: 4-1
Field: ##### - 1 (Sorry for the symbols, but the message board wouldn't allow that many digits on one post).

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