Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

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Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

Post by RiFF » Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:09 am

Originally posted by Just Russ:
Rich, how do you see your WRs producing enough fantasy points to propel you to this $50 crown?

Secondly, where would you rank your WR corps as a group versus the league? Geez, what was I're WR's suck :rolleyes: Actually, if I went by last year's stats, as many do, to determine what I believe this year's results will be; this group proves wanting. But I don't. I look at last year and try to determine why the player either had a good year or a down year. Then I attempt to determine what changes will influence this year's results in either a positive or negative way. First Ocho Dopo; he had a down year...why? And do those reasons persist. First and foremost he lost his pro bowl QB for the season; second he sustained a preseason shoulder injury that persisted throughout the season; third he didn't attend most off season team activities and when present didn't participate because he wanted out of Cincy. He also missed 3 games. SURPRISE...he had a crappy season!! What's changed..first he gets back his pro bowl QB. Second he admittedly is working much harder this off season than last. Third he seems resigned to playing for Cincy and is preparing accordingly. His injuries from last year no longer seem to be a factor. So, will he perform back to pre 2008 standards; maybe not...but I do believe he will far exceed 2008 results. From 2004-2007 Ocho averaged in the neighborhood of 18-19 FF ppg. Last year it was around 10-11. I see this year as being somewhere in the middle, leaning closer to the 2004-2007 results. He's still the same malcontent "mouthy" player he was; but this year he has his pro bowl QB and is healthy. Barring injury, do I believe he will be a top 14 WR? I believe his chances are good.
I'm not going to go through each WR in that detail but; Avery is the #1 WR on a team with a crappy Defense that will be playing from behind a lot necessitating a lot of passing. He should be a solid #2 WR. (15-28) Chambers was injured for a good portion of last year and his stats reflected as much. He's reportedly healthy and should perform back to form. I do not believe he's any longer a 200 FF point producer but should be able to get in the neighborhood of 150 FF points if healthy. Curtis missed the first 6 games last year because of an Hernia injury. when he returned it bothered him the rest of the season. (he still averaged about 10 ppg) He had a second procedure in the off season to repair it and is on track to be 100% by TC. He's still a starter on a pass happy offense and should be an adequate #3. (28-42) Mark Clayton scored 150 FF points last year playing with a rookie QB. I'd be happy with that result this year but believe there is some possible upside. In 2006 he scored 190 FF points. Chris Henry is a bit of a wild card. If (and it's a big if) he matures and is able to stay out of trouble, he could put up nice numbers as a #3 in Cincy. I don't believe Coles will replace all of TJ's production so it has to go somewhere. Henry is also good protection for Dopo. Walker is an enigma. It's amazing to me that crazy ole Al hasn't waived him. He's being paid a large contract and has yet to produce. He played sporadically last year and supposedly at about 60-65% and still had 1 or 2 "bankable" games. He had another knee operation this off season to clean up the knee. I'm not expecting much, but IF he comes back reasonably healthy he MIGHT have a few decent games. That receiving corp sucks so he wouldn't have to be real good to produce there.
Brandon Jones is the #3 or 4 in SF and should have a few decent statistical games this year. Knox is a "flyer" that may get some play in the slot in Chicago.
This isn't a top WR group in the league, but I believe it is in the middle of the pack and if I get expected production from my other positions, I do believe it will allow me to stay in contention. I believe this group has the potential to score about 1200-1250 points this year. To be in contention I need to get use of about 750 of those points and have the remaining points help at flex in 4 or 5 weeks. If that happens this group will be fine.

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Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

Post by RedRyder » Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:03 am

Random thoughts on Bryan's team (from the 14 hole):

Derrick Mason way too early, especially coming off an's great to follow your instincts, but give me Santonio Holmes over Mason any day. Or Beanie Wells, Marshawn Lynch, Lance Moore, Jonathan Stewart or Chad Johnson (Rich is correct in assessment of 85).

Plax too early (I'm guilty of that too).

I would have like to see some more upside-ish picks in the last 6 rounds. I doubt those guys ever see the light of day. Not that many of our guys drafted then will, but there will be a couple that surprise.

No Sorgi? We know he sucks, but if Peyton goes down, he's an active arm...maybe take him with one of your last 6 picks.

I liked how you tried to corner the Indy 3rd WR market with Collie and Garcon.

I'm surprised you didn't grab Sam Hurd, because you have Austin..Hurd would be a nice fit on your team and you could have had him instead Sinorice Moss.

I like your first 4 picks, even Derrick Ward, but would have liked to see him paired with a better RB (this is where drafting Mason in the 5th hurt). Although I think Benson is decent value, but there was better value to be had.

I like the Greg Olsen pick...he'll put up solid numbers with Cutler throwing to him.

Just looking at the flow of your draft, the Mason pick really stands out. As in missed opportunity. Get a better RB to pair with Ward and you could still have had Mason or Holt or Berrian.

Not a fan of back2back DEF picks, thought you left some talent on the boards for others to scoop up.

Sorry about the Auto-Select and Stover, that will hurt you.

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Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

Post by RiFF » Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:16 am

Originally posted by Trust In Bill:
Riff - I drafted out of the 3-hole.

I'll take a shot at Russ' question to you on your WR's. You would probably agree that you have no legitimate #1 WR. The WR corps is boring, but deep. Curtis has some upside as a #4 WR. Won't be the top ranked WR corps, but will be in the upper-half of the league at this position. Not bad for a perceived weakness in your team. QB: This tandem is the best in the league and will probably be the top scoring team from this position. Unfortunately you can only play one per week and by taking 2 quality QB's so early it hurt you elsewhere. But, the QB position is excellent.

RB: I would like your team so much more had you taken either RB that went after your first pick. In a ppr league (or 1/2 ppr league) I personally don't like your #1. Believe he will consistently get picked early based on last year's numbers, but that was against a MUCH softer schedule. Could easily see him getting 300-400 less yards and 4-5 less TD's. That's a possible loss of 50+ points. your #2 is solid and your backups are adequate; although I believe you took your #'s 3 and 4 a bit early. This position won't hurt you, but imo you could have done better. But overall a solid group.

WR: This is where you paid for having a great QB tandem and good RB's. This group is pretty bad and will most likely prevent you from cashing. Your #1 may not start if everyone is healthy there. unfortunately, at this point he isn't practicing because of injuries. Your #2 is sporadic but will have some nice games. I'm still looking for a #3, a #4 and a #5. Where are they?? Your 3rd WR drafted may not even start and the rest ahve little upside or the possibilty of consistent production. This group is a mess, and can only be looked upon as poor.

TE; Average; and wouldn't hurt if you were strong everywhere else. But it can't make up for shortfalls at other positions.

Def: Excellent. Probably the best group in the league. You will outscore other teams at this position by 30-100 points over the course of the year, but not enough to make up for the WR's.

K: average

This team's achilles heel is at WR and will prevent it from contending. A team that will end up in the middle of the pack IF it gets good production out of its #1 and #2 WR's, if not it will be bottom quartile.

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Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

Post by RiFF » Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:11 am

Originally posted by Popcorn Maker:
haha Chris DaVault. I drafted outta the 10th hole

quote:Originally posted by RiFF:
I apologize to Popcorn Maker and Trust in Bill; but I don't know which teams belong to each of you. I can't cross reference your MB name to your real name. [/QUOTE]QB: This group is average at best. The surprising thing to me is that you ran around scoping up the backups from other teams and even drafting a f/a, while ignoring your own backups. Neither of your starters are "ironmen" so this could come back to bite you in the a**. Sexy Rexy may or may not end up as the backup in Houston. Not probable but possible that at some point in the season you won't have a QB because of your strange drafting strategy.

RB: A very good group. Solid starters, solid backups. The one thing I would have done differently is in round 15 I would have protected my #2 vs. taking the backup you did. You got limited upside with the player you selected (don't believe he will get the touches if Grant goes down) and left yourself exposed if your #2 misses time. But a very solid group.

WR: A nice solid core and your middle round picks have some upside. If one or 2 of these upside picks produce you will be in good shape here. If not, you'll need "top" output from the first 3. Personally I believe your #1 is going too early and he has some risk. Believe you could have done a bit better than the last couple wideouts selected. Overall an average to above average group

TE: An average group that could have been better imo, if the first TE selected was replaced by either of the 2 selected next. But this group shouldn't hurt you.

Def: Below average,,,but adequate

K: average

This team should compete if the questionable QB strategy pans out and it gets some help from the upside WR's and WR #1 doesn't implode at some point during the season and RB's 1 and 2 stay relatively healthy. A nicely balanced team with some upside and limited downside. A contender to cash but not a favorite. A top half finish.

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Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

Post by boutrous11 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 8:31 am

How about this question: In this league, which team (maybe 2) do you see having the best chance to win it?

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Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

Post by RiFF » Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:08 am

Originally posted by boutrous11:
How about this question: In this league, which team (maybe 2) do you see having the best chance to win it? In addition to team 11, teams 1, 5 and 6. In addition to a couple others including team 10 having a shot for a money finish but not much of a shot at winning. Obviously, injuries are going to play a HUGE part in the outcome and those are really tough to try and predict.

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Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

Post by boutrous11 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:28 am

i gotta say, i don't like your team too much snake. i think you're going to struggle to get qb points. i'm also not a fan of your bench receivers, which are important in a dc draft.

i like team 7 (b c). if it weren't for those tight ends, i'd say hands down you have the best team.

and i agree that the Derrick Mason pick was a killer for Bryan. otherwise though, i really like your team.

i like mine too, obviously, but if i don't get a big year from S Jax, i'm not going to money.

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Critique my recent Slow DC draft please.

Post by pizzatyme » Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:36 pm

Originally posted by RiFF:
quote:Originally posted by boutrous11:
How about this question: In this league, which team (maybe 2) do you see having the best chance to win it? In addition to team 11, teams 1, 5 and 6. In addition to a couple others including team 10 having a shot for a money finish but not much of a shot at winning. Obviously, injuries are going to play a HUGE part in the outcome and those are really tough to try and predict. [/QUOTE]So, a 4 team race for the money, eh?
2008- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic.
2009- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic or Primetime.

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