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Post by nolencole » Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:02 pm

Not much more to say than before...It was a tough league...To be the best you have to beat the best...and thats why I chose Bosten.

By the way Greg I was not a top 3 finisher in my league...0$ because I needed to lose my last H2H against Blackhand...long story short, I won.

Good Luck everyone...Shannahan...C’mon man

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Post by Old School » Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:08 pm

Originally posted by A.A:
Not much more to say than before...It was a tough league...To be the best you have to beat the best...and thats why I chose Bosten.

By the way Greg I was not a top 3 finisher in my league...0$ because I needed to lose my last H2H against Blackhand...long story short, I won.

Good Luck everyone...Shannahan...C’mon man Michael. r u having Rex Grossman nightmares yet? ;)

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Post by kjduke » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:26 pm

Having not been to Boston in many years, I don't know who this AA guy is ... and combining alabama with boston sounds strange. But he put together a great team in one of my online champ lges and dominated from start to finish.

Judging by that I think he deserves all the credit due a good owner, because he looks like one to me. Sounds like he had some bad luck in the h2h set-up, which was followed by some good luck so far in the championship. No asterisks necessary as we all have luck swing both ways over the course of a season.

The entire negative argument put forward here is petty. Every league is different. Is a league with five elite owners and one absent owner easier to win than a league with 2 elite owners and 12 mediocre ones? I don't know, and I think the answer could be different from league to league. But I think if you're going to brag about winning leagues without pointing out weak teams in those leagues that enabled you to win, you probably shouldn't be railing against anyone else who is winning.

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Post by kjduke » Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:33 pm

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
In Glenn's defense, he says he was just stating a fact. Again, he's wrong. That was slang Greg, you need a message board interpreter to de-code such statements. I downloaded the 7-year archive of this MB into an artificial intelligence software program and it spit out these results for the top 4 phrases:

1) "I'm just stating facts" = "I'm giving my opinion in such a way as if they were facts"

2) "I'm just telling it as I see it" = "I'm telling it as I want other people to see it, and by saying 'I'm just telling it as I see it' I think other people will view me as more honest"

3) "I'm just here to talk football" = "I'm going to discuss football as a means of pointing to my accomplishments, big or small"

4) "peace and harmony" = "f_ _ _ - _ o _"

Those all could be incorrect, after all it's just artificial intelligence ... but that's what the software says.

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Post by kjduke » Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:40 pm

Originally posted by Dyv:
I have a last place team in my league, too.

I enjoyed the advantage all year of having someone always in last place - it's been a blast and I hope to capitalize on it with a big week. :D

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Post by GriffithVT » Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:30 am

As a Virginian who lived in Boston for eight years and still travels there for work every other week I feel your pain A.A. Great job so far. The D. Branch pick was a great one by the way.

Good luck. I'm rooting for you and your Wife for second place!

Cobra Kai
The Gstar!

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Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:38 am

Originally posted by Eddiejag:
Well said Greg as i agree with you that his starters not superstars either just all blew up.We all have opinions and Snake picked a bad time to bring up the Boston stuff.Still having heard from Snake today and hope he not banned again as this is an exciting time for him being in both playoffs.This should be a fun week asking who to play and sit and maybe cry a little because of the points we got from Calvin,Mike Williams,and Lloyd. Eddie, I didn't ban anyone from our boards, but yes I did prevent Glenn from posting after his initial post here. I had a very busy Tuesday between making sure the NFFC standings were updated and getting NFBC Slow Drafts rolling and locking down NFBC hotels and I didn't have time to constantly monitor his continued petty fights. So I prevented this thread from exploding and continued to work on all of our contests. We were again going to have a talk about all of this, but he couldn't wait that long.

Instead he spent the rest of Tuesday calling my cell phone, texting me and emailing me. On Wednesday morning when I told him I was taking the day off to go Christmas shopping with my wife and politely asked him not to contact me anymore about this he proceeded to send about a dozen text messages and a dozen emails. He was sending emails with hundreds of question marks and then the next hour an email with hundreds of WHYWHYWHY.... I'm at lunch and he's texting my cellphone constantly because Big Mike defended him on our boards.

When Tom and I called him to let him know he was back on the boards and told him what we expected of him he interrupted us and lectured us on how we're picking on him, how everybody thinks we're wrong, how he does nothing different from anyone else, etc. I couldn't take it and I almost ended it there Eddie, but gave him one last chance. He then proceeded to start of with an "I'm Unbanned" post and then in two days when I woke up he was the final post on five of the top six threads. The next day it was the same thing He's suffocating the boards and my time.

We have 700+ unique members in this contest and we're here again talking about ONE individual. One individual who the two other contests won't even let him play in. I've been very patient and I've likely lost customers over this kid gloves approach, but enough is enough. When I have to spend three hours on my off day dealing with one customer it's not worth it.

I told Glenn last night I had intended to talk with him about his recent actions and this post, but his actions in the last day when I politely asked him man to man to wait until I got back to work did it for me. He showed me who he really is and honestly I think the NFFC will survive without that individualism and egotistic behavior. I don't think we need it in the NFBC, either.

I wish Glenn all the best with his teams this post-season and he's proven he's a solid, solid fantasy player. But he's pushed me over the top when it comes to the message boards and if I've finally overreacted as he has told me several times then I'm admitting my error right here in public. But I have lots of work to do and I'm again spending the first part of my morning talking about ONE person. It's time for this contest to stop worrying about ONE person and instead bring this community back together and enjoy this post-season run.

I would treat anyone else the same way. I'm a person too and I don't need to be lectured by him or interrupted by him when I politely asked for time away and I don't think our contest falters if one person decides not to rejoin. Life goes on and that's how I see things. Sorry if anyone here disagrees, but the lifelines have been used up. I'm moving on. I have other work to finish.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Post by Route Collectors » Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:19 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Eddiejag:
It's time for this contest to stop worrying about ONE person and instead bring this community back together and enjoy this post-season run.

[/QUOTE]I usually avoid this stuff but I'm going to man up and stand beside Greg here. Enough is enough and if this is the way the merry go round is going to continue to spin I will either:

1)Simply not be a part of this contest next year or possibly 2) try to play but boycott my own time on this MB which really sucks because this should be the pulse of our contest.

One person should not be the dominate figure and constant subject matter on a MB with so many other members.

I've always tried to weigh in on the issues individually and not attach past things to the current subject. Here's the problem when you try that with GK....the minute you agree with his position he thinks you agree with EVERYTHING about him and are a supporter of ALL his opinions and actions.

I would like to set the record straight. I have in the past agreed with his position on certain issues. I have NEVER agreed with his behavior on this MB. It's like a freak show at times and I can attest to what Greg shared about the e-mails and texts.

I got at least 4 requests yesterday on Facebook from him wanting to get Big Mikes contact info......hmmm...I wonder why. New best buddy in GK's eyes I suppose all because he agreed with ONE post.

Billy got the same requests...multiple texts and so forth. Yesterday was my birthday and I get multiple messages on Facebook "Happy Birthday from "the banned one again" and Do you have Big Mikes phone #. was my freakin birthday but somehow it was still about him and his freaked out world.

Tell me...WHO does this kind of crap over and over and over!

I got a PM which copied a message from Greg to him right after he got back on the MB. I'll bet many of you got it as well. I refuse to be a part of this juvenile behavior any longer.

Those of you who want to support GK that is your right but after all this time we just can't overlook the facts any more.

He has over stayed his welcome. He has turned this contest into a big joke and he needs serious medical help. :(

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Post by Quahogs » Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:46 am

Greg's decision is spot on and I totally agree with Jeff. I mean the man has a business to run. He has a life to live. To harass a guy like that...seriously Glenn what goes through your mind ??

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Post by GriffithVT » Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:11 am

I'm with Greg 100 percent here. No question that Tom and Greg provide the best customer service in this business and go above and beyond to address issues promptly. To harass someone like that is completely uncalled for and cannot be tolerated. Glenn I have tried to be understanding when you've made bad decisions in the past but that type of conduct is just unacceptable. Glenn what goes through your head? This is three different venues now you've been removed from its time to step back and do some self reflection I think. Greg you made the right call here.
The Gstar!

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