Page 7 of 9 Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:35 am
by moyer1313
The room worked for the most part. It is not as pretty as some others, but I don't particularly care about that. The only appearance problem I have, that affects my ability to draft effectively, has been noted several times and that is with the Chat box.

1.) If the Chat box can not be made smaller, then switch it with the box below it that shows the teams and their money. That information is much more important than the Chat box.

2.) When time ran out to nominate a player, the pick was skipped. Should it be that way?

I prefer that it be skipped, but I don't think that is the best way to go.

If the draft goes long because someone was late or had connection problems, and therefore someone else has to leave before it is over, they should be able to queue up 40 WRs and automatically have nominated whatever WR is at the top of their queue when they time out each time.

Otherwise, they could end up with only 16 players on their team and/or without a K or DEF.

They would be at a disadvantage through no fault of their own.

3.) If time runs out to nominate, and a player is suppose to be auto-nominated, hopefully, the player comes out of the queue and not the list of players.

4.) We did not go long enough to see what happens when we get down to $1 players and no one can bid.

Is there 45 seconds to nominate followed by 15 seconds of no bidding or does someone nominate thier player and then just get him without having to wait for the 15 second timer?

If this would require a change, I understand that this would require reprogramming and would hope that it could be added for next year.

5.) Another change that may need to wait until next year was mentioned during the draft, but I forget who said it. There are words that say something about nominating while we are waiting for someone to nominate. Can those words (I don't remember what they were) be replaced with the name of whoever is suppose to nominate?

If the Chat box were made smaller or switched with the box below it that has the "YES" for who can nominate, then #5 isn't necessary.

All-in-all, if a draft were held tonight, I believe that the draft would be able to be completed without anyone getting the short end of the stick because of functionality, but I also believe that it would take longer than usual because there would be more rollbacks than usual.

Thank you,
Follow Me

[ July 27, 2011, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Follow Me ] Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:06 am
by Roger
When you get the bugs worked out to everyone's satisfaction, can you debut one or two of these auction drafts as one of your 60's nights? I believe there are many people out there unfamiliar with auction drafts who would be willing to test it out at an inexpensive price point. It will also give some of us more seasoned auction veterans an inexpensive opportunity to try out the software before making a bigger investment into the satelite auctions. Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:23 am
by boutrous11
i'm in for a $60 auction. Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:07 am
by Roger
I'm in for 60 as well. Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:43 am
by SS
Me too, obviously depending what day and time it is. Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:23 pm
by telestar
[I agree with Mark's comments above for the most part - the site does not have to be very slick, but the chat box issue, the too-long duration to make a nomination, and the lack of an announcement that a player is about to be sold took away from the effectiveness. Personally, I also think there should be an "auto" for owners that miss their turn to nominate - that way the system could nominate the next highest ranked player and everyone would not have to wait until the clock ran out as the same owner did not nominate anyone each time. Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:19 pm
by weber7777
the biggest issue is the sound.. you have to have a warning when a player is about to be taken.. if someone doesn't like the sound, simply mute it, but i couldn't keep track of what was going on.. i didn't like the site at all.. i think espn's auction site is awesome and i've seen others much better.. hopefully they can work out the kinks.. Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:07 am
by moyer1313
Originally posted by weber:
the biggest issue is the sound.. you have to have a warning when a player is about to be taken.. if someone doesn't like the sound, simply mute it, but i couldn't keep track of what was going on.. i didn't like the site at all.. i think espn's auction site is awesome and i've seen others much better.. hopefully they can work out the kinks.. ESPN is prettier, but I don't particularly care about that. They use a lot of screen space for stuff I don't need.

With the sound fixed and the Chat box reduced, I would prefer MFL.

Follow Me Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:45 am
by Diesel
Originally posted by Follow Me:
quote:Originally posted by weber:
the biggest issue is the sound.. you have to have a warning when a player is about to be taken.. if someone doesn't like the sound, simply mute it, but i couldn't keep track of what was going on.. i didn't like the site at all.. i think espn's auction site is awesome and i've seen others much better.. hopefully they can work out the kinks.. ESPN is prettier, but I don't particularly care about that. They use a lot of screen space for stuff I don't need.

With the sound fixed and the Chat box reduced, I would prefer MFL.

Follow Me
[/QUOTE]Sorry to go off topic, but every time I see 2007-2009's avg ppg and $0 won on the bottom on your posts, I cringe. I'm pretty sure I stopped whining about all of the 3rd place finishes I've had, after you started using that on your posts. Lol. Damn! Teams Up With NFFC For Auction Software

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:39 pm
by boutrous11
so when's the first 60s auction? this week?