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magazine leagues

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:53 pm
by weber7777
Originally posted by daveterp55:
my good buddy weber!

how you been bro! good and you.. you playing this year? nice hearing from you.. you playing in nffc?

magazine leagues

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:36 pm
by daveterp55
I have always wondered about nffc

but FFPC is where all my money's been for the last two years..

been a tough year...hope all is well on the other side of town

magazine leagues

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:57 pm
by pizzatyme

Weber, how does Billy saying he is "100% sure" prizes will be paid get translated by you into him "guaranteeing" prizes will be paid??????

Why are you on his azz so much? Damn! Lighten up Alice!

The mood on this board is a big negative for me. I can't even imagine the effect it is having on the casual observer that is considering dipping their toes in the water.

There are some big growing pains this year, I agree. But, in the same time, the backend development will lead to longevity of this event! I'm 100% sure of it although I don't guarantee it!!!

Let's all play nice in the sandbox. The season is fast pproaching.

magazine leagues

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:05 pm
by pizzatyme

I won the magazine auction league last year and was proud to do so. It wasn't about the prize although it was much appreciated. I beat some great players and I am now the best auction player in the world! :D

What frustrated me was the league was put together this year with a 2 PM draft time. 2 PM???? When I said that time was no good, it was like..."sorry, that's the time."

I know it was a privelege to play last year, but man, I wanted to try to defend! Not for the prize, but for the bragging rights!!!

Going forward, offer a minimal prize for those magazine league winners and offer to post their ugly mugs on the NFFC homepage all off-season as the winners. You'll get the same quality of drafts. I'll GUARANTEE that!!! :D

Here's to hoping my schedule is more flexible next year AND I get the chance to hop into one of the magazine leagues.

magazine leagues

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:21 am
by renman

No one rational thinks I started anything. The guys bickering with each other could easily be bickering in any thread.

I simply asked what was up with the magazine leagues this year since I drafted in one and did not see my team among my teams this year and didn't see a roster loaded.

If anything, I believe it is a good thing I brough this up NOW because clearly a number of people thought the leagues were being played out for $500. This has given Greg and Tom a chance to figure out what to do before the pre season even starts as opposed to there being a firestorm of problems just before the season.

Having said that, I still am not sure if we are or are not playing out the league I drafted.

magazine leagues

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:54 am
by RedRyder
Originally posted by Renman:

No one rational thinks I started anything. The guys bickering with each other could easily be bickering in any thread.

I simply asked what was up with the magazine leagues this year since I drafted in one and did not see my team among my teams this year and didn't see a roster loaded.

If anything, I believe it is a good thing I brough this up NOW because clearly a number of people thought the leagues were being played out for $500. This has given Greg and Tom a chance to figure out what to do before the pre season even starts as opposed to there being a firestorm of problems just before the season.

Having said that, I still am not sure if we are or are not playing out the league I drafted. I'm glad you asked. Before I joined and played in the Auction (that took way longer than TK said it would), I (among others) asked specifically if we were playing for prizes and how much? Mark already posted the answer, but I was sure when I gave up my entire afternoon I was playing for $500.

So, thank you Renman for asking!

magazine leagues

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:35 am
by renman

I appreciate the reply. Did you get my pm? I too assumed that I was competing for a $500 credit when I did my draft. I just have been slow to getting to my fantasy football preparation for 2010 (damn kids distracting me!) and when signing into the league site and seeing my classic and primetime teams I got confused when I didn't see the magazine league like I have in previous years.

magazine leagues

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:37 am
by RedRyder
No PM...weird!

Listen, you tell those kids you need to research, the better you do, the bigger their college fund!!!

magazine leagues

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:49 am
by Tom Kessenich
If we can come to a consensus we'll play the leagues from the first issue out for the $250 prize as Greg has stated. Right now, it sounds like there's a split among those who took part on whether they want to play or not.

Yes the auction took longer than I thought. I guessed wrong because I'd done some on that site previously and was basing it off those results. I'm sorry I made that mistake. I was in that auction and my team was one of the last ones to finish so I was in there as long as anyone was that day.

I've also apologized for stating the league would have a $500 prize initially. I'm not sure what else I can say here other than I'm sorry if the drafts/auctions angered people and the prize now being $250 angers people. I realize there are some people upset with us right now and with me specifically and all I can say is that I am sorry if some you believe I've let you down. That was never my intention and I feel bad about that. Greg and I are trying to move forward and prepare for what we hope will be another great year for the NFFC. Hopefully, everyone taking part will feel the same way when it's all said and done.

In any event, if there is a consensus arrived among those who took part in the drafts/auctions for the first Fantasy Sports issue we can run those for a $250 prize for the league champ. Let us know. Thanks.