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Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:42 am
by drago
Yeah, I think the writing on the wall is written in big letters now. LT, as we all have known him in fantasy, is done. I initially broached the subject after the first game when it was obvious to me that his burst was gone. The little somethings that makes a back great were missing. I feel for LT owners as it's depressing to see a high pick look bad early and you're just hoping to get anything out of them (yes, I had Braylon last year). Takes a little joy out of the season but LT will have a couple big games this year just becuase the O is so good in SD. I don't see him getting picked in top 5-6 rounds next year.


Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:08 pm
by khan0
I think he has some juice left in this offense but the OLINE has clearly gone backwards and injuries are really holding this club back. He seems like he is running with no confidence in his body...he expects to get tackled in the hole as evidenced by his fumble in the red zone against oakland...he was protecting his body for the hit...not the ball. I have him in an outside league TD heavy and i took him 8 overall after Fitzgerald...i figure at the very least he has 6 games against the AFC West and his offense is very balanced and production friendly...and his HC believes in him for what its worth..i would reserve judgment for 2 more weeks...not that he deserves the benefit of the doubt but i have never been one to panic in fantasy football...patience is key.


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:51 pm
by renman
Let me get this straight, the coaches and front office player evaluation experts with the San Diego Chargers, who have access to film of every game last year... have access to all medical records.. have access to all practice footage...Have access to OTA's and mini camps... Took a team that is ready to WIN NOW and decided to roll the dice this year (with their careers on the line) with an RB that was "obviously" broken down and finished? They didn't notice he lost his burst? They didn't notice he runs without confidence? Just for fun they are going to go into the season with this kind of player?

That is what people here believe?

The guy had his ankle rolled up on in an awkward way by a 250LB monster. It could have happened to Forte, K. Smith, A. Peterson, M. Turner or any other "lesser risk" younger RB. His offensive line has seen major injuries over the last 3 weeks. Again, this could have happened to any RB in the NFL.

The above two realities would impact ANY RB in the NFL in terms of fantasy production and it has nothing to do with age or breaking down. If owners with LT can manage their teams into the money and post season, and SD hasn't wrapped things up and actually has something to play for during weeks 14-16, I would not be surprised to see LT showing he isn't finished and teams who have him who are in the hunt end up thrilled.


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:35 pm
by Raiders
Originally posted by Renman:
Let me get this straight, the coaches and front office player evaluation experts with the San Diego Chargers, who have access to film of every game last year... have access to all medical records.. have access to all practice footage...Have access to OTA's and mini camps... Took a team that is ready to WIN NOW and decided to roll the dice this year (with their careers on the line) with an RB that was "obviously" broken down and finished? They didn't notice he lost his burst? They didn't notice he runs without confidence? Just for fun they are going to go into the season with this kind of player?

That is what people here believe?

The guy had his ankle rolled up on in an awkward way by a 250LB monster. It could have happened to Forte, K. Smith, A. Peterson, M. Turner or any other "lesser risk" younger RB. His offensive line has seen major injuries over the last 3 weeks. Again, this could have happened to any RB in the NFL.

The above two realities would impact ANY RB in the NFL in terms of fantasy production and it has nothing to do with age or breaking down. If owners with LT can manage their teams into the money and post season, and SD hasn't wrapped things up and actually has something to play for during weeks 14-16, I would not be surprised to see LT showing he isn't finished and teams who have him who are in the hunt end up thrilled. I just have one thing to say:


Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:19 pm
by botherk
Originally posted by Renman:
Let me get this straight, the coaches and front office player evaluation experts with the San Diego Chargers, who have access to film of every game last year... have access to all medical records.. have access to all practice footage...Have access to OTA's and mini camps... Took a team that is ready to WIN NOW and decided to roll the dice this year (with their careers on the line) with an RB that was "obviously" broken down and finished? They didn't notice he lost his burst? They didn't notice he runs without confidence? Just for fun they are going to go into the season with this kind of player?

That is what people here believe?

The guy had his ankle rolled up on in an awkward way by a 250LB monster. It could have happened to Forte, K. Smith, A. Peterson, M. Turner or any other "lesser risk" younger RB. His offensive line has seen major injuries over the last 3 weeks. Again, this could have happened to any RB in the NFL.

The above two realities would impact ANY RB in the NFL in terms of fantasy production and it has nothing to do with age or breaking down. If owners with LT can manage their teams into the money and post season, and SD hasn't wrapped things up and actually has something to play for during weeks 14-16, I would not be surprised to see LT showing he isn't finished and teams who have him who are in the hunt end up thrilled. This is all good stuff. But you're thinking like a fan. The San Diego Chargers are a business first. They are paying Tomlinson a lot of money. Even if they know LT is not LT, do you think they would demote him or come out to the public and admit it?
Even if a lot of fantasy football experts think he is done, most "normal" football fans think of him as one of the best backs in football. Not to mention that he is still the face of the Chargers in the San Diego area and beyond.
Whether the Chargers still think highly of LT or know he has lost a step, they will treat him the same.


Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:29 am
by Gordon Gekko II
Originally posted by Renman:
Let me get this straight, the coaches and front office player evaluation experts with the San Diego Chargers, who have access to film of every game last year... have access to all medical records.. have access to all practice footage...Have access to OTA's and mini camps... Took a team that is ready to WIN NOW and decided to roll the dice this year (with their careers on the line) with an RB that was "obviously" broken down and finished? They didn't notice he lost his burst? They didn't notice he runs without confidence? Just for fun they are going to go into the season with this kind of player?

That is what people here believe?
that about sums it up. don't forget to add that LT has been feeding them a line of BS all offseason that he was the best RB in the league and that he didn't have any offseason injuries. take a look at Shaun Alexander's Age 30 season to see how fast an elite rb's career can go downhill.


Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:33 am
by Gordon Gekko II
Originally posted by DOUGHBOYS:
This is all good stuff. But you're thinking like a fan. The San Diego Chargers are a business first. They are paying Tomlinson a lot of money. Even if they know LT is not LT, do you think they would demote him or come out to the public and admit it?
Even if a lot of fantasy football experts think he is done, most "normal" football fans think of him as one of the best backs in football. Not to mention that he is still the face of the Chargers in the San Diego area and beyond.
Whether the Chargers still think highly of LT or know he has lost a step, they will treat him the same. agreed. plus, the charger knew they had a great backup in sproles and that if he couldn't handle the workload, they could air it our with their deep wr's.

LT hit the iceberg last year, he's sinking slower than the titanic, but he is sinking. don't be surprised to see him out until after their bye week which would put it at week 6. maybe he could then scrap a couple of good games together before the next injury hits.


Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:44 am
by Raiders
From week 6 thru week 16 LT will be a top 10 RB that's all I need. ;)


PS. My Doctor is looking at him this week, just to make sure he sits one more week. ;)


Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:18 am
by renman

I think I am thinking the polar OPPOSITE of a typical fan. I am looking at this 100% from the business side of things. The people running the Chargers are in the BUSINESS of winning. Their careers depend on it. So if LT has lost a step, he is sitting or being used less. People in the business know NFL stands for Not For Long if you don't produce and produce well.

To me the "fan" would look at this more from the perspective of seeing some poor productivity and immediately going into the "he is a bum now" mode. I stand by my point that the Chargers brass has more information about LT than any of the typical fans watching games snap judging his value on some periods of lower productivity that are connected to numerous variables other than just an RB suddenly and magically breaking down at a certain age.


Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:25 am
by renman

Your thought that the Chargers went with LT because he was feeding them a "line of BS" is what I would say is more the fans way of looking at things. These are expert NFL player evaluators. I assure you they factor into their decisions much more than what the players are telling them. OBviously he is on the backside of his career. But I do not believe that suddenly and magically at 30 all RB have to die immediately like Alexander did.

Let me ask something. If LT retired tomorrow. Do you really think Sproles would be the feature back for SD next year? I would bet anything the answer would be no. So I doubt they see him as someone who can handle the workload.

Through all this friendly debate... no one has addressed the facts I presented earlier. LT had his ankle rolled up on by a monster and it could have happened to ANY RB in the NFL. He also has seen his offensive line get crippled with injuries.. something that also could happen to any RB in the NFL and has nothing to do with age.

I hope they keep LT out past the bye. I just think, as Doughboys said, the typical fan view point is to judge some poor performances and snap judge the talent of said player as opposed to looking at the bigger picture. There is no way the Chargers would have handed the keys to this WIN NOW team to LT if they did not believe he was up to the task. And they have a lot more informaiton to use to evaluate... we have some game highlights and his birthday.

Winning in the NFL is way too important to pacify egos of big name players.

[ September 26, 2009, 08:28 AM: Message edited by: Renman ]