Having a "drops" committee

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Having a "drops" committee

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:23 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
...Billyboy, relax here as Naggie is simply stating that you do take some sort of morbid pleasure in sucking up to Greg - that's all -nothing more and nothing less...SNAKE You and Nag have much in common Snake.

No sucking up at all, you or Nag simply wouldn't understand.
[/QUOTE]...au contraire' Billyboy as although Naggie is not by any means a SNAKEfavorite, he at least has the nads to state what MANY others have stated either via PM or personally to SNAKE since the birth of this MB...face it, you are a suck-up, Wazass...there are worse things in life you can be, but sucking-up is your calling Billyboy, and most here can recognize the obvious...SNAKE

How many posts have you made that were something along the lines of "THE NFFC SIMPLY THE BEST GAME IN TOWN!"???

You have stated that A LOT Snake, and those are simply my sentiments. I have been playing this game for MANY years, and in turn have played in many contests/leagues. So I apologize when I see a good thing, and take offense when people try and "nitpick" at every little thing that goes wrong and in turn I defend it.

And YOU calling me a suck-up is a joke. I'm not the one who is calling/e-mailing/PM'ing Tom and Greg far too often. :eek:

It is clear your just bitter because you are taking a backseat AGAIN this year Snake. But the good news for the MB is that we don't have to see anymore of your "Quarterly Reports". LOL!

[ November 18, 2007, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

Yoda's S*x Slave
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Having a "drops" committee

Post by Yoda's S*x Slave » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:36 pm

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Ted's Cracked Head:
FYI 1 - Why did you block me from sending you pm's? Can't handle the truth?
truth be told, i don't want to read your PM's.

they are idiotic and/or they read like they come from an uniformed person that has too much time on his hands.

thanks and carry on.
[/QUOTE]This is our 2004 overall champ addressing our 2006 NFFC champ on a worthy topic of discussion?? My, what a childish response on what has become par for the course on these boards lately. :mad: You may not agree Mark, but some folks like Rob deserve just a little more respect from you on these boards. Rob didn't post anything worthy of this, but that hasn't stopped you before. It's just a shame that our two NFFC champs come across in a petty MB fight like this.
[/QUOTE]his comments WERE idiotic. but don't let that stop you from commenting.

a bit of advice for you if i may...as the nffc and nfbc expand, please look into hiring another resource to help out. it's becoming apparent that you guys are getting stretched to thin, i.e. typo in rules, kds being screwed up, "missing" faab drops, not posting final decisions, etc.. again, just some friendly advice
[/QUOTE]Call out without a call practice what you preach,,,,Being a champ is MORE than JUST winning a championship understand this cntrl c(gekko)will not

Posts: 1652
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Having a "drops" committee

Post by Eddiejag » Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:50 pm

What a last couple day's on the boards.People just dont care if they offend anybody, ive never seen so many battles with everyone.The fun part of this game is starting to get sucked right out , or just suck's.McNabb to the wed rule to everybody crying to keep him out of the pool.
I cant wait for baseball , nothing like this BS doesnt happen , or very seldom.
Greg good luck cause its not ending, can you imagine if McNabb threw 4 TD's today. OH MY.
NFBC (NY) auction league champion!

He who steps to me in 2005, you better realize you dont have enough jive..... TURKEY!

CC's Desperados
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Having a "drops" committee

Post by CC's Desperados » Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:54 pm

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Ted's Cracked Head:
FYI 1 - Why did you block me from sending you pm's? Can't handle the truth?
truth be told, i don't want to read your PM's.

they are idiotic and/or they read like they come from an uniformed person that has too much time on his hands.

thanks and carry on.
[/QUOTE]This is our 2004 overall champ addressing our 2006 NFFC champ on a worthy topic of discussion?? My, what a childish response on what has become par for the course on these boards lately. :mad: You may not agree Mark, but some folks like Rob deserve just a little more respect from you on these boards. Rob didn't post anything worthy of this, but that hasn't stopped you before. It's just a shame that our two NFFC champs come across in a petty MB fight like this.
[/QUOTE]his comments WERE idiotic. but don't let that stop you from commenting.

a bit of advice for you if i may...as the nffc and nfbc expand, please look into hiring another resource to help out. it's becoming apparent that you guys are getting stretched to thin, i.e. typo in rules, kds being screwed up, "missing" faab drops, not posting final decisions, etc.. again, just some friendly advice
[/QUOTE]Mark, You being a fantasy expert. Can you give me a list of people who you would like to run a high stakes fantasy event? You quit playing WCOFF because you thought Lenny and Co didn't do a good job. You obviously think Greg and Tom do a $hit job. Where can I find a better place to spend my fantasy dollars?

Ted's Cracked Head
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Having a "drops" committee

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:05 pm

I accept my responsibilty for the trangressions today and apologize to Greg, Tom and the rest of the MB for my dialogue with Gordon today.

Gordon, I apologize for the vulgarity of my PM. That was wrong on my part. I have deleted my posts from earlier today and would ask you to do the same. I will do as you wish and "go away" as far as you are concerned and I will not engage you again.

[ November 18, 2007, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Ted's Cracked Head ]
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

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Having a "drops" committee

Post by wayne123 » Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:09 pm

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Since the topic of Donovan McNabb is currently being discussed on another thread, it got me to thinking of how this problem could be fixed in the future.

What I was thinking is having a "drops committee".

This idea came from a league I was in where there was a "trade committee". There were a certain number (can't remember exactly how many) of individuals (owners) who were chosen to ACCEPT or VETO certain trades. In order for a trade to be VETOED, MORE than 1/2 the people would have to revoke it.

In our scenario, Greg and Tom could get 13 owners (or any odd number) BEFORE the season to serve on this committee. Their job would be to review all the drops for the week and then decide if any of them should be removed from that league's FA pool. Now the number of people and the criteria (50% or more) could obviously be different. If anyone is in the league that is "in question" they would NOT "get a vote" (since it is obviously a conflict of interest).

Now before everyone comes running with their hands up saying "me me me!!", I can tell you this is an absolutely THANKLESS job (much like what Greg and Tom currently do when it comes to drops). When I served on this committee, I would receive e-mails as to why I passed or vetoed trades and many of them were not very nice. You could pass 299 trades that were "correct" (in their eyes), but lord help you if you screwed up #300!

The bottom line is most people expect people who make decisions to NEVER make mistakes, and when they do will jump all over them, so instead of only 1 or 2 people, you have 15 making a decision (obviously Greg and Tom would have a vote). If a drop is truly fair or unfair in the eyes of the majority of them it will be vetoed or passed (judging by the dialogue about McNabb, I am betting he would not have been allowed back into NY 1's FA pool.

I think if Greg and Tom picked 13 reputable owners that they trusted who they felt had the NFFC's best interest in mind, this would help a great deal in deciding who "should or should not" be allowed to be placed in each league's FA pool. No. If a player is dropped they stay dropped! No player returns to the pool. That is fair!

Otherwise it is always a judgement call.

Gordon Gekko
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Having a "drops" committee

Post by Gordon Gekko » Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:50 pm

Originally posted by CC's Desperados:
Mark, You being a fantasy expert. Can you give me a list of people who you would like to run a high stakes fantasy event? You quit playing WCOFF because you thought Lenny and Co didn't do a good job. You obviously think Greg and Tom do a $hit job. Where can I find a better place to spend my fantasy dollars? don't put words in my mouth. you know better.

greg and tom do a good job overall. BUT, there are still things they can improve on, hence my post. after the mcnabb "decision", i see more and more people questioning what is going on, AND FOR GOOD REASON. i still don't know why they didn't post their final mcnabb decision before faab ran. either they:
1) made a decision to purposefully NOT post it
2) forgot about it
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Sound Advice
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Having a "drops" committee

Post by Sound Advice » Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:59 pm

I will repeat this post from last week since the betting window is still open:

Originally posted by Sound Advice:
McNabb does play NO the last week.
But he also plays Dal, Giants, Sea, and NE before that. No wonder he kept Warner as his back-up.

Let see:
NE, Sea, Giants then Dal before his big payoff week.
He's going to do what week 16?
And from which infirmary? The guess the writing WAS on the wall.

Steel Curtain
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Having a "drops" committee

Post by Steel Curtain » Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:00 am

It never fails to amaze me how a topic about an idea gets ridiculously turned into a whizzing match each and every time. Ridiculously childish, IMO. You may not have agreed with the idea, but at least it was an idea and not another freekin' childish post about how someone was a better player than someone else or how someone thinks someone else is sucking up to Tom/Greg. Quite frankly, it does get old and as someone who is relatively new, I can see why there are many who do not post and/or just never come to this message board. The problem as I see it is that you will have some nuggets of information on these boards. However, it's like trying to find a gold ring in a pile of pig ****. BWaz was simply throwing up an idea. It may or may not have been a good one, but at least it was an idea on how to try and improve something. Then, as usual, it turns into personal attacks on two different fronts. Perhaps we should have a Personal Attacks forum within the NFFC message boards so we can seperate the information from the crap. Quite frankly, I believe this is one reason that the NFFC will not grow as big as it could be. Why would people want to subject themselves to ridicule each and every time they had an idea or question and posed it to the masses? To be honest, I'm simply trying out the satellites this year to determine whether or not I want to join the main event next year. I'm just curious if the vitreole of this message board is continued out at the live drafts when everyone is face to face or is it being done solely over the internet with people hiding behind a keyboard? To be honest, the $1300 entry fee is no big deal to me and I'd do it in an instant. The thing that turns me off is the way it appears that a lot of folks treat others with much disrespect. Is this the way things go at the main event?
I'll say "Ho, Ho, Ho" any damn time I please

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