Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by Eddiejag » Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:03 pm

Originally posted by Ponch:
Sorry, late on this one cuz' I don't post much these days but, "Superstar Donny T" he says......sounds like an O.G., early-80's, bleached-blonde, fat-gut, two-bit, C-grade Pro Wrestler. F'in Edward G man. Great stuff Ponch,wasnt there a bleach blonde wrestler in the 70's called Super Star Billy Graham.I still like Super Star Donny T better.
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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by Azzurri » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:48 am

Originally posted by larry schechter:
Where has DT gone? He starts this thread, gets a ton of responses, and disappears?

Yes, Jahvid can't run now. I picked up Maurice Morris on two teams yesterday. worked out great. Too bad it's too little, too late for those teams. Because i knew what he was going to need to come back and keep saying the same thing.. LEGAL COLLUSION or worse imo. U guys are like most other contest boards a big click that sticks mostly together and stays away from any good new players who you may not feel fit in or who you don't like because they cant spell or have bad grammar. Listen up guys..i know what went all can think whatever you want but that was done to block our team from getting Obomanu and having a much better chance of catching Blackhand. Had Ed not bid on Obo(oh i just happen to own Mike X Williams also..strange that im the one who would be going after Obo the most huh)? Had he not bid on Obo i would have likely had a 25 point or so lead in points and great chance to at least win the league points wise but now Im still behind and don't have him and Mike X is down.i had the next highest bid on Obo and would have had him to to play this week and going forward. I sure about what he did and why he did it at this point and anyone who doubts it needs to learn what 2+2 = 4 is fact. Why come back and here take the abuse i knew was also coming seeing im new and don't have the greatest grammar or way of saying things and
Ed is a board/contest vet?

Then all that happens is this gets really stupid and never ends and just gets more ugly. I am likely done here anyways so you guys can **** all over me and have your laughs. I don't really care I won't be around to see it. I didn't even want to come here for this..wish i hadn't really but i do know what went down on pick ups this last week. He can say whatever he wants. I knew what he was gonna say..he plays it out he never quits even though i know im done and know and cant win anything. Then twist it to make me the bad guy, what ya think i thought he would stand up and admit he did it to block me and help Frank win the league points wise? Think i expected that and him to post his taped phone call with Frank about it. This was easy to see what eh was doing. Ed had ZERO to play for not even his opponents these last two weeks had any chance to do anything win lose or draw, he had enough to field a competitive team without making any moves. All he could do was block my team PERIOD nothing else could be done my making those pick ups. Come on he pick up Romo dam it! He will be watching this contest play out if when Romo plays again..yet Romo would have been a near perfect fit for my team...enough now..stop the BS its obv what went down here. I'm done with this its just sickening to me now. Ed had no honor for the hobby doing what he did, he doesn't know my situation or if i really could have used the winning cash or not. He wants to see someone he likely knows and likes win it and not my team. There is nothing else i can figure or accept at this point all things considered. I was wondering for weeks why Blackhand was leaving himself with such little bid monies going into th last 2-3 weeks..well i found out he had others to protect his interests if needed. i

I will say this, i do have tons of experience over the years in high stakes playing..leagues, Sats etc. this is my first venture in a high stakes main event and although i would be shocked if ti was, could what he did be common place, do owners do what he did in every league in all these big cash main event contests? Do last place teams play it out cut throat all the time no matter if in first or last place with no chance of making the playoffs? If so then dam i just could be wrong. Hey guys I love this hobby as much as anyone and have great passion for it and do likely take it to seriously(if thats possible lol)and that does get me in tough spots sometimes out here but this thing stinks like holy hell and if it smells like crap it usually is crap. For my first year in this contest and first try at any main event which Ive played my ass off in and to go down like this and see a possible $3,600 profit go down to a very possibly now $150 net LOSS because of this situation sucks bad for me.

Please understand I am not here to make enemies over this guys and really like most all you guys alot but I've had enough here. Ive been up all weekend and am exhausted and am sorry about all this actually but thats the way I see this and no one could ever prove it otherwise to me. It's just to easy to read from where i am sitting in that league. Think what you want...i truly believe it was LEGAL COLLUSION AND OR FRIENDLILY BS-PERIOD Whatever sense that might make..but im sure you catch my drift at this point. I am even to tired to spell check and keep editing this post so im sure you all have fun on me for this posts spelling typos and mistakes but im exhausted and hitting the sack as soon as i hit add reply and im sure most will get my points.............So

Honestly good luck going forward all and U two Frank you have a great team and i don't really think in my heart you had anything to do with this first hand. I do think there is more than meets the eye on what happened though even if you were totally oblivious to it i feel it was done with your best interests in mind.

Do not expect another post from me on this or any other matter at this point peeps I know when im not accepted........ but for real...

Happy Holidays & Good Health to All..even u Ed ;)


[ November 29, 2010, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: DT ]
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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by Coltsfan » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:31 am


This is a 16 week contest for EVERYONE so yes it is very commonplace for teams that aren't near the top of the standings to continue to pick up players and try to win. The prizes in the consolation round are significant so it's well worth picking up players that will make your team better.

You asked if last place teams play it out and the answer is yes. You said that if they do then you could be wrong. The answer is yes again, you are wrong. Sorry man, but you're just way off base here and it has nothing to do with me posting on these boards all of the time.

By the way, I picked up Obomanu and this week and started him. And yes I'm out of it. My only problem is that I have so many friends in my Chicago League that I'm not sure who I colluded for or against.


[ November 29, 2010, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Coltsfan ]

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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by BLACKHAND » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:16 am

don , you are a sad man. for you to not step back and say that your sorry and continue this stupid stuff is nuts. i almost never get pissed off bout fantasy stuff but let me tell you that i feel like doing an andre johnson on you. all jokes aside , all you had to do was say that your sorry instead of being a jerk and all would be cool. if everyone played like eddie then true winners would be on top of all divisions. i honestly thought you were just caught up in the moment but now i believe you are just a dope. i kinda feel bad for you dude.

Greg Ambrosius
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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:04 am

Don, you are right this is probably your last go-around in the NFFC. Your post above is ridiculous and your explanation even more insulting. Owners don't have to "let" someone win a league title; you have to earn it. To earn it, you need to have depth all year long. You can't expect anyone in your league to "give" you a free agent you don't have before Week 12. C'mon man, this is the big leagues. Every owner should compete through the end of the season and Obo is as good a pickup for Eddie's team as anyone else's, including yours.

There's no reason for NFFC folks to jump all over Don going forward. He's stated his case and his beliefs are his own, even though I strongly feel they are misguided. All owners should play out the string and pick up the top free agents who should help them win each and every game and make their teams better in the post-season contests. This plays out for every team through 16 weeks, not just through 13.

Eddie did nothing wrong. Frank did nothing wrong. Don's post is insulting. And it's a shame.
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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by BLACKHAND » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:17 am

eddie , i need you to pick up a couple guys this week. this is top secret. it all depends on you.

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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by renman » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:41 am


I am not going to pile on or mock you. I feel this is simply an example of pain being vented due to the stakes. I think you are frustrated and want to win/cash so bad it is clouding your ability to see the big picture. ALL teams should play out the season to the best of their ability whether they have a chance to win/cash or not. ALL TEAMS (who miss the playoffs) have a chance to win money in the consolation round and making efforts to better your team (via faab) for that contest is important.

If you took a step back and realized that you are saying "I think all teams out of it should quit so the teams who are in the hunt can have an unchallenged path to the league title" I think you will realize you are off base. Did the Buffalo Bills give up yesterday so the Steelers (who are in the hunt for the post season) could have an easy win? Do you think it would have been right for them to give up? Is that proper competition?

If you have some kind of evidence that multiple owners conspired to hurt your team that is a different story. I will tell you there were some free agents I coveted last week that last place teams outbid me on and hurt my chances of winning my league. It is part of the game.

I hope you are able to calm down and recognize how proper competition should take place in a professional higher stakes fantasy league. Once you do you will start to realize how much fun these competitions can be and how much pride you can get from having success in them.

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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by boutrous11 » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:03 am

You knew Obamanu would have a huge week after this "fiasco."

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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by FatPerez » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:18 pm

Snake, stop playin'! Boy, you so crazy, you know you're banned from the boards right now. Stop that! Your name ain't DT, stop! ;)
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Boston league BS..Ethics be dammed!

Post by larry schechter » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:32 pm

Blackhand -- Man, you're being careless with that shoe phone. From now on, only discuss this under the "cone of silence."

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