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Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:55 pm
by Captain Hook
What kind of order is that? It's not by draft pick or alphabetical....

Anyway for some to do a quick analysis it needs to be grouped by positions

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:05 am
by Erok
I think Azzuri (mainly because he kept taking all my picks;) and Sideline Sage have the best teams as of today in this league. A lot of good teams though all close in talent.

I think my squad is ok, but not great. So many guys went 1-2 picks right in front of me. Drafting in leagues with a bunch of sharps is always tough. Not a lot of value and the pool thins rather quickly in the later rounds.

1: Arian Foster
2: Mike Wallace-- didn't help 8 of 11 picks before this were WR's. Lost a few of my guys. I am ok with Wallace though.
3: Percy Harvin-- Once again, 5 straight WR's picked right in front of me here. Harvin is ok if he stays healthy.
4: Mike Vick-- Surprised he lasted this long. I am no fan of his, but thought this was good value here.
5: Jahvid Best-- Jumped a tad early IMO, but the upside is still great.
6: Ben Tate-- Maybe a round early for him, but being on the end like this, I don't think he wouldve made it back to me at the end of round 7.
7: Michael Crabtree-- Logjam in SF at WR, but he has skills to be #1 and should be Top 20 in league.
8: Jermaine Gresham--- Waited on TE and got caught. Gresham will have to do.
9: Shane Vereen-- Was happy to get him this late.
10: Kevin Smith-- Produced well last year when JB was out until he got banged up. ML will grab some short TD's but if JB is out, KS will have decent value.
11: Matt Flynn-- Waited on QB2 and got pinched. Flynn was one of last probable starters left. I am not sold on him though. This could have Kevin Kolb Part II written all over it.
12: Eddie Royal-- I think he may surprise but who knows. May have been able to wait a few more rounds on him but with all these sharks in this league didnt want to take a chance.
13: Montario Hardesty-- Dumb pick here IMO.
14: Sebastian Janikowski-- Was happy to get a consistent Top 10 kicker hopefully.
15: Bernard Scott-- Was really surprised he was still out there this late.
16: Jacoby Ford--- Very happy to land him here. Oakland WR's are all injury prone. He could have nice value. Even as a #3 he could still have value in this offense, but he has to stay healthy himself.
17: New Orleans D--I waited a long time to take a D. One of last ones left. I like Spags but he will have his work cut out for him this year.
18. Scott Chandler-- Happy to land him here. He fits this format perfectly.
19. Joe Addai-- Another late pick I was happy to land. He could surprise if he can pass protect better than the others.
20. Tampa Bay D-- Sergeant Schiano should straighten these guys out. LoL.
21. Nick Novak-- Waited too long to get my 2nd kicker. I hope he lands somewhere in Preseason.
22. Evan Moore-- Worth a shot here. Who knows.
23. Chris Givens--- Stl Wr's......throw em to a wall and see what sticks.
24. Knowshown Moreno--- Hopefully he gets cut or traded to a team who can use him.
25. Jordan Cameron--- Mixed reports on this guy. Maybe he surprises.
26. Devier Posey-- Who knows. Could surprise as year goes on.
27. Chaz Schilens--- Could surprise if he stays on the field. If Tebow is QB, this was a wasted roster spot. Still may be.
28. Shayne Graham-- Someone hopefully signs him too.
29. Mike Kafka-- Vick B/U.
30. Jordan Norwood-- Had to draft someone. Was gonna take T Jax or Forsett here but both got grabbed.
QB's :
Matt Flynn
(Thin after Vick. Hopefully he stays healthy. If Vick gets hurt & Flynn loses starting job, this league is done for me.)

Arian Foster/ Ben Tate
Jahvid Best/ Kevin Smith
Shane Vereen/ Joe Addai
Bernard Scott
Knowshown Moreno
Montario Hardesty
( I am happy with my RB's. Having to take Tate as a backup though so early cost me a good WR/RB/TE.)

Mike Wallace
Percy Harvin
Michael Crabtree
Jacoby Ford
Eddie Royal
Chaz Schilens
Chris Givens
Devier Posey
Jordan Norwood
(Like I said above, watched a lot of Wr's get picked in front of me in Round 2 and 3. The Tate pick cost me my #3 WR, as I'd rather have Crabs as my #4. IF three of my last six WR's can contribute with 5-6 solid weeks,I will be ok. If not, uhhhhhh.)

Jermain Gresham
Scott Chandler
Evan Moore
Jordan Cameron
(Below Average group here. Hopefully one can post DD each week for me.)

Sebastian Janikowski
Shane Graham
Nick Novak
(Solid group of legs here as long as two fo them find work!)

New Orleans
Tampa Bay
(After the Top 5 defenses or so are gone does anyone really know what they are getting at this time of the year?)

If this team were in a regular weekly starting lineup format I would love it! In this DC/Best ball format I am not crazy about it as I dont see a lot of depth.

I'd give this team a B-/ C+.

Great group of guys in this league. Should be a fun season!

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:18 am
by CoMoHusker

I thought you had a solid draft, lots of good pieces. The Vick pick in the 4th was a must with him still on the board. I also think you did the right thing taking Tate when you did. Like you said, WR is probably a weaker area but if a guy like Crabtree steps up, you could be fine.

I enjoyed the draft and like you stated, lots of sharp folks making picks with little room for error. I miss stepped on QB and it cost me but we will see if my WR group can make up for it.

Good luck.

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:29 am
by boutrous11
i don't like any of the teams posted very much. where are the good teams? :P

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:44 am
by Team Legacy
QB - P Manning, K Kolb, M Sanchez
RB - McFadden, Gore, Blount, Leshoure, Mendenhall, Forsett, Lumpkin
WR - A Johnson, SSmith (CAR), Meachem, Breaston, R Moss, M Jones (r), Kerley, Naanee, Dam Williams
TE - Gonzo, Winslow, Boss
DST - Chi, Wash, Ariz, Indy
PK - Hanson, Rackers, Walsh

QB - Roth, Griffin, Grossman, Skelton
RB - Rice, Bradshaw, Hillis, Hightower, TOlbert, Dwyer, Benson, J Bell, Ganaway
WR - Marshall, Maclin, Decker, Boldin, D Alexander, Douglas, V Brown, B Edwards
TE - Cook, Rudolph, Moeaki, Heap
DST - Miami, Seattle
PK Nugent, Vinatieri

QB - Freeman, Bradford, Tebow, McCoy
RB - McCoy, Wells, BJGE, Brinkley, Jacobs, D Carter, M Moore, C Polk
WR - Jordy, Austin, Britt, Amendola, L Moore, Gibson, McNutt, Ocho, Parker, M Williams (Sea)
TE - Keller, Fasano, Scheffler
DST - SF, Jax
PK - Bailey, Longwell, Scobee

QB - Cutler, Fitz, Campbell, T Jax
RB - MJD, Sproles, R Bush, A Green, Grant, Kuhn
WR - R White, M Williams (TB), N Washington, L Robinson, D Nelson, S Moss, Gaffney, Evans, Armstrong
TE - Witten, Pettigrew, Z Miller, Pitta
DST - Car, Cincy, Denver
PK - Carpenter, Gostkowski, Succop

Dragons -- TEAM TO BEAT ---
QB - Newton, Ponder, Hill, Webb
RB - Forte, Helu, Dwill, Hillman, D Wilson
WR - VJax, Collie, DHB, Baldwin, Jeffery, Massaquoi, MSW, SSmith (STL), Hagan
TE - Gronk, Gates, D Allen, L Green
DST - Pitt, GB, Minny
PK - Hartley, Feely, Kasay, Suisham, Bullock

Fantasy QB
QB - Brady, Locker, Hoyer
RB - D Murray, SJax, Redman, Pierce, B Brown, C Clay, Rainey, Ringer, K Williams
WR - T Smith, D Moore, M Floyd (SD), B Quick, D Baldwin, J Shipley, Avant, TJ Graham, K Wright
TE - Hernandez, Fleener, Carlson, Housler
DST - Ten, Atl
PK - Barth, M Bryant, Zuerlein

QB - Stafford, Palmer, Cassell, Gabbert
RB - F Jax, McGahee, Ridley, Snelling, Ware, Ivory, Hilliard, Harper
WR - Welker, St Johnson, S Holmes, M Floyd (AZ), G Tate, Walter, Ogletree, Cotchery, Benn
TE - Finley, Olsen, Beckum
DST - Oak, St Louis, NEP
PK - Akers, Crosby, Prater

Rout U Out
QB - Vick, Flynn, Kafka
RB - Foster, Best, Tate, K Smith, Vereen, Addai, Hardesty, Moreno, B Scott
WR - Wallace, Harvin, Crabtree, Ford, Givens, Norwood, Posey, Royal, Schilens
TE - Gresham, Moore, Cameron, Chandler
PK - Graham, Janikowski, Novak

Sideline Sage
QB - Ryan, Luck, Weeden, Redman
RB - Charles, Greene, P Thomas, Hunter, McKnight, B Jackson, D Lewis, M Reece
WR - Calvin, Nicks, Colston, Wayne, Manningham, J Jones (GB), Gettis, Criner, Coale, Binns
TE - Celek, Daniels, Watson, D Walker
DST - Jets, SD
PK - Kaeding, Lindell

Team Atkins
QB - Eli, Schaub
RB - T Richardson, AD, Ryan Williams, M Goodson, B Saine, Lamar Miller, V Ballard, Tanner
WR - Bowe, Garcon, Blackmon, Simpson, Hankerson, S Hill, R Cobb, B Hartline, D Avery, A Arrington, R Broyles, G Childs, TY Hilton
TE - Jimmy Graham, D Clark, L Stocker
DST - Buf, KC
PK - Mare, J Brown

Team Harrison
QB - Brees, Flacco, Daniel, Hanie, Taylor
RB - Lynch, D Brown, M Bush, Ball, Bell, T Jones (Oak), Royster, Turbin
WR - Cruz, DJax, A Brown, Burleson, Cooper, Henderson, Hixon, D Jones, E Sanders
TE - F Davis, M Lewis, Cooley, K Davis
DST - Gmen, Philly
PK - Gould, Hauschka

Team Trent
QB - Rivers, Hasselbeck, A Smith
RB - CJ2K, Turner, Ingram, Starks, Choice, Karim, McCluster, L StephensHowling
WR - Fitz, D Thomas, S Rice, T Young, D Bess, A Roberts, Cribbs, Doucet, Hawkins, Jenkins, Knox, Morgan
TE - M Bennett, Dickson, McMichael
DST - Bal, Cle
PK - Dawson, Folk

QB - Rodgers, Dalton
RB - J Stewart, D Martin, Gerhart, Quizz Rodgers, Lamichael James, R Jennings, B Powell, LT, Woodhead
WR - AJ Green, Dez, Lloyd, Randle, Jacoby Jones, Roy Williams, Plax, Driver, Hester, L Jean, Stokely
TE - Tamme, Kendricks, Shiancoe, Shockey, Ballard
DST - Detroit
PK - Henery, Tynes

Aces Wild2
QB - Romo, Orton, Moore, Tannehill
RB - Mathews, Spiller, Felix, D Thomas, Pead, R Brown, Casey, Hester, McClain, L Washington
WR - Julio, Jennings, Little, Lafell, Sanu, Bennett, Jernigan, M Thomas
TE - V Davis, H Miller, Dreesen, Rodriguez
DST - Dallas, Houston
PK - R Bironas, Cundiff

Okay, there's the hard part, entering the rosters, I'll get some time to analyze later.

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:15 pm
by boutrous11
At first glance, I really like Azzuri and Aceswild2. decent depth everywhere.

If Team Trent can overcome the obvious hole at TE, I like that team too.

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:50 pm
by Captain Hook
The one problem I see with Aces Wild is that while the four quarterbacks assures the backup plays it doesn't do anything to help with the bye weeks or just a bad game.

Ideally at quarterback you have one QB1, one solid QB2 and one that will at least start every week even if you don't expect huge games from him (the last spot can be made up for with two who might get jobs but if they don't you only have two real quarterbacks).

I also see an awful lot of teams trying to get away with two K and/or two DST - In Draftmaster leagues you really want three of each to give you a chance for a playable score each week.

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:03 pm
by Diesel
Captain Hook wrote:
I also see an awful lot of teams trying to get away with two K and/or two DST - In Draftmaster leagues you really want three of each to give you a chance for a playable score each week.

This is another example of how you will pass my team up, as you look for the ONE to stand out. All bases are covered. If Cutler does what he should with Marshall there, and Fitzpartick does what he did last year, my QB's are ok. My RB's will score a bunch in this new format. Roddy White will be the stud, while my eclectic bunch of wr's behind White will randomly have their chances at hitting my draftchampions starting lineup. My TE's are set. As Capt. Hook stated, I've got my THREE defenses and THREE kickers.

This was a fun draft...I was very tired after this one, but it's all worth it. Good luck to everyone. I'm writing my speech to accept my $10,000 check right now. :D

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 3:13 pm
by boutrous11
$10,000 check already spoken for.
Matthews, Murray, D Martin,Hillman,Jennings,Herron,Ringer
Wallace,Maclin,T Young,Quick,Cobb,E Sanders, D Jones,Posey,K Martin,AJ Jenkins
Fleener, Cook, Pitta
Tenn, Miami
Henerey,Succop, Nugent,Dawson

Re: Red vs. Blue Live NFFC $150 DC IS NOW SOLD OUT!

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 4:18 pm
by FantasyQB
Since this draft was part of my Road to Vegas prep, I posted my analysis here: or, even more fun, listen to the recap: