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Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:22 am
by renman

the intent of the NFFC is to create a game that mirrors real football management as close as possible.. again, you are another person who tries to divert attention from the point by making up one that i never made. the SPIRIT of the game is that you pick up the QB's you need to produce on the field or as backups that you might use... it is NOT to take all the remaining QB's to block other owners from being able to even field a lowest tier QB...

it comes down to two things..

-are we here playing a real sporting game as sportsmen?


-are we playing something silly like dungeons and dragons and looking for little gimmicks and loopholes to exploit an imperfect game...

taking all the QB's when you do not need them and have no intention of ever using them is not a sporting move...

ps. i am flattered my posts effected you enough to "break down" the meaning and definition of "loophole"

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 11:36 am
by Gordon Gekko
Originally posted by renman:
again, you are another person who tries to divert attention from the point by making up one that i never made. i'm guessing your fast fingers got you on this one. re-read my post. i didn't make up any points on your behalf. i asked you a couple follow-up questions to your post. fast freddie there.

Originally posted by renman:
the SPIRIT of the game is that you pick up the QB's you need to produce on the field or as backups that you might use... it is NOT to take all the remaining QB's to block other owners from being able to even field a lowest tier QB... maybe in your world....the minority. it's good to know that if i'm in a league with you, you won't try and block me, otherwise you'd be a full-blown hypocrite.

Originally posted by renman:
it comes down to two things..

-are we here playing a real sporting game as sportsmen?


-are we playing something silly like dungeons and dragons and looking for little gimmicks and loopholes to exploit an imperfect game...Both. Best you learn the groundrules before it happens to you.

Originally posted by renman:
ps. i am flattered my posts effected you enough to "break down" the meaning and definition of "loophole" it took all of 1 minute. if that flatters you, well, you figure it out.

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 12:09 pm
by renman
here is an example of you making up something i never even implied...

"get you learn the groundrules before it happens to you"...

i know full well this is within the rules, yet you INVENT that i am saying otherwise. this is what people who like to bicker on message board do. they INVENT things someone else never said or even implied to give themselves a basis to argue. i know this was within the rules, i simply think it is a classless move that is not within the SPIRIT of the rules...

and, no.. i would not try to "block you" by taking all remaining players available in a situation you need them. that has zero to do with football or even fantasy football, and everything to do with micro managing the gimmicks that fall outside the game...

if i am going to win, i am going to win because i made the right moves, scounted the right matchups, drafted the right players... not because i saw a chance to "play" some other owner who was stuck taking one of the worst QB's left on the bottom of the barrel...

but i am into real sports, i am athletic, i am a sportsman, and compete at multiple things... i am not someone who plays board games or role playing fantasy games on the computer... so maybe my perspective is different.

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 12:38 pm
by kjduke
Originally posted by renman:

i guess you feel that a chop block, away from the play, that ends someone's career or season is ok, because it is legal? No, I don't

Originally posted by renman:
again, people keep MAKING UP that i am saying someone broke a rule here... i never did say that I never said that. The "making up things" seems to be what you are doing now, i.e., I should think a chop block is OK because of my stance on using the ww to block a pickup. Quite a stretch of your imagination.

Originally posted by renman:
, nor did i say the owner who got burned here put himself into that situation somewhat... but buying up all the free agent QB's left on the free agent list is outside the spirit of the game and unsportsmanlike... sorry. we just disagree on that, nothing more to say

[ November 14, 2004, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: KJ Duke ]

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:00 pm
by renman
kj duke...

you and some others here think "alls fair as long as within the rules"... but you do not think chop blocks are ok? but they are within the rules? i used that point because we ALL KNOW that some things, though within the rules, are not within the SPIRIT OF THE GAME... it was not a stretch at all.. was a perfect example of my point.

the guy who got "played" messed up by leaving himself in that vulnerable situation.. but it was a classless move to pick up all the QB's remaining to block him from having a player.. it is not within the spirit of the game... its just silly.

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:53 pm
by kjduke
Originally posted by renman:
kj duke...

you and some others here think "alls fair as long as within the rules"... but you do not think chop blocks are ok? but they are within the rules? i used that point because we ALL KNOW that some things, though within the rules, are not within the SPIRIT OF THE GAME... it was not a stretch at all.. was a perfect example of my point.

the guy who got "played" messed up by leaving himself in that vulnerable situation.. but it was a classless move to pick up all the QB's remaining to block him from having a player.. it is not within the spirit of the game... its just silly. Let's separate the elements of real football and maybe you'll understand my point.

(1) Playing the game.
(2) Running the business of the team.

You are equating a tactic which is the equivalent to the business side of the game (FAAB management) to on-field sportsmanship. I see those two elements as having a wholly different realm when it comes to sportsmanship.

Things that I would consider unsportsmanlike:
* I lock you out of your house so that you cannot manage your team
* I hack your system so you cannot manage your team
* I chop block you on your way home from work so you cannot manage your team

Not unsportsmanlike:
* I out-maneuver you in managing FAAB in whatever way possible.

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 3:48 pm
by dgamblnman
This thread gets lamer by the moment. Comparing chop-blocks to team management???? Did I read that correctly. ARe we comparing real sports to fantasy, if so, team management put in waiver claims all the time to stop players from going to another team. It happens all the time.

If we are just looking at a fantasy point only, you have a maximum roster, don't exceed it and pick up any players you want.

Where is the problem...

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 4:04 pm
by Dyv
LOL - chop blocking on the way home from work...


I'm laughing so loud my wife is glaring at me ;)

Ren, I'm glad you have some passion around this situation and I'm okay if you disagree with me. That's no problem whatsoever. Personally, I play this game to win to the fullest extent of my ability. Everything within the rules that is logical and ethical I will do and use to exploit any opportunities for my team or any weaknesses for the people I am trying to beat. I will win gracefully and lose more gracefully, but I will not win or lose based on some moral compassion I feel for another owner's poor planning or weakness.

You may compete on a higher moral plane than I do and I applaud you for your supreme ethics and cleaner path to heaven or nirvana or whatever you may or may not believe in.

For myself, I play to win. Period.

Good luck, hope we find a league together in the future. I'll try to win and you feel good about your morals and we'll both be happy ;)


Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 4:06 pm
by Route Collectors
It's hilarious that this thread has accumulated 5 pages. Sounds like a few group members M.Martz referred to in last weeks press conference.

KJ - You're 3rd point in unsportsmanlike conduct is TOOOOOOOO funny!

Just for the record, I can't think of anybody I want to win more than me. So I would take your last QB or maybe even your last meal, if it would help achieve the goal.

JP - I may also be considering your same strategy in week 13. I don't know if that's a chop block, but I probably don't care. :D

Classless act or good strategy??

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 4:18 pm
by Shooey
"The only available PLAYING QBs on the wiver wire are: Q.Carter, C.Krenzel, K.Boller, B.Volek and D.Garrard."

I could be wrong but doesn't look like anybody had Ramsey in your league. Turns out he outscored Harrington, Carr, Roethlisberger, Hasselbeck, Krenzel, Q. Carter, Brunell, Garcia, McCown, and Bledsoe. Heck even Holcomb scored 8 pts which was still more than half those guys. Backup Qbs but these weren't injury replacements. It wasn't out of the realm of possibility that either would get the call if the starter faltered, especially Ramsey. With all the starters gone, think you have to stretch the mind and at least roll the dice ...